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Hajimemashite minna san....welcome to my site on my fave Japanese Pop Culture likes such as dramas, movies, magazine scans, promo events etc. Mainly concentrate on my faves...Risa Watanabe... Miku Tanaka... Yui Kobayashi....Miyuki Watanabe.... Nene Shida.... if you're a fan at all of any of them then you've come to the right place(!) but many others are featured here besides them. Do mainly quick reviews on things I've watched, try to make the reviews brief, quick to read through with not too many spoilers, just whether they're good or bad and why I thought so plus whether you may find them enjoyable. Many, many screenshots are included from everything I've watched plus any video trailers if they're available. Hope you find something that interests you, don't hesitate to comment, arigato gozaimasu!

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Thursday, August 4, 2022

Akari Suda: Just because I can never get enough of her....


 Gulp, think I may give all the $$ in the world to trade places with her mate!!!! This Sunday will be August 7th and that's when I'll cease doing posts. No, not for everyone but any fave who will be making the top ten of the second all time list. The top ten should begin a day or two into September and want to save as many pics as possible for those posts, hoping to do one more post this weekend for someone else that will make the top five. Know Akari will make the top five but she's still a wildcard to an extent, have her penciled in for number five as of now but she could still move up to third.

 For the second time Akari has qualified for the yearly faves list and she could easily finish in the top ten for that list too, back in 2018 was in the second position. Akari will never be immensely popular here but have noticed she does have a solid fan base and her posts are so consistent as her last four have all had between 550-600 views. The most popular gals here usually receive over a thousand for their posts. This makes five posts in since May and she's never had a streak like that before. Don't think it's a case of Akari being busier as she isn't compared to years ago but it's been a case of me finally working hard on having posts for her and should have started a long time ago with them though then again the last two years weren't all that busy for her and SKE.

 September 24th is the date of her graduation concert from SKE but may not have info on it for a few weeks after that. If Akari's finishes around fifth on the all time fave's list that post would be done about a week before, she'll be turning 31 on October 31st so may have a gigantic post around then. There's going to be plenty of graduation merchandise and she's with some which are small figurines... think I'll wait for the life size versions!!!!

 Don't know if Akari will continue as a singer or perhaps a rocker as she's had a pair of solo concerts. Her last one was in May and by saying solo it's just her on stage with a guitar. The other show took place last November and there were plenty of cards for it, have had many of them already but have some more which hadn't been posted.

 There's ben no recent SKE cards but would think there would be some for her graduation. As mentioned that'll be taking place on September 24th, three days prior her final SKE single will be released and she'll be the co-center but no info about the single yet. Akari could be a potential writer as she had a column for the Chunichi Shimbun site for quite a while. Many of those columns were assembled for a paperback book that came out on June 30th titled "My Way to Discovering Happiness" and she's given me some happiness.... hopefully others too! There was a mini event held on July 4th, also another on July 25th which is what these pics are from. There may be another this weekend and if so will have pics from it in her September post.

 Also in that next post should be her spread for August issue of  EX-Taishu, want to hold on to it for her list post. The top three pics are ones you've seen before from the photo shoot but the other three are brand new ones from that shoot.

 As I've said so many times no Idol posts as many IG pics as Akari does but what also sets her apart from anyone else is the quality of them. These are from the last ten days and I should really devote a post or two to her best IG pics of all time but there could be too many to count! Top pics are from a Joyful Eli kimono photo shoot and I'd like to see her do more modeling, some of the pics are from an SKE concert that took place last week.

 So while no new mag spreads for today have an historical one. This set from Young Animal #7 came out in February 2012(!), she had been in a few group spreads prior to and it's historical for it's her first ever solo spread.

 Final batch of pics and at the end of June Akari attended a regular promo event, she looked so darn good and how I hope we see more of them in her future. Let's go back in time for another solo event that took place on October 21, 2019 which was ten days before her 28th birthday. As you can tell it was a Red Cross event and it was to promote an 'Akari Clinic' which was for older men's health and don't know what ever became of that for shortly after the virus crisis hit. Working for the Red Cross could be right up Akari's alley as no woman makes my heart pump faster or makes my blood boil over! After the pics check out a video of the event.

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