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Thursday, September 6, 2018

AKB48: "Sailor Zombie" drama- episode four recap

 Air Dates: April 18th to July 19, 2014 on TV Tokyo Friday nights at 12:52 am

Main Cast:

The AKB members

Nana Owada as Maiko
Juri Takahashi as Mutsumi
Rina Kawaei as Momoka

Plus the sub unit trio of Milk Planet who sing the theme song and introduce the episodes

The rest....

Rina Koike as Arina
Karin Aiba as Nakajima
Seira Maeda as Mao
Yumi Iida as Iori
Rika Kazami as Tabuchi
Reiko Fujiwara as Reiko
Kei Ishibashi as teacher Koyuki
Kazuyuki Aijima as the Principal

 Bit late in starting this series but better late than never. It's actually a trend for me as I seem to enjoy a drama more a few years after it's aired instead of trying to keep up with a current show. This should be the shortest recap that I'll be doing for this series. Wasn't that fun nor interesting save for the beginning and end, not enough of Juri and Rina in this episode.

 A show is about 22 minutes long, after the first five in this episode we didn't see Mutsumi(Juri) or Momoka(Rina) at all. Momoka is still being blamed for the disappearance of her 'friend' Reiko, nothing much gets discussed about it in this show but it's a big part of the next few shows. We did catch a small glimpse of Arina who tragically was bitten in the last show by a zombie.
 Getting bit by one must have the same effect as getting bitten by a vampire as Arina has come back to 'life' as a zombie. Though it was only mentioned for about twenty seconds seems as though there may be a vaccine to bring a zombie back to it's original human form which means we'll probably see Arina back among her friends soon.
 That vaccine is at the Fujimi hospital which the girls haven't been able to get to yet. There was a group of four students who had left the school on a journey, think the hospital was their destination but they stumbled upon a horde of zombies and were separated. Actually it was just Maiko who ended up lost from the others and she's the only student we saw after the five minute mark.

 Maiko wasn't totally lost as she passed by a coffee shop she used to frequent. Glancing inside she saw three zombies passed out(?) in the shop, one was the boy she adored who was Takumi. Thinking he was dead Maiko proceeded to go on her way but was chased down by Takumi even though zombies can't run.
 However Takumi explained to Maiko he wasn't a zombie, he's been impersonating one so they wouldn't attack him and so far his act has worked. The pair hid out in a greenhouse and reminisced about old times, they hadn't been dating though Maiko really wanted to be Takumi's girlfriend. Takumi also confessed those were his feelings and asked if he could kiss her. Maiko was about to take the plunge when out of nowhere the Milk Planet trio appeared in her mind.
 Usually we don't see them too often during a show but they had to be in four or so scenes in this episode. They kept telling Maiko not to kiss Takumi, Maiko is such a fan of the group she obeyed their orders. But when Maiko said yes to being Takumi's girlfriend she thought a kiss couldn't hurt, once again she came so close to a huge smooch but this being an idol drama such an act is taboo so for now Maiko still hasn't kissed a male though unsure about females....

 During their talk the amount of zombies outside the greenhouse had rapidly risen, it seems the pair may not have much time until the zombies break in to attack them. Takumi tells Maiko not to worry, he's been able to fool zombies up until now so he tells her she should be able to impersonate a zombie too. Maiko tries but isn't as adept as Takumi is though the pair do manage to leave the greenhouse.
 Seems as though the act is working, Maiko has been able to maneuver through the pack of zombies. Not through all of them though as one zombie is a bit suspicious of Maiko, sensing she's really a human he gets into his attack mode. But in the nick of time Takumi jumped in to save the day but once again a hero ends up getting severely hurt.
 That's Takumi and like Arina in the previous episode he gets bit by a zombie. Not only that but the bite went so deep Takumi's arm fell off(!), not too gory but hopefully a prelude for upcoming shows. Naturally it's just a matter of time until Takumi dies and becomes a zombie, there's nothing that can be done. Maiko stands over her potential boyfriend for a few moments, realizing there's nothing she can do Maiko departs as Takumi dies and should come back soon as a zombie. In the final few seconds as Takumi is lying on the ground a mysterious figure walks up to him and shoots him, no reason why and perhaps that'll be explained in the next episode as this one came to it's conclusion.

 The recap made it seem like a halfway decent show though it wasn't, had potential to be but that greenhouse scene just dragged on and on. Three out of four shows have been okay to date which is an okay percentage, have skimmed through the next two episodes and it seems like those may be the best ones to date. Unsure if when the next batch of four recaps will be but hopefully next week as I just started a Korean drama and will also be recapping that show.

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