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Monday, September 24, 2018

Juri Takahashi: Pair of new mag spreads plus a tad more....

 Usually when someone releases a photobook they tend to disappear and we don't hear from them for months. Luckily that hasn't been fully the case with Juri as this is her third post since her first PB "Aimai na Jibun" came out at the end of July. Like most members of the '48' family it sold only moderately with sales around 12,000 copies sold which is not in the same league as Nogi members. It's a shame as that book is one of the best for 2018 and you can say that about other gals from AKB and SKE who deserved to have higher sales.
 Perhaps there's not too many fans of the individual members and instead are just fans of AKB. I'm the opposite these days, don't care as much for AKB as I once did but still am a fan of some members and Juri could be my #1 at the moment. Should have a few more posts coming up for her next month, she'll be turning 21 on October 3rd and forgot to list her in last week's Zodiac post.

 Those above are advance pics from the upcoming issue of Bubka, does any Idol these days top Juri's hotness? Will also have her PB coming up eventually, usually like to wait a bit on those as not to affect sales. Juri isn't that big of a poster on her blog or Instagram sites but has done many more the past few weeks. Bottom two feature her getting her award for finishing 12th in this year's Senbatsu election which surprisingly was one spot lower than 2017.

 Also hope to have before the week is done the recaps for episodes five through eight of the "Sailor Zombie" drama, just need to watch the eighth show. So far it's an okay show though no award winner but there was an excellent cliffhanger to end off the seventh episode.

 On to the pair of new Juri spreads which feature outtake pics from her photobook. Up first is a way too small set from the August edition of Shukan Gendai.

 Second Juri set is from the September 14th issue of Friday and looks like the mags may be put out by the same publisher as a few pics are almost identical. No video as though Juri has so many on YT very few are that interesting, for the amount of gravure spreads she's done can't believe there's not one from any of the photo shoots.

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