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Hajimemashite minna san....welcome to my site on my fave Japanese Pop Culture likes such as dramas, movies, magazine scans, promo events etc. Mainly concentrate on my faves...Risa Watanabe... Miku Tanaka... Yui Kobayashi....Miyuki Watanabe.... Nene Shida.... if you're a fan at all of any of them then you've come to the right place(!) but many others are featured here besides them. Do mainly quick reviews on things I've watched, try to make the reviews brief, quick to read through with not too many spoilers, just whether they're good or bad and why I thought so plus whether you may find them enjoyable. Many, many screenshots are included from everything I've watched plus any video trailers if they're available. Hope you find something that interests you, don't hesitate to comment, arigato gozaimasu!

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Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Miru Shiroma: A little bit of this and that....


 Gulp, could stop after those two pics and this would still be considered one of the top posts of the year!!!! If you're one of the few who haven't viewed the "Love Rush" photobook post the link is right above and can't think of any more adjectives to describe it. That post is close to moving into the top ten for all time views as it has about 8,500 to date, did the post exactly fifteen months ago. Don't know what the previous record was but in it's first year the post received around 8,100 views so that'll be the record for most views in a year and in an odd way I'm surprised the total isn't a bit higher.

 Yesterday mentioned in a post how it seems every other month is either busy or slow for my faves, that trend actually began in December which was a slow month. Then January, March and May there were the usual amount of posts for my faves but a huge decrease in the other months. So if the trend continues then June should be a month hurting for posts too. But going to make sure that doesn't happen and think the posts will be a bit smaller but isn't a post with forty or so new pics better than none at all? It sure is to me and about forty new pics(more?) is what is on tap for today but some are so sweltering maybe your heart can't take any more than forty?!?!

 Miru's first post of the year wasn't until May 19th but it looks like she may go out on a bang and hopefully there will be two more coming up. What I mean by going out on a bang is that after a decade with NMB Miru will be graduating and she's the last first generation member standing. But when that graduation will become official is unknown at this point, even to her. Her graduation concert was supposed to held on May 30th in Osaka but had to be cancelled. Miru deserves at least one farewell concert but looks like if there is to be one or more it'll have to be streamed live.

 Then again it's not a bad thing if she stays with NMB a tad longer, Miru is still just 23 in age and this is not the best of times to leave such a solid career as the entertainment industry has really slowed down this year. Don't have any exact details on what's going on for the moment and neither does she which she talks about in a new interview with the Laughmaga site. Here's the link to the interview where she says a graduation will be taking place but the date is still up in the air: Laughmaga interview

 Of course Miru will be he center for her final NMB single which is titled "Shidare Yanagi", these are the covers for it. It'll be released on June 16th but may have been wise to wait a week or two as Nogi's new single is coming out tomorrow. The group's last single which she co-centered was sadly the lowest selling single in NMB's history.

 So after mid or late July wonder when we'll see the another Miru post, kind of surprised she has only 29 to date. A good question too is will there ever be another NMB post, a group one could go either way but soon I'll finally have the first solo post for her scorching mate who looks much younger but is actually two months older....

 Few recent pics from her Instagram page and she still posts many videos on her YT channel.

 In a pleasant surprise Miru will be having a graduation photobook and is it possible to top "Love Rush"? Perhaps not but then again it still could be the top PB of the year. It'll be coming out on July 7th, title of it will be "Reborn" and the pics for it were taken in Kagoshima and Yakushima. Just a few advance pics have come out for it and how about those top two?!?! Don't know why it's called Reborn as Miru's old version was kind of unbeatable....

 Miru's next post should have her spread for the next issue of BLT. These are from the photo shoot and going to be tough for the spread to top these heart attack inducing pics....

 It was actually a larger post than I thought and am I going to miss posting about her after the graduation. Of course there will be some for Miru but not nearly as many as the last two years which have totaled fourteen. Last set of pics is from the June 22nd issue of Flash which has some outtake pics from the book and how about that third pic! That fifth one is pretty darn alluring too and after the pics check out a promo video for her last NMKB single which is quite an interesting view.


  1. 5th and last pic of the Flash mag are 👌👌. She's on my side of the bed

  2. Think Miru will really appreciate that comment, will tell her when she comes home later on.... though may have to wait until breakfast, gulp....
