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Thursday, September 6, 2018

AKB48: "Sailor Zombie" drama- episode two recap

 Air Dates: April 18th to July 19, 2014 on TV Tokyo Friday nights at 12:52 am

Main Cast:

The AKB members

Nana Owada as Maiko
Juri Takahashi as Mutsumi
Rina Kawaei as Momoka

Plus the sub unit trio of Milk Planet who sing the theme song and introduce the episodes

The rest....

Rina Koike as Arina
Karin Aiba as Nakajima
Seira Maeda as Mao
Yumi Iida as Iori
Rika Kazami as Tabuchi
Reiko Fujiwara as Reiko
Kei Ishibashi as teacher Koyuki
Kazuyuki Aijima as the Principal

 Bit late in starting this series but better late than never. It's actually a trend for me as I seem to enjoy a drama more a few years after it's aired instead of trying to keep up with a current show. The Milk Planet trio also appears now and again in an episode, Yui Yokoyama is one of them and she has to be one of the hardest AKB members to post about. There's hardly anything worth posting about her which is such a shame as she's one of my all time fave members from the group. She was also the best part of the second season of 'Majisuka Gakuen as Otabe,

 None of these episodes will be terrifying in the least though the stories seem decent enough. In that bottom screenshot what looks like a floating zombie is actually one that stands 45 meters high or 148 feet. The giant isn't as close as it appears so the students have a bit of time to prepare an attack or to somehow distract it from destroying the high school.
 The girl students often hang about in their classroom though it seems no classes are ever held. They sure all act so calm and collected, hard to do that when the entire world has been turned into zombies and who knows when they'll make you their next victim. The 25 girls meet up in their classroom to discuss strategy for defeating the unnamed giant zombie, an argument ensues and they break off into two groups with different ideas on what will work.

 One group led by Arina thinks putting a spell on the zombie will stop it in it's tracks. She suggested that burning your most valuable possession will make the spell stronger, being teenage girls most throw their phones in the fire. Except for Momoka(Rina) who tossed in her very expensive designer bag, one that was worth 370,000 yen! She could afford it as she was a magazine model before the zombie epidemic began two months ago, material things shouldn't mean anything to them.
 The other group that was led by Maiko and Mutsumi have come up with a different strategy that involved fashion. They noticed the giant zombie was wearing old tattered clothes with the fashion name SYSTEINE on them. Don't know my brands but am going to presume it's a real brand and one that was plugged in the show. The splinter group thought if they could create a large handbag with SYSTEINE written on it the zombie would be attracted to it.

 Not exactly the scariest of zombies but a few of them in future episodes look gorier. What the group creating the SYSTEINE bag was going to do was to tie giant balloons to the huge bag. Then they would send the bag in the opposite direction of the school, if the massive zombie was fashion conscious then hopefully it would follow the balloon.
 The zombie was a teenage gal when she was transformed so fashion was still in her blood(?), when she saw the SYSTEINE bag floating away she began to slowly tail after it. Took a while but eventually the giant zombie was no longer in sight but will it be the last we see of it? The only thing destroyed was a gas station off in the distance, you'd think that getting gas and lighting a fire around the school would either deter or kill the zombies.

 At the end we did learn that a few students have been disappearing one by one for a while, perhaps there were many more than the 25 that are left. It'll pick up in the next show but one key student, Nakajima, has gone missing and could that mean she's been transformed into a zombie? That brings us to the conclusion of this show, through two episodes it's been kind of fun though there are better shows or films in this genre, "Zomvideo" comes to mind. Halfway through this recap marathon as there's two more of them after this one.

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