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Wednesday, September 26, 2018

AKB48: "Sailor Zombie" drama episode six recap

 Air Dates: April 18th to July 19, 2014 on TV Tokyo Friday nights at 12:52 am

Main Cast:

The AKB members

Nana Owada as Maiko
Juri Takahashi as Mutsumi
Rina Kawaei as Momoka

Plus the sub unit trio of Milk Planet who sing the theme song and introduce the episodes

The rest....

Rina Koike as Arina
Karin Aiba as Nakajima
Seira Maeda as Mao
Yumi Iida as Iori
Rika Kazami as Tabuchi
Reiko Fujiwara as Reiko
Kei Ishibashi as teacher Terakawa
Kazuyuki Aijima as the Vice-Principal

 Episode title: Condemnation

 You can usually tell when I've enjoyed an episode or whether it was interesting by the amount of screenshots I take. For the third and fourth show it was only 22 for each of them but the total will be in the thirties for this and the next two recaps as this drama has been improving. We haven't seen enough of Rina K. to date though she is the focus of this and a bit of the next show.

 The previous episode had ended off with the disappearance of Arina, she had had been saved from turning into a zombie with a special antidote. She had been resting in the school's infirmary but when her saviors went back to check on her Arina was gone but there was a clue. Next to the bed was a tube of lipstick belonging to Momoka who other students have been suspecting of being the cause of other student's disappearance.
 Some of them have even come to the assumption that she's a zombie impersonating as a human. No one thought it was possible but the girls had been told it's true by the vice-principal whose name has never been said but he told the girls that lie for a reason and we'll find that out in the next recap. Momoka has been 'arrested' and is on trial for being a human in disguise, the other students will be giving testimony on why they think she is or isn't a zombie.
 One by one the girls come and tell the panel of 'judges' that they think Momoka without a doubt is a zombie in disguise. First Tabuchi describes how Momoka thought she was dead and was about to eat her but instead she had been passed out from overeating. Following her was Sasaki who told the court Momoka speaks with zombies, the whole time Momoka is watching the proceedings silently but is fuming underneath.

 Every gal took the stand to accuse Momoka of being a zombie, things aren't looking too good for her. But surprisingly one student did take her side and told the court she didn't think Momoka was a zombie. That was Mutsumi of all people and above was what she told the court. Maiko is someone I thought would stick up for Momoka but didn't, she also feels she's a zombie.
 Momoka eventually takes the stand and is in handcuffs. She rambles on for a bit about how everyone hates her though she doesn't blame anyone for those feelings. One reason is that Momoka was a magazine model before the zombie epidemic hit the world, she felt so many others were jealous of her fame and she was right about that but she had acted like a first class snob.
 Though a lot happened this will probably be the shortest recap, no sense in telling every testimony that the students gave concerning why they felt Momoka was a zombie. The three 'judges' who are made up of the vice-principal, a teacher and the father of two small boys holed up at the school are having a hard time coming to a verdict which is understandable.

 Wasn't much of a judgement, if they found Momoka guilty would they have killed her? That's unknown for now as the panel can't make up their mind either way, for now Momoka will remain locked up until they can investigate the matter further. In a way the girls didn't look too happy when they returned Momoka to her cell, after her court speech wonder if some who accused her of being a zombie did it because they were so jealous or hated her?
 It's later on at night when next to Momoka's cell the mysterious song from DJ Maron began playing. Why was the question as the school wasn't under attack by the zombies which is when it usually plays. In the room next to Momoka's cell out came the slightly crazed teacher Nabeshima. he told the students who had rushed down he knew what the song title was which was "Moon Moon LaLu", none of the girls had ever heard of it before. Bit of a quick conclusion as the episode ended on that note but in the final seconds it appears Maiko and Momoka are making up though Momoka still has to be locked in her cell.

 Like writing shorter recaps like the ones have been for this drama. Think three or four equals one Korean drama recap as so much happens in those shows compared to Japanese shows. Two recaps down and have the next pair of them below this post.

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