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Friday, September 7, 2018

Nao Kanzaki: Nao's 'Top Twenty of All Time Faves' list.... #9!!!!

 Through twelve positions there's only been four of what I consider to be 'true Idols'. Two, such as this fave here, are long time graduates of AKB and may like them even more since they left the group. The other two are current members of Nogi and even though I do a lot of posting about Idols there were only two other active ones I was considering. As you know am an idol fan though they don't have nearly as big of an impression on me as actresses or other certain celebs, no doubt a huge reason is that their careers are usually not too long.
 There will be three more Idols in the top eight though, the older ones I tend to prefer so much more as they tend to be much smarter and interesting. These days there's just way too many Idols, almost seems like they're dime a dozen and bet I don't care about 95% of them. Not trying to be too negative as there are many I do like and they're the ones you see have a lot of solo posts so there's about fifteen current ones which are faves of mine. The question is how many will I be able to say that about in the next three to four years?

 One person who I'll never have anything negative to say about her is Yuko though her inactivity for the past fourteen months hasn't left me too pleased. Had I done this list two years ago she would have been in the top three as I like everything about Yuko. She's a smart woman, funny, a solid actress and her looks are second to none. At one time Idols, especially ones in the '48' groups looked up to her so much, wish the newer batch would take lessons from her on how to be a complete Idol.
 The drop in Yuko's position has been mainly to do with her doing hardly anything since mid 2017. She was in one drama last year that began in January, she was at one event in June and since then has only appeared on one TV special that aired in February. Yuko did mention she needed a break, for a while she was in NYC to learn English better but don't know why as I doubt Hollywood is looking for actresses like her though perhaps they should. She also took a trip to Nepal at the end of 2017 which and the footage of it was the February TV special.
 However Yuko's extended break may be coming to a close real soon, she's scheduled to star in a stage play that will be opening in January. That'll mean some events for it plus let's hope she gets back to appearing in many mags, doesn't really matter what activity she does as I've just missed everything about her. The fave in the #12 spot has been the only woman to completely doff her attire, Yuko would be right behind her as she's tempted us for so long and let's face it, who wouldn't want to see her sans a bit of clothing? Hmmmm, actually we all have so perhaps it's time for her to stop us from thinking 'why doesn't she end the mystery?'....

 Yuko will be turning thirty on October 17th, nine of the top twenty are that age or older. At 152 cm she's tied for being the second shortest gal on the list, how can someone so short be so big in certain places? As I mentioned a few times there's been close to zero activities the past fourteen months which means there won't be any current pics from this year for this post though do have some oldies which may have never been posted before. One are the final two mags she appeared in before her hiatus, have had them close to a year but haven't had the chance to post them before now. First up is from the August 2017 issue of Smart and she used to be an exclusive model for them.

 Yuko had closed her blog and Instagram accounts for a long time but has recently opened them again which is a good sign for future activities from her and how I've missed her but bet so many others have too. Second spread is a superb set of pics from the November 16, 2017 edition of Tokyo Walker Plus. Granted she has thousands of sultry pics but to me ones like these are almost as good.

 Yuko has well over a hundred posts so there's very few things of her that I haven't posted yet. Know all of her photobooks and huge pictorials are already here along with almost all of her mag spreads. What's been missing are older AKB cards and perhaps once she becomes active again will have a few oldie posts featuring them, these here are from 2011.

 At first had Yuko pegged into the eleventh position, after thinking more about it decided there's no way she shouldn't be in the top ten. Figured she shouldn't be penalized too much because of her recent inactivity as she was such a huge fave of mine for so many years. Few years back had posted Verbatim cards for Yuko and many other members, the huge sets came out in November 2009 when she was 21 but probably twenty when the pics were taken. They were posted so long ago bet many have never seen them so have a few of the pics today but not all as the total is over 200 pics.

 When my laptop went down in April there wasn't much warning so didn't have a chance to save many things. But at least I managed to save my Yuko pics and do have quite a huge collection of them. Did say in the post for #11 that she had the most pics on my computer but after looking no one comes close to the amount I have of Yuko. Sadly didn't save any pics for the #8 person so the enxt post may not be for a few days.
 So let's end off with some of the hottest pics in the history of pictures, there's honestly so many hard to pick out what her best 25 or so are as there are thousands that deserve a rating of ten or higher. There are also too many fabulous videos on YT to count, have one after the pics which I hadn't viewed before and it's highly recommended.

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