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Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Yuki Yoda: "Ryosangata Riko: Puramo Joshi no Jinsei Kumitate Ki" drama, episode seven recap


 Air Dates: June 30th until September 2, 2022... Thursday nights at 12:30 am on TV-Tokyo
Episodes are 24 minutes in length, subs are being done by Masssterchief

Main Cast: Most of the action takes place at the very busy Fun Fun Create company which specializes in planning and holding events. Wrote this up after viewing the first episode so a bit of tweaking will be done as we go on. There's three divisions at the company, #'s one and two are so busy they need more than 24 hours in a day! But our 'heroine' Riko works in the third division with four others and they are far from busy as their main tasks are mailing out flyers and such. In the first show a rumor had even started that the third division could be disbanded, will that eventually happen? No is the answer to that and as the series has gone on that unit is becoming a slightly important one.

Yuki Yoda as Riko Komukai.... Had acquired the nickname of 'Mass Production Girl' as she just liked mainstream and safe things/activities. But one night in the first episode after work she passed by the Yasan Hobby Shop which she had never noticed before. Deep down Riko does like models and such, she had never made any though until entering this shop and then the rest is history....

Karen Fujii as Kyoko Nakano.... Female employee in the third division, she seems to be talented so how did she end up there? Kyoko gets along with Riko so well but has noticed her friend can be way too boring and needs a jolt to her life. 

Oshiro Maeda as Yuki Asai.... Started at the company with Riko but while she's still stuck at the bottom Asai has moved up to the first division. Seems as though he's doing well but in reality think he's not doing that that good of a job... he's a bit stuck up too.

Ayumu Mochizuki as Ryota Oishi.... Ace of the first division unit. He's one of Riko's biggest backers and am wondering if it's because he has a crush on her? The answer to that is yes but both are too shy to ell their true feelings to the other.

Ayumu Mochizuki as Shinji Takaji.... We met him in the second episode when he was transferred from the first to the third division. He knows almost everything about the company but his problem is Shinji doesn't like to do any 'real work'. That changed in the third show and of course it was because Shinji build his first model!

Magy as Teru Inuzuka.... Leader of the third division, very laid back man which isn't a positive at the Fun Fun Create company.

Yoshiaki Yoza as Atsushi Saruwatari.... Another third division employee who at one time was in the first division but asked for a transfer, why?

Yoshiyuki Morishita as Hitoshi Kijimura.... Oldest third division employee who like the others was so worried they'll be laid off. In the fourth show there was an offer to retire early and Kijimura did begin to fill out the forms until he had a change of heart.

Yoji Tanaka as Ichi Yajima.... Owner of the Yasan Hobby Shop where Riko visited in the first show and where she became addicted to models. Yajima seems to know all there is about models and took such a liking to Riko who tends to like the older versions.

Erika Ishikawa as Chiemi Ikuta.... Part time employee at Yajima's shop.

Link to the show's site: TV-Tokyo site

Previous recaps:

 Just two more episodes to go after today's pair of recaps and am going to miss this show as it's been quite enjoyable plus have learned so much about models. The romance is beginning to heat up for Riko who I don't think has ever had a boyfriend, for now it's kind of one sided but it may not end up that way. But wouldn't mind if Riko isn't successful with getting her man Oishi which is the main theme of this show. This drama has what it takes to have a second season so perhaps the romance could continue on. Usually not a fan of second seasons but this series hasn't grown stale at all and every episode has been solid, no clue if there's any chance of a season two but I'd love to see it happen.

 At the very top of the post is what Riko usually wears to the Fun Fun Create office, a very laid back style and definitely not glamorous. So on this day Riko really put the shock into everyone and you can see how she's dressed above. She arrived wearing a long but alluring dress, wore makeup for the first time, had high heels on and her nails were painted yellow as she said it was her lucky color of the day! Her mates weren't born yesterday and even the trio of older workers above knew what had gotten into Riko.... she had fallen in love!!!! And that was the truth though she wouldn't reveal the name of the man to anyone in her department but can't believe no one could figure out who has stolen Riko's heart. If you've been reading these recaps you know that man is the ace of the elite department one, Oishi. Since the first show he's always stood up for Riko and had nice things to say about her. I've always noticed he does stare at her just a tad too long so it had been becoming obvious that he too has eyes for Riko but will either make the first move?

 Riko has always liked Oishi to an extent but so much more since the fifth episode. That's when the pair built a sharp looking model car that had an engine and their creation was quite impressive. What was more impressive to Riko was how much Oishi knew about models and just being by his side she learned what a nice and caring man he was, however she knows virtually nothing about his private life. That's where Riko's best friend Kyoko came into the picture, she knew from the first second that Riko had fallen for a man but who? So Kyoko began to follow her around the office and noticed how often she would pass by Oishi's desk. Riko never stopped to chat because of his coworkers being there but she always made sure Oishi knew she was passing by. So Kyoko, along with her the newest department three man Shinji, have volunteered to help Riko out and find out everything they can about Oishi, really the only thing known about him is that he's a workaholic but of course loves models.

 Riko's personality has slowly been changing since the series began and that's mainly due to her building models, that's also helped her out a lot at work. But to Kyoko Riko is still too much of a Mass Production Person, one who follows others too much and mainly just goes with the flow. So Kyoko and Shinji have begun to play detective to discover what Oishi is really like, first thing they learned were that a pair of receptionists had fallen for Oishi too. But he turned down their offers to go out to mixers or other office get togethers, that brought Riko down as does that mean Oishi wouldn't want an office romance? The key part of Oishi's life the pair learned about was the he had a girlfriend for three years while in college but after graduating they drifted apart. One other thing the team of Kyoko and Shinji learned was that Oishi was an avid Sake drinker and through that the pair discovered who his girlfriend once was. That's her above and her name is Hinami, she was only in one short scene. With her father Hinami owns and runs her own Sake restaurant, they also make the drink on the premises.

 Kyoko and Shinji paid a visit to the place and were quite impressed with the Sake and food. But they were more impressed with Hinami who was such a fabulous woman, their ages have never been said but would think her and Oishi must be 28 or so. So the three of them had a real pleasant chat and Hinami is definitely a woman you'd want to date. She had no hard feelings about the breakup but did say things may have never worked out in the long run due to Oishi being an workaholic. The pair told Riko all about Oishi's ex-girlfriend and she wasn't jealous at all but wondered to herself why can't she be more cute like other women such as Hinami? So when there's a problem that needs to be solved you know where Riko heads..... to the Yassan Hobby Shop! The owner Yajima and his assistant Chiemi have become perhaps Riko's best friends, they learn all about her problems during the making of models. She told the pair about her current situation, why can't she be a cuter person?! Hmmmm, if you ask me Yuki being cute is the least of her problems!!!!

 So for the first time Chiemi took control of the situation as she seemed to know what Riko was going through.. She picked out a model which was the easiest one to build to date and that's in the above top screenshot, few others after that too. Minami Kotori is a character in the "Long Live Sunshine" anime series which has been on the air for about a decade. There's nine female characters in the anime which are voiced by the group Aqours and have done plenty of posts for them. Minami is a shy character who had been stuck working in a Maid Cafe until someone heard her singing once and as they say after that the rest is history! Chiemi thought Riko reminded her of that character, someone who just needed a chance to reach the top. So above you can see two screenshots of the finished model but they are different. The first screenshot is what the model looked like after following the instructions to a T which Riko did. But Yajima encouraged her to add her own personality to the Minami figure, Riko added many sparkling figures and the finished product is the fifth screenshot.

 Not the most interesting of models when compared to previous ones but it was nice to see Aqours mentioned in this show. What was humorous was when Riko was adding those sparklers at the end, the owner Yajima kept saying 'Cute, Cute' which was a bit funny coming from such a big and tough man. Riko brought the Minami figure to the Fun Fun Create office the next day but no one seemed to have noticed it on her desk, she does have quite a collection built up. In the second to last screenshot you can see that Riko is back to her old style which to me looks much cuter than dressing up. As the episode was ending a colleague made a comment to Riko about how he liked her elegant style a bit more. But not Oishi for as you can see above seems to like Riko no matter what she's wearing, me too and did that comment make her blush! So that ends this recap and am ahead of myself as the next episode doesn't air for two more days, the recap for that is the next post.

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