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Hajimemashite minna san....welcome to my site on my fave Japanese Pop Culture likes such as dramas, movies, magazine scans, promo events etc. Mainly concentrate on my faves...Risa Watanabe... Miku Tanaka... Yui Kobayashi....Miyuki Watanabe.... Nene Shida.... if you're a fan at all of any of them then you've come to the right place(!) but many others are featured here besides them. Do mainly quick reviews on things I've watched, try to make the reviews brief, quick to read through with not too many spoilers, just whether they're good or bad and why I thought so plus whether you may find them enjoyable. Many, many screenshots are included from everything I've watched plus any video trailers if they're available. Hope you find something that interests you, don't hesitate to comment, arigato gozaimasu!

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Friday, September 28, 2018

Nao Kanzaki: Nao's 'Top Twenty of All Time Faves' list.... #3!!!! part one

 Not 100% positive but bet most long time viewers thought I would have picked Maimi to be #1 on the list and you're definitely not wrong for thinking that way. Can't give a good reason why she isn't, have said many times to me she's the most beautiful woman in the world and still feel that way. But the competition for the top spot was so brutal, any of the top five could have finished number one. But there's zero wrong with finishing in the third position and perhaps if I did the list over next year Maimi would once again be in the top spot.
 On last year's 'Top Twenty Faves' list she finished #1A, it was so close for number one and for this list may refer to number two as #1B as once again it was such a tough decision. Usually do one post for each position but went way overboard last year and did seven(!) posts in all for Maimi which contained over 400 pics!!!! Won't be doing that for today as I exhausted my collection of unseen pics but do plan on having four posts in all for her. This one will have a few recent events, next one will have some ultra mouthwatering screenshots from her DVD's plus will have two encores from her previous posts. Unsure what they'll be at the moment but figure many have missed the posts on her older photobooks or whatever.

 That's a new pic I stumbled across recently(whew!), hope I didn't make a mistake having her third on the list. The state of J-Pop has somehow gotten even worse this past year save for perhaps Juice=Juice. Makes true fans appreciate the songs of C-ute so much more and am missing them quite a bit these days. Their final concert was close to sixteen months ago so you figure in that span they normally would have released four singles and probably an album.
 Will never get tired of listening to their older tunes but still wish I could hear some new things, having their 'Singles Collection' album is okay though as it does have so many obscure songs. What most of us C-ute fans are missing are the group's amazing photobooks and no Idol except for one has had more jaw-dropping ones than Maimi has had. Her last one came out in September 2016, be such a shame if that was her final one and can say that about two other members.
 No one really has the true answer of why C-ute disbanded, have heard many stories but the group never revealed what the exact reasons were. It's true they were getting older but they weren't that old, Maimi will be turning 27 next February and to so many of us that's not an old age plus the others will be in the 23-25 age range. Won't get into my thoughts today but perhaps in a future C-ute post, time to do a few oldies posts for my all time fave J-Pop group.

 Maimi has been busy since the breakup though think I've only done 2-3 posts for her activities. Most of them aren't too exciting for you viewers, no mag spreads nor many event appearances. Maimi is still hosting a travel show on TBS with her best mate from C-ute, it's an okay show but sadly only one episode has been subbed so rarely watch it. Plus she's still doing her "I Me My Maimi" radio show on Saturday nights, it celebrated it's tenth anniversary in July.
 Maimi did release two digital singles last year plus has been in three stage plays in the past year, will get to one of them later on in the post. What I'm looking forward to is a special solo live Maimi will be having from October 6th to the 14th. Know a few details but will wait until then to post about as I look for any excuse to have more posts for C-ute members. Speaking of the gals here's a pair you may recognize in these recent blog pics.

 Maimi may have also grown tired of the Idol scene when C-ute disbanded, she joined Hello Project when she was just ten years old!!!! On September 14th her stage play 'Lady Outlaw" opened, to promote it she did an interview for the Walker Plus website and she's still looking A+++++++!

 On August 28th there was a press conference for the play and Maimi had the lead role in the action packed play. It was set in an outer space station after the world was devastated from a war, looks like it'd make for a better movie and would love to see her in another film. At the bottom of the post have a video of the event.

 The "Lady Outlaw" play ran from September 14th until the 24th at the Shingawa Prince Hotel Club, the day before it opened there was a special presentation of the play.

 This wasn't the longest post to date for the series but there are three more after this one for assorted things. But there have been a few oddball recent events but am saving them for Maimi's next post as I'd like to have a few of them next month for her. Picking out what Maimi's greatest pics are is an impossible thing to do as they're all simply perfect, kind of leaves you speechless....

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