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Sunday, August 7, 2022

Yuki Yoda: "Ryosangata Riko: Puramo Joshi no Jinsei Kumitate Ki" drama, episode six recap


 Air Dates: June 30th until September 2, 2022... Thursday nights at 12:30 am on TV-Tokyo
Episodes are 24 minutes in length, subs are being done by Masssterchief

Main Cast: Most of the action takes place at the very busy Fun Fun Create company which specializes in planning and holding events. Wrote this up after viewing the first episode so a bit of tweaking will be done as we go on. There's three divisions at the company, #'s one and two are so busy they need more than 24 hours in a day! But our 'heroine' Riko works in the third division with four others and they are far from busy as their main tasks are mailing out flyers and such. In the first show a rumor had even started that the third division could be disbanded, will that eventually happen? No is the answer to that and as the series has gone on that unit is becoming a slightly important one.

Yuki Yoda as Riko Komukai.... Had acquired the nickname of 'Mass Production Girl' as she just liked mainstream and safe things/activities. But one night in the first episode after work she passed by the Yasan Hobby Shop which she had never noticed before. Deep down Riko does like models and such, she had never made any though until entering this shop and then the rest is history....

Karen Fujii as Kyoko Nakano.... Female employee in the third division, she seems to be talented so how did she end up there? Kyoko gets along with Riko so well but has noticed her friend can be way too boring and needs a jolt to her life. 

Oshiro Maeda as Yuki Asai.... Started at the company with Riko but while she's still stuck at the bottom Asai has moved up to the first division. Seems as though he's doing well but in reality think he's not doing that that good of a job... he's a bit stuck up too.

Ayumu Mochizuki as Ryota Oishi.... Ace of the first division unit. He's one of Riko's biggest backers and am wondering if it's because he has a crush on her?

Ayumu Mochizuki as Shinji Takaji.... We met him in the second episode when he was transferred from the first to the third division. He knows almost everything about the company but his problem is Shinji doesn't like to do any 'real work'. That changed in the third show and of course it was because Shinji build his first model!

Magy as Teru Inuzuka.... Leader of the third division, very laid back man which isn't a positive at the Fun Fun Create company.

Yoshiaki Yoza as Atsushi Saruwatari.... Another third division employee who at one time was in the first division but asked for a transfer, why?

Yoshiyuki Morishita as Hitoshi Kijimura.... Oldest third division employee who like the others was so worried they'll be laid off. In the fourth show there was an offer to retire early and Kijimura did begin to fill out the forms until he had a change of heart.

Yoji Tanaka as Ichi Yajima.... Owner of the Yasan Hobby Shop where Riko visited in the first show and where she became addicted to models. Yajima seems to know all there is about models and took such a liking to Riko who tends to like the older versions.

Erika Ishikawa as Chiemi Ikuta.... Part time employee at Yajima's shop.

Link to the show's site: TV-Tokyo site

Previous recaps:


 That last episode was the top one to date, this show started out a bit sluggish so was wondering are we going from best to worst? No as the second half was just as solid as any other episode and of course it was because of a model being built. Is Department 3 being run over by Zashiki Warashis who are spirits that often live in closets and such and create mischief. That's what the three senior employees in the department thought as all saw this impish figure dart back in forth in the darkish office and why was it so dark? To create an eerie aura and it was no Spirit haunting the Fun Fun Create office but a little eight year old boy named Shoma. Not just any boy but the nephew of Riko who has been entrusted to watch over the semi-brat for the next few days as her sister's husband is in the hospital, that must mean Riko's sister is about ten years older. Eight year olds have really changed from my days which actually wasn't that long ago. Riko's mates at work tried to have some fun with the lad such as racing cars with him which was the theme to the last show.

 Shoma thought model cars were lame and smiled watching them but was itching to do anything else! The only one who noticed that was Riko's best friend at the office Kyoko who saw how bored Shoma was and dragged him off for a different activity which he loved. That was the only scene for Kyoko but seemed Shoma took an instant liking to her which he told Riko later. Also without much screen time was Oishi and you should remember him from the last recap. He was only in one scene, thought the potential romance between him and Riko might start blossoming but there's still four more shows. So that office scene took place on a Friday, Riko will have her nephew for the weekend and stay at her sister's home which is a rather nice one. When I said eight year olds are so different these days it's because of what Shoma is addicted to. Which is modern technology as his fave thing is to spend all day on his tablet and seems his only friends are online ones. He doesn't believe in cooking and asked Riko why she was preparing a meal of curry instead of getting takeout? Seems as though her sister hasn't been doing all that good of a job with Shoma in raising him though that was never mentioned.

 Then again perhaps Shoma was just taking advantage of Riko as maybe his mother doesn't let him do certain things or go overboard on them. She did leave Riko some instructions on what to do such as having Shoma do his homework by himself. Which he didn't as Shoma already knows how to use an Alexa to solve his homework and Riko was starting to get a bit frustrated. Especially when it came to Shoma's tablet which he's only supposed to use three hours a day for he's so addicted to it at such a young age. Riko tried hiding it a few times but all were failures as Shoma quickly found it, this young boy seemingly has no interests outside of using his tablet. So when all else fail there's one place Riko can turn to for help and that's the Yassan Hobby Shop, seems like it's open 24 hours a day! She slipped out undetected as when Shoma is on his tablet he doesn't notice much else, of course Riko sped to the hobby shop and what model would the owner Yajima recommend for an eight year old? You can see what his suggestion was above which was a BB Warrior model from the Gundam series, there's many versions of this warrior.

 The following day Riko did give Shoma the BB Warrior as a present and said let's build it! He just rolled his eyes at her and said he's not the same boy he was compared to three years ago, models and such doesn't interest him at all these days. Riko wasn't mad but severely dejected at what took place and what can she do to get Shoma off that tablet? She eventually just roamed around a park mulling things over when Shoma made an appearance and the pair did have a nice talk. As a matter of fact Shoma had the model in his backpack, the more he looked at it the more intrigued he was about assembling it, would Riko show him how? Of course she will but it really won't be her showing Shoma the fine art of building a model as she brought her nephew to the Yassan Hobby Shop to let Yajima be his instructor, he can be a scary looking figure to an eight year old.

 Best scenes in every show is when a model(s) is being assembled and that continued on in this episode. Watching how it's built is interesting but so isn't listening to Yajima who seemingly knows everything there is about the history of models. The BB Warrior is named that because it can fire mini BB pellets and while a bit more plain than others it's one of Yajima's favorites. Shoma is a bright kid and really had no problems building the model, it was a small one but as you can see above there's so many instructions. Also above you can see Riko painting some parts a different color and she's become such an expert in a short amount of time. In a few of the interviews I've read Yuki has said she and the others have had to build the models themselves and has she become a fanatic about them yet?! Second to last screenshot is the finished BB Warrior and Shoma did alter it a bit from what it usually looks like, Yajima loves when a builder does make modifications and is Shoma now also a model addict?

 That's what Yajima may have wondered and you can see his comment to Riko right above, his shop seems to be busy but not a high percentage of customers are youngsters. Shoma is still a tablet freak and quickly uploaded a photo of the BB Warrior to his site which and that seemed to make his online 'friends' a bit excited about models. As the episode ended Riko was bringing Shoma back home and he is an observant boy. Though he only saw Oishi for a few minutes at the Fun Fun Create office he could see there were sparks between him and Riko, Shoma asked if they were dating yet?! A blushing Riko said no but sure it'll be just a matter of time until the pair go out on their first official date and with that we've hit the end of this sixth episode. As mentioned a bit of a slow start but it turned out to be a fun show and all have been so to date. This won't be my #1 drama of the year but it may end up being the most enjoyable one I'll view, next pair of recaps will be in exactly two weeks.

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