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Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Korean drama "Your House Helper": episodes seven and eight recap

 Air Dates: July 4th to August 29, 2018 on KBS 2, Wednesday and Thursday nights at 10:00 pm
Two half hour shows run back to back, episode ratings were 3.6 and 4.3%

Main Cast: 

Bona(Kim Ji-Yeon) as Im Da-Young.... struggling intern who is heavily in debt
Ha Seok-Jin as Kim Ji-Woon.... the perfect house cleaner and a bit of a mystery
Ko Won-Hee as Yoon Sang-A.... jewelry designer and part time model who is also in debt
Seo Eun-A as Han So-Mi.... owner of a nail salon that's not doing well
Jeon Soo-Jin as Kang Hye-Joo.... good friend of the above three females
Jo Hee Bong as Go Tae-Soo.... owner of a small bar and Ji-Woon's boss
Yun Ju-Sang as Jang.... old man who is Da-Young's neighbor
Lee Ji-Hoon as Kwon Jin-Kook.... friend of Sang-A's ex boyfriend and could be her next one
Jung Suk-Young as Jo.... the team leader at Da-Young's office
Lee Min-Young as An Jin-Hong.... older worker at Da-Youg's office and future mentor

 Above is a promo video for these two episodes, will mainly be posting those kinds of videos but will try to have different ones in the future. Thought the previous recap was a bit longish but glancing back on it didn't seem as long as I thought and I do prefer to keep these somewhat brief as when they're too long they can put you to sleep and I've read many of them on the internet that have.
 But then again when my recaps do come out to be a bit long it's also a good sign. If a drama isn't that good wouldn't waste my time writing up a thorough recap. This series through eight episodes has been excellent and if it can keep the pace up it could be #1 for me this year.

 The cliffhanger coming into the seventh show was wine spilled from a glass hurdling towards
Sang-A's new expensive jacket. The spillage was courtesy of the lawyer Jin-Kook who had tripped over his own two feet. Seeing the impending danger Ji-Woon jumped to her rescue and tried to push Sang-A out of the way. A valiant effort and most of the wine did miss her but a bit hit the back of the jacket and that's all it takes to spoil fabric like that.
 Jin-Kook immediately tried to wipe it off but was pushed aside by Ji-Woon who berated him for trying to clean her jacket that way. Ji-Woon seems to be the world's master when it comes to cleaning and he whisks off Sang-A to try to remove the stain before it gets worse. Ji-Woon did a solid job and the stain is barely noticeable but you can see just a slight discoloration. Sang-A is so distraught, it costs $2,300 and she has no way to pay for the jacket.
 Her plan was to wear it once to the engagement party and return it to the store to get a full refund, now her scheme is out of the question. Jin-Kook does offer to pay for the jacket and they exchange business cards to settle the matter later. But in front of her friends at the party Sang-A says she probably won't take him up on the offer, regardless of how broke she is Sang-A can't let any of her friends know it as she's so image conscious.

 Been saying for a few weeks now what a dazzling woman Won-Hee as Sang-A is, hope to have another solo post for her soon but still not many fans of Korean actresses here. In that middle screenshot is Tae-Hee who was the female getting engaged, she's a real looker too but her part to date hasn't been big enough.
 Sang-A had offered to pay Ji-Woon double what his usual day's pay is if he escorted Sang-A to the engagement party, that's what he's referring to in the bottom screenshot. There may be a possible relationship starting up soon for Sang-A and Jin-Kook. She didn't know he was an esteemed attorney and when she found out how wealthy he may be she forgave him quickly for the accident. The pair do communicate quite often during the pair of shows as Jin-Kook is still willing to pay the $2,300 to
Sang-A for the damage he caused.
 Eventually Sang-A swallows her pride and accepts the money but on one condition which is that she can treat him to dinner. That's a dream come true for Jin-Kook who has had a secret crush on
Sang-A for a while now but at the party was the first time they had met formally. The pair do have a date set up but that wasn't formalized until near the end so the dinner hasn't taken place yet. The next screenshot shows Jin-Kook arriving at the office Sang-A had on her business card, she's a jewelry designer but times have been tough and she had to vacate the office. During their phone conversations Jin-Kook never mentioned the office once as he's so head over heels for her and there must be a valid reason why her office is empty.

 So-Mi is the third housemate who lives in Da-Young's house, previous recap talks about what their relationship was in high school and how they've made up after being estranged for years. Though
So-Mi is a major character her role hasn't been that big yet or not nearly as huge as her two housemates. This seems to be the first time So-Mi has lived on her own, like the others she's 23 in age and had lived with her mother up until now.
 So-Mi owns a small nail salon, business was very slow at first but seems as though it's picking up a bit. One big problem which hasn't been shown yet but naturally will soon is her relationships with males. So-Mi seems so scared of the opposite sex and can barely look them in the eye. One night she had an appointment with a female customer but it had been a false name as Tae-Soo, who we didn't see much of, arrived at her salon.
 So-Mi was so taken back by the sight of him as she's never done a man's nails before. Tae-Soo is the owner of a small, elegant bar and is also the boss of Ji-Woon. The office for the cleaning company is above the bar and Tae-Soo mainly sets up the appointments for Ji-Woon, they've known each other for a while but how and why haven't been revealed to us yet. As the appointment was about to start So-Mi ran outside of her salon for a few seconds to calm herself down and while outside a very drunken man approached her.
 Tae-Soo ran out to her rescue, he seems to be a bit fond of her though their age difference has to be about twenty years. His nails never did get done because of the incident, Tae-Soo headed back to his bar but had left his phone behind. So-Mi knew where the bar was so she dropped in to return it, he wasn't there but she gave it to the bartender who was a man. Once again So-Mi became agitated in front of a male and quickly departed, long scene but her only major one in the two shows.

 That above is So-Mi trembling for on the way home she thought a man was tailing her. One appeared to be but before we knew for sure Ji-Woon appeared out of the shadows, he told So-Mi he was waiting near the house as she hadn't come home yet and was worried about her. Ji-Woon is slowly becoming a big part of the women's lives, no clue what's going to happen in the next 24 episodes but wonder if he's eventually going to move into their house?
 The third major character and the show's star is Da-Young, it's her house all three live in. She's still heavily in debt because of her father's death and she assumed all of his debts but with the rent the two are paying perhaps she can start to whittle it down. Da-Young is still working as an intern at the PAM advertising agency where she just makes $1,500 a month. Last recap discussed how Da-Young created a proposal for a client company called Silverlight but it was stolen but her superior An.
 She's an older woman and had altered Da-Young's proposal slightly and now it's a campaign for male housekeepers. At a company staff meeting An told them it was her idea which left Da-Young so confused along with being quite angry. An also wanted her to be on the team, Da-Young seems to be doing most of the work on the campaign with An taking all of the credit. Da-Young is supposed to get Ji-Woon to be the male model for the commercials, it took her so long to ask him and naturally he told her there was no way he would be involved in the project.

 Da-Young had taken some pictures of Ji-Woon cleaning her house, when she showed them to An her boss said this was the perfect person for the campaign. It was time for another meeting with the staff but also there were a few people from the Silverlight company in attendance. At it An gave a presentation for the 'Male Housekeeper' campaign, almost the entire thing was created by Da-Young who only ran the projector at the meeting.
 For a while now Da-Young has been having some severe stomach pains and has been taking way too many pills to alleviate it. During the presentation the pain became too unbearable and she had to leave halfway through it and hid out in the ladies room taking more pills which are now having no effect. Upon Da-Young's return the presentation was over but she heard it was a big success as their client loved the campaign but it was bittersweet for Da-Young as An would be taking all of the credit.

 To our surprise while Da-Young was out of the room An had told everyone that Da-Young was the person who had come up with the idea and did most of the work. That really shocked the staff and it appears finally Da-Young has a chance to be hired as a regular employee. An had told her later that she did what she did because the staff and client would have never taken Da-Young's proposal seriously and since the beginning An has been the only one to see her potential.
 Now that they've made up there's a new problem and it's trying to get Ji-Woon to be the male for their ads. As you can see he flat out refuses to be a part of the campaign, An and Da-Young had visited Tae-Soo's bar where Ji-Woon lives on the second floor. Da-Young is still having those severe stomach pains and excuses herself while An continues to talk to Ji-Woon in the hopes he'll change his mind which probably won't happen.
 Da-Young is listening to their conversation and doesn't think she's been noticed. She was wrong on that as Ji-Woon had seen her and had been observing her condition since she entered the bar. As he was staring at her Da-Young suddenly collapsed on the floor in severe pain and had passed out. Quickly Ji-Woon scooped her up and ran out of the bar into the street though it may have been a better idea to have called an ambulance. Before he departed Ji-Woon tore into An for a few seconds, how can such an 'excellent boss' not notice how sick one of her workers was? And with that we've finally reached the end of these two recaps.

 Just as long as the previous recap so hopefully that means all of the major events were covered. Also take a huge amount of screenshots which you can view below and think they help you follow the story a bit better. So far have really been enjoying this series but haven't watched an episode for a few days now. That's because up next for recaps will be the "Sailor Zombie" drama which has been good but pales in comparison to this show. Not sure when the recaps for episodes nine through twelve will be done, hopefully next week but probably not for about ten days.

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