Welcome to this Baka's blog on his fave Japanese Pop Culture interests.
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Hajimemashite minna san....welcome to my site on my fave Japanese Pop Culture likes such as dramas, movies, magazine scans, promo events etc. Mainly concentrate on my faves...Risa Watanabe... Miku Tanaka... Yui Kobayashi....Miyuki Watanabe.... Nene Shida....if you're a fan at all of any of them then you've come to the rightplace(!) but many others are featured here besides them. Do mainly quick reviews on things I've watched, try to make the reviews brief, quick to read through with not too many spoilers, just whether they're good or bad and why I thought so plus whether you may find them enjoyable. Many, many screenshots are included from everything I've watched plus any video trailers if they're available. Hope you find something that interests you, don't hesitate to comment, arigato gozaimasu!
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Thursday, November 16, 2023
Sae Okazaki: Her very belated.... 'Happy 28th Birthday' post....
Exactly two weeks late with this post as November 2nd was the date for birthday #28. Had thought around that time of doing a post but then all of a sudden there were so many others to write up and forgot about this until two days ago. The posts may be a bit sporadic the next week, one reason is because of the upcoming holiday. But the bigger reason is that I want to get ahead of myself and while I will be writing up some posts won't be publishing them right away. Want to write up two more recaps for the drama that's below this post and also pen two posts that you will see on Sunday. Also want to get a head start on this year's faves list and write up at least two positions. Think the first post for the countdown will begin in a week, that means sixteen positions need to be written up in 28 days and that's a lot so want to get a few done before the list begins.
Last year was the first time Sae qualified for the fave's list and she ended up in the 14th spot. Six posts are needed in a year to qualify for the list, this is her seventh for 2023 but first since July but could have done another before this one. However Sae won't be making this year's top sixteen, hate to say that 2023 was a disappointing year for her but it was compared to previous years and she has fallen into a rut which many others here have too. She had more modeling pics than ever in 2023 and all were quite superb so that's a huge positive. But there were hardly any magazine spreads, very few events outside of fashion shows and only appeared in one drama. So Sae's posts have begun to look so similar, all are good but think her posts were a bit better a few years ago though there were so fewer.
This is a large post with over seventy new pics, could have made it larger but held some modeling pics back for a December post in the hopes that she can make 2024 a much better year. Will begin off with some recent photos from her IG page, some are from her November 2nd birthday. Sae did have a Line blog until the end of March but the site closed down. Which is such a shame as her posts there were so much better than her ones for her IG page, she didn't close the blog but the Line site shut down and a few other faves also had a blog there.
Sae used to appear in many CM's but those have slowed down this last year or so. She does have a new one that came out three weeks ago for Okka and have it right after these promo pics. When I first saw these pics was hoping it would be for a new drama where she would play a detective for the first time, that wasn't to be though the CM is enjoyable.
Have plenty of new modeling pics for today and as mentioned am holding a few back in the hopes Sae can have a post in December. First off are these ones from the Rienda site and their Autumn collection.
More Autumn collection pics which are from the RagOut site, could have had three times as many and though not gravure photos I think these are all so terrific.
There being no new magazine spreads, which sadly has become so common, will have an encore viewing of this set that's almost four years old. Sae was the cover girl for the December 4, 2019 issue of Young Magazine, she's never had many gravure spreads, this one isn't, but all are so alluring....
Sae still appears at all of those huge fashion shows but have noticed she has less photos from them than any other model. On November 4th she was at the 'Sapporo Collection' Autumn show and that's not as major as other ones. As you can see she took two strolls at the show and wish there were more pics from that first set as to me those are her top event pics of the year.
We're almost at the end, birthday posts are really the same as any other ones. Will have two sets of pics from the andGirl site as to me they're her top modeling pics of the year, this first set was from their Spring collection and were in a May post.
Will end off with these newish photos from the andGirl site and to me are Sae's top pics of the year. We all enjoy gaping at gravure pics but in my eyes ones like these are also fabulous, I really like those final ones and especially Sae in the last pic. After the pics check out another CM which is kind of a mini movie that came out two months ago for Happy Camera, it has over two million views!!!!
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