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Sunday, September 9, 2018

Korean drama "Your House Helper": episodes thee and four recap

 Air Dates: July 4th to August 29, 2018 on KBS 2, Wednesday and Thursday nights at 10:00 pm
Two half hour shows run back to back, episode ratings were 3.5 and 4.4%

Main Cast: 

Bona(Kim Ji-Yeon) as Im Da-Young.... struggling intern who is heavily in debt
Ha Seok-Jin as Kim Ji-Woon.... the perfect house cleaner and a bit of a mystery
Ko Won-Hee as Yoon Sang-A.... jewelry designer and part time model who is also in debt
Seo Eun-A as Han So-Mi.... owner of a nail salon that's not doing well
Jeon Soo-Jin as Kang Hye-Joo.... good friend of the above three females
Jo Hee Bong as Go Tae-Soo.... owner of a small bar and Ji-Woon's boss
Yun Ju-Sang as Jang.... old man who is Da-Young's neighbor
Lee Ji-Hoon as Kwon Jin-Kook.... friend of Sang-A's ex boyfriend and could be her next one
Jung Suk-Young as Jo.... the team leader at Da-Young's office
Lee Min-Young as An Jin-Hong.... older worker at Da-Youg's office and future mentor

 Huge cast as there's another five or so minor characters we see every show. There's so many dramas out there so it's so hard to choose which one(s) to watch. Didn't hear one thing about this show but it looked interesting plus I liked Bona so much in the "Girls Generation" series thought I'd give this unknown one a try. Will have a different video each post from one of the shows, the one at the top is when Sang-A first meets Ji-Woon who needs to clean her apartment. Like the previous recap will break it down by the three main characters, do like doing this style more though may switch back to the old way after this post.

 At the conclusion of the second episode Da-Young had been whisked away in a police cruiser as she had called Life Line which is the same as calling a suicide hotline. The incident took place on a bridge over the Han River, also in attendance during the scene was Ji-Woon who happened to be pedaling his bike over the bridge. Da-Young had been furious at him as she thought Ji-Woon had called the authorities on her for dumping her trash on the wrong day.
 Next recap that will be cleared up between them though it wasn't him who reported her but meanwhile Da-Young is still stuck at the police station. The officer questioning her doesn't think she's suicidal, she had explained to him her life has been in a downward spiral as her job may not be around much longer plus she owes so much money. Da-Young isn't a big spender but when her father died he had many debts and it's up to his daughter to pay them off.
 Da-Young had no person to call, she tried her friend Hye-Joo to no avail and was tempted to call
Ji-Woon as she had his business card with her. No need to make a call as out of nowhere he arrived along with his boss Tae-Soo. Da-Young had left her bag on the bridge and Ji-Woon was just returning it for her, his boss though felt so sorry for Da-Young he said they should bring her home and the police finally let her go because of Tae-Soo's request.

 That bottom screenshot lasted just for a few seconds but it was a huge hint at what's coming up, the two in the pic were old friends from Da-Young's high school days. Both are major characters in the story and in a slight spoiler all three will be reunited in the fifth episode. Not as much screen time for Da-Young during these two episodes, such a big cast is one reason for that. Da-Young has been trying to rent out two rooms in her house to help pay the bills.
 Last episode two prospective women showed up to look at the place but the house was such a pig sty both ran away in horror. Ji-Woon had witnessed the scene from across the street as he had been cleaning the apartment of an old man named Jang who is one of his many clients. Da-Young asks herself in the middle screenshot if she should hire Ji-Woon to clean her house, her attempts at making the place look presentable have been a dismal failure.
 The problem is Da-Young is strapped for money as she owes so much. However if she doesn't get her house looking spiffy there's no way she'll be able to rent the two rooms and finally begin to whittle down her debts. There are two more women who would like to view her available rooms so finally Da-Young relents and gives Ji-Woon a call, to him it was just a matter of time until she came asking for his help. Ji-Woon arrives at Da-Young's house to talk about the cleanup though by this time it's the end of the fourth episode so that scene will be picked up in the next recap.

 Ji-Woon does have a lot of screen time and could be the most important character in the show though there isn't all that much you can say about him. The man is just so passionate about cleaning houses and apartments, even when he's at a store or passing by a residence he notices what should be done to make the place cleaner. Ji-Woon does have many clients though he is very picky about whose house he'll clean as they must obey his sometimes odd requests. His fee for cleaning is much higher than others but there may not be a person on the planet who leaves a place more sparkling after a cleaning.
 Ji-Woon also gives advice on people's lives when he's doing his job, he notices pictures and letters around houses which helps him figure out what a person's life is about. With that unique talent he's helped many clients out with their family problems though to date we've heard zilch about Ji-Woon's personal life. As mentioned he is meeting Da-Young to talk about cleaning her house but before that he was hired for another job by the third major character in the show.

 Won-Hee as Sang-A had the most screen time of anyone in these two episodes which is fine by me as I just can't get enough of her. Before I go on about her there may be a fifth major character coming up. In the middle screenshot above is a lawyer named Jin-Kook who keeps running into Sang-A. We know very little about the man except that he's a friend of Sang-A's boyfriend though she has no clue who Jin-Kook is, sure starting with the seventh episode we'll be seeing a lot of him.
 Sang-A's boyfriend Yong-Joon has been in NYC on a business trip, while away she's been taking care of his house and dog. Good thing she has a place to stay as Sang-A hasn't had a full time job for a while though has been doing some work assembling jewelry, she tells everyone she's a designer.
Sang-A likes to live a wealthy lifestyle, she better think of a way to make money fast as like the two other female main characters she's going broke.
 Sang-A has received some good and bad news, at first it was good for her but it didn't turn out that way. Her boyfriend Yong-Joon is returning home for a few days, quick notice for Sang-A as he'll be arriving in about seven hours. As you can see in the above screenshot she's made such a mess of his apartment, there's no way she can clean it so what will she she do?

 Thanks to her friend Hye-Joo's suggestion Sang-A does what every woman does in an emergency and gives Ji-Woon a call. He arrives but is very reluctant to clean the place, it's not that he can't do the job but it's early evening so that means he'll have to work overnight. Sang-A pleads and pleads until Ji-Woon finally says he'll do the major job and starts on it right away. He also makes Sang-A help him as she's assigned to clean her room and the bathroom.
 Come early in the morning the job isn't quite done but they pair are making good progress. That's when Sang-A receives a call from her boyfriend, he's now back in Korea but will be too busy to come home for a few hours. To Sang-A that was the final straw for her, she's been under the impression for a while that Yong-Joon had been having an affair with a flutist named Hye-Min. She's also been in NYC during this time and it took a while but Sang-A finally figured out what's been going on. However to date we've never learned if her boyfriend has been having that affair, we see him from time to time in an episode but never long enough to explain their relationship.
 Sang-A texted him back and said she's moving out, she stays with Ji-Woon to finish cleaning the apartment. She then takes her boyfriend's dog with her and with no other place to go arrives at the apartment of her best friend Hye-Joo who wasn't there. Sang-A though is able to enter the apartment but just for a few hours. Hye-Joo rushes home as she doesn't want Sang-A staying there so what she does is recommend to Sang-A that she rent out a cheap room, she has the perfect match for her which is Da-Young's house. When the episode ends Sang-A is arriving at Da-Young's house and also at the same time arriving was an old but estranged friend of hers from the past.

 Getting close to the end, won't be as long as the previous recap. That other person in front of the house of Da-Young's is So-Mi who is in the above two screenshots. As you can see she knows who Da-Young is though the relationship between all three aren't revealed until the next two shows.
So-Mi owns a nail salon which does a so-so business, she's also still living at home though she's 23. But she's heard some wonderful news which is that her younger brother has finished his college studies and is returning home.
 That means So-Mi will be able to move out  but like her estranged friend Sang-A money is a big issue as she doesn't have much. However in Da-Young's ad for the rooms the rent will only be $500 a month which is a figure she can afford. Up until this fourth episode we hadn't seen or learned much about So-Mi but that will change beginning with the next show, that's also when her meeting with her two old friends will take place.
 The final minor character who has received a lot of screen time is Hye -Joo but there's not much to say about her. She works as a clerk in a small fashion accessory store and seems she may be the
co-owner of it with her boyfriend. That's one reason Hye-Joo didn't want Sang-A staying as in reality the apartment belongs to her boyfriend. We do see a bit more of Hye -Joo in the next few episodes and she's the key link to the old friends who have been on the outs for a while.

 Had thoughts about doing four recaps in a row but wisely decided against it. They do take a while to write up plus sure any drama fans out there wouldn't want to read four in a row. So far have really enjoyed this series, nothing special about it but the characters are all so likable plus it's a very believable storyline. Hopefully it can keep the quality up for 32 shows which is often hard to do and really wish there would be more half hour shows with only twenty episodes.
 Will take a few days break from recaps as I've done six of them in the past week with the other four being for the "Sailor Zombie" drama. Not sure which show will be recapped next but will have a few of them by Thursday. Have been taking more screenshots than usual, think almost all major details were covered but they should hep you to follow the story a bit better.

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