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Hajimemashite minna san....welcome to my site on my fave Japanese Pop Culture likes such as dramas, movies, magazine scans, promo events etc. Mainly concentrate on my faves...Risa Watanabe... Miku Tanaka... Yui Kobayashi....Miyuki Watanabe.... Nene Shida.... if you're a fan at all of any of them then you've come to the right place(!) but many others are featured here besides them. Do mainly quick reviews on things I've watched, try to make the reviews brief, quick to read through with not too many spoilers, just whether they're good or bad and why I thought so plus whether you may find them enjoyable. Many, many screenshots are included from everything I've watched plus any video trailers if they're available. Hope you find something that interests you, don't hesitate to comment, arigato gozaimasu!

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Thursday, November 23, 2023

Nao's top sixteen Faves for 2023: Position #15, the esteemed Rika Izumi


 Previous positions

 There is no age discrimination at this blog as I do prefer the slightly older women. At 35 years in age Rika is the oldest woman in the top sixteen and that age is also the oldest for any woman to make the yearly faves list. There's another woman who is 32 in age, one who is 31 and eight who are between the ages of 25 to 29. So could also set a record for the highest average age and that does make sense. As the years go on my faves naturally will all be a year older and ten on this year's list have also been on at least one previous list, some four or more years!

 We've probably seen the last of her gravure pics which is such a shame as to me she looks just as alluring at 35 as when she was 28 or so. Another record for Rika is that this is her seventh consecutive year on the fave's list, there is another this year that made it for the sixth time. In her first five years she finished no lower than sixth but last year dropped to twelfth and as you can see dropped three more posts. That's okay as though Rika hasn't been as busy the last two years and hasn't had as many posts she's still such a massive fave of mine and always will be, as long as she hits the six posts needed to qualify she's an automatic for the list. Eight posts were done for her this year and when you think about how many women who are 25 in age that I post about will be as busy a decade from now as she is?

 My only mini beef for the last twenty months in that Rika's posts were beginning to look so similar. She doesn't appear in that many magazines these days or do any gravure modeling, however her regular modeling pics are better than any other woman and have many of those photos for today. This will be a large post but could have made it larger, held back some things for a December post so she can start off the 'Nao Year' on a good note. Rika's last post was done on October 11th for her 35th birthday and in all honesty doesn't she still look better than 99.88% of the women I post about? She always will to me and let's begin off with some new pics from her IG page, she never has posted many of them.

 Besides all of that modeling work and believe when I say it's a lot(!) Rika's acting career is going so well, she began to concentrate more on it about three years ago and has had the lead role in two dramas. I've seen her on five shows and the most recent one is the first season of "Gifted". which had eight episodes. Two weeks after it ended on September 30th a second season of seven episodes began and why not just make it a 15 episode series? Have viewed the first four shows and it really is one superb show but sadly right now just don't have the time to recap all of the fifteen episodes. Am recapping one very long series at the moment and have two others in the wing, perhaps I will come back for this show as it is one that I do recommend.

 In this drama which is her first police show she plays the role of a detective named Mito Ryuzaki and it is a rather large role. The catch is her junior partner Amakusa in the first episode met a high school student who is so adept at investigating and helped solve a murder case, this boy Shiki will be involved in all of the cases. These screenshots are from the second episode where a murder took place at a ceremony for two long time flower arranging companies who were merging. That didn't please many of the two families and one president was poisoned via Aconite in his tea. An episode is 43 minutes in length so of course much more took place and Mito was very key to solving the crime. Below are the main characters from the drama and there's 23 screenshots from this show which did feature as a guest star a forgotten semi-fave of mine. 

 Now on to those terrific newish modeling pics and as mentioned am holding back some for a December post. First off is this batch of her October pics from the Oggi site, Rika has been a model with them since April 2019.

 She also appears in just about every one of their magazines and for at least the fourteenth time was the cover girl for their November issue.

 Rika is also a model for the Bijin Hyaaka magazine. She doesn't often have pics at their site but is in most of their issues, this set here is from their November edition.

 Sure all want to view more modeling pics and who can blame you! My favorites of Rika are from the Stola site, this batch is for their Autumn collection and there's many more. 

 Will end off with this ultra dazzling set of event pics, Rika doesn't appear at as many of them as she once did but she still outshines all other women at them!!!! On November 8th she was at the 75th anniversary party for Bulgari Serpenti which is a jewelry brand, didn't she look so sweltering? Of course to me she did and the event was also the opening of an exhibit of their jewelry. There is one video from the ceremony which is after the pics though she's just in the first 25 seconds, good videos on YT have always been lacking for her.

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