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Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Korean drama "Your House Helper": episodes five and six recap

 Air Dates: July 4th to August 29, 2018 on KBS 2, Wednesday and Thursday nights at 10:00 pm
Two half hour shows run back to back, episode ratings were 4.0 and 4.7%

Main Cast: 

Bona(Kim Ji-Yeon) as Im Da-Young.... struggling intern who is heavily in debt
Ha Seok-Jin as Kim Ji-Woon.... the perfect house cleaner and a bit of a mystery
Ko Won-Hee as Yoon Sang-A.... jewelry designer and part time model who is also in debt
Seo Eun-A as Han So-Mi.... owner of a nail salon that's not doing well
Jeon Soo-Jin as Kang Hye-Joo.... good friend of the above three females
Jo Hee Bong as Go Tae-Soo.... owner of a small bar and Ji-Woon's boss
Yun Ju-Sang as Jang.... old man who is Da-Young's neighbor
Lee Ji-Hoon as Kwon Jin-Kook.... friend of Sang-A's ex boyfriend and could be her next one
Jung Suk-Young as Jo.... the team leader at Da-Young's office
Lee Min-Young as An Jin-Hong.... older worker at Da-Youg's office and future mentor

 Korean drama recaps or even posts about actresses don't draw a third of the views as a Nogi or other Idol post would. Wish it wasn't like that but it does make sense as this blog until two years ago was almost 100% for Japanese actresses, celebs and idols so that's the audience that usually visits here.
 These days I much prefer Korean actresses who to me are just so much more attractive. Plus the dramas are just blowing away the prime time ones from Japan the past few years though the late night shows are still quite good. At the top of each post have a short clip form one of the two episodes though for today have a short promo video for the two shows that's subbed in English.
 Right now it's a bit late on a Thursday night, bet I won't finish these two recaps until next Monday or Tuesday as I don't do too much blogging on the weekend and for me recaps take a while to do. Longer than that as it's now Wednesday and am finally back finishing the pair of posts up.

 Will still try to do these recaps talking mainly about a character's happenings for the two episodes but now that they're finally seeing each other every day the segments may be discussing everyone. In the last show Da-Young had tried renting out two rooms at her spacious house to help her pay her bills and debts. Won't be talking about the previous shows too much so it may help if you skimmed through those recaps.
 Da-Young's efforts to rent out the rooms was a massive bust, her house was such a pig sty the pair of ladies ran away in horror. From across the street the world's best housekeeper Ji-Woon had observed the women running away, he's been wondering if Da-Young will ever call him for help. She's been wondering that too but Da-Young is a bit strapped for cash as she's only making $1,500 a month as an intern at an advertising firm. She really can't afford to hire Ji-Woon as besides her low salary she also has to pay off her dead father's debts but at least the house is paid off.
 But then again if she doesn't hire Ji-Woon to clean her house she'll never be able to rent out the rooms to begin whittling her debt down. So at the beginning of the fifth episode Da-Young bit the bullet and asked Ji-Woon to come over and help her. As you can see from the screenshots the place is such a mess and the hardest thing for Da-Young to do is throw anything out. Ji-Woon orders her to start tossing her old and useless possessions out which she finds impossible to do, this continues on for the next 3-4 shows.

 Took Ji-Woon no time at all to clean the house, he's such a quick and efficient worker which is why he's in such demand even though his fees are high. He finished with the main parts of the house just in time as there's a pair of women who wish to view the rooms and those are the two in the bottom screenshot. All should know who the two are if you've read the previous recaps, in the purple dress is So-Mi and to her left is the third major character who is beyond hot and that's Sang-A.
 Before the pair entered the house they had met on the street and seems they knew each other. But from the past as Sang-A doesn't want much to do with So-Mi but goes in with her to check out the room. Sang-A had no choice as she has no place to live as she broke up with her boyfriend who may be having an affair and her best friend Hye-Joo doesn't want Sang-A staying with her. Sang-A also lives way beyond her means and it's surprising she's not more into debt.
 So-Mi also needs a place to live desperately, she's been living with her mother and can finally move out. The rooms will only be $500 a month which is perfect as neither one is doing well money wise. So-Mi owns a small nail salon which is only doing so-so business wise. Things aren't going too well as mentioned either with Sang-A who doesn't have a full time job, she tells everyone she's a jewelry designer but mainly just assembles bracelets and such for small stores and is barely making it.

 As you can see above the trio are quite uncomfortable with each other. They all went to the same high school together and were the best of friends until the eleventh grade. Though they don't want to be together for now Sang-A and So-Mi have agreed to stay at Da-Young's house, hard to beat the $500 a month rent plus it's such a spacious residence. And of course it's clean now but Ji-Woon continues to come to the house most days as it seems his job is never finished.
 Mentioned that Da-Young works as an intern at an advertising firm called PAM. She submitted a project proposal for one of their clients that her boss dismissed too quickly. The firm's top worker An has recently returned from Germany and was just in time to save an account. She noticed the proposal Da-Young worked on and was impressed by it though won't admit it to the staff. An made a few changes to it and now it may be a campaign for male housekeepers, of course that may mean
Ji-Woon will be involved though An has never met or heard of him.
 When An showed the project to the staff they loved it but she never once mentioned Da-Young's name and it looks like she's a devilish woman who is going to take the credit for Da-Young's hard work. The pair had a meeting about the project but Da-Young never brought up what An was doing to her idea, she's furious but is keeping her mouth shut for now. Not following the events in exact order, Da-Young's idea was brought up in the fifth episode but the meeting didn't take place until the end of the sixth show and this story will continue on for a while.

 While Da-Young and So-Mi are at their jobs everyday Sang-A stays home assembling her jewelry. One morning while working on a creation she spilled many pearls onto the floor, as she went to retrieve them she slipped on them and fell hard right on her back. Luckily Ji-Woon was at the house as his cleaning is never finished and he was able to bring Sang-A to the hospital. He contacted
Da-Young about the injury and she rushed to the hospital to visit her estranged friend.
 Not a severe injury as Sang-A mainly just sprained her neck but she used it to her advantage. As she's lying on her hospital bed she contacts all of her friends via e-mails and social media sites,
Sang-A is a woman who seems to always need attention. She was eventually escorted home by
Da-Young and Ji-Woon, So-Mi also rushed home when she heard the news and the injury may have been a blessing in disguise for the old friends.

 That incident with Sang-A happened in the morning, it's now evening and the trio sat down for dinner with a fourth classmate who is Hye-Joo, she's someone who gets along with all of them. The ice between the three is slowly melting and they start to discuss what went wrong with their friendships back in the 11th grade. That was six years ago, at the time Sang-A's family wasn't doing well and had petitioned for bankruptcy. It was supposed to be a secret but before long everyone at school knew of Sang-A's family and she was deeply ashamed.
 She had only told one person of her financial problems and that was her best friend Da-Young. To
Sang-A that naturally meant Da-Young was the person who had spread the story in school, until now Da-Young had never known why Sang-A had stopped being her friend all those years ago. However Da-Young denied telling anyone else the secret, if she was the only one who knew about Sang-A how did the rest of school learn of it?
 It was a secret that had been tearing apart So-Mi for so many years, she confessed it was her who told the school as she had overheard the conversation between Sang-A and Da-Young. Even though all three were friends So-Mi had felt like an outcast, blabbing about Sang-A's problems was a small way to avenge her feelings toward her friend. It didn't happen then but after sleeping on it Sang-A was able to understand what So-Mi was also going through and she did forgive her the next morning as the event did happen so long ago. For now everything seems to be back to normal for the three old friends but with 26 shows to go sure there will be a few hardships long the way. There is one more minor event which takes place just before the sixth episode ends.

 That somewhere is a high class engagement party for Sang-A's close friend Tae-Hee. But actually wonder if Sang-A has any close friends these days, her whole objective in life is to impress others with how elegant she is, she's definitely a knockout but a very shallow one. She needed an escort to the party and having broke up with her boyfriend Sang-A turns to Ji-Woon for help. He flatly refuses to go to the engagement party, high class people aren't his cup of tea.
 However Sang-A pleads endlessly with him and even offers to pay double what a day's salary would be for him, Ji-Woon is starting to care a bit for the trio of housemates so he reluctantly says yes. The party is the following day but neither has the proper clothes to wear to an extravagant affair. Sang-A brings Ji-Woon along to an elite fashion store where she purchases an expensive mink shawl for herself along with a dashing suit for him. Sang-A tells him not to worry about the money, when the party is over she plans to sneakily return the items back to the store for a full refund.
 It's party time and the pair arrive with many of the single gals ogling over Ji-Woon who keeps to himself and doesn't even drink any alcohol. As is his norm Ji-Woon eyes the hall where the party is being held for anything that could be out of sync and for it's overall cleanliness. Sang-A is mingling with her friends and giving them many lies about how well her life is going. She then drifts over to see how Ji-Woon is doing, when she arrives at his location a tragedy is about to strike. Approaching the couple is the lawyer Jin-Kook who we'll see much more of in future episodes. He's had a bit too much to drink and as he's about to say hello to Sang-A, who he really adores, Jin-Kook trips over his own two feet sending his glass of red wine towards her new $2,300 jacket. Ji-Woon jumps in the way to push her aside, the episode ends there with wine floating in air towards Sang-A.

 Think it'll be impossible for me to keep the recaps for this drama brief. Two episodes run for about an hour and can't believe how much happens in that short of time, seems much more than any other series I've viewed recently. One reason is because there's so many major characters, they do interact often with each other but also have many other things going on is their private lives. To see if the wine ends upon anyone check out the next post for the recaps for episodes seven and eight.

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