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Hajimemashite minna san....welcome to my site on my fave Japanese Pop Culture likes such as dramas, movies, magazine scans, promo events etc. Mainly concentrate on my faves...Risa Watanabe... Miku Tanaka... Yui Kobayashi....Miyuki Watanabe.... Nene Shida.... if you're a fan at all of any of them then you've come to the right place(!) but many others are featured here besides them. Do mainly quick reviews on things I've watched, try to make the reviews brief, quick to read through with not too many spoilers, just whether they're good or bad and why I thought so plus whether you may find them enjoyable. Many, many screenshots are included from everything I've watched plus any video trailers if they're available. Hope you find something that interests you, don't hesitate to comment, arigato gozaimasu!

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Monday, November 6, 2023

Akari Suda: Is now demanding the blog be named after her!!!!


 Hmmm, not a bad suggestion but after a dozen years think it's too late to do anything about that! Plus I always thought that 'Aitoda' rolled off your lips well but then again 'Aisuda' isn't all that different. Did say I would be slowing down with the posts for those who will be on this year's faves list but Akari is an exception. She has been on this long stretch of being so busy and I for one am not complaining as for so many years it was frustrating not being able to do posts for her. In her last post done just five days ago was talking about how this intro has always had some ultra alluring pics of her but was beginning to repeat them. Not for that post or this one either as those pics right above had never been seen before, think that's the case with these next two.

 This makes it twenty posts for Akari to date which puts her in the lead by one for most posts for 2023. The 'Nao Year' ends on November 30th and know there will be at least one more post for her within the week(!), perhaps even one more before the month ends so no one will top Akari for most posts of the year plus no one will top her for being my #1 fave for 2023! Akari has always been busy though in the past her activities didn't fit well into posts or often were with other SKE members. I don't know what started this spurt in ultra busyness, starting with her graduation a year ago her activities seemed to increase but over the last four months she's been unstoppable and how long will this continue?

 Not a lot of sections to this post yet there are about ninety new pics for today! The reason there will be another post within the week is that today Akari held an event for her new photo/essay book. There being so many new pics for this post decided to hold off on today's event and here are some pics from it, she looks so fabulous and there will be ten times as many pics in that next post.

 In Akari's posts and also for some other faves often include older group cards that hadn't been posted before. After a while it became so difficult to remember what had been posted and what hadn't. So in a recent post had some monthly cards for that person and thought that would be an easy way to keep track of them so here are some of her SKE November cards from 2012-15.

 Akari has done about five interviews to promote the "Ganko" photo/essay book. Here's the link to one of them which was with the Yahoo Japan site, enjoyed the section where she talked about drinking alcohol during a photo shoot and she does like the spirits! Yahoo Japan interview

 For a year always ended a post off with photos from Akari's IG page as they're so terrific and to me could make for a superb photobook. But for the second post in a row won't be doing that as there is something even more fabulous than these pics! These go from October 29th until November 3rd, a lot of pics in a five day stretch. The top two are of Akari signing many copies of her new book in advance and it appears they think it will be a good seller. The two pics after that are from a birthday event that took place on October 28th and you will notice a few other birthday pics in the batch.

 In her last post had quite a few pics of an October 28th birthday event for her fan club members. On November 4th Akari held another party for her fans to celebrate her 32nd birthday and it took place at the Theater Mixa in Tokyo, that first photo in the next section is the outside of the venue. Have forty pics from the occasion and will break them down into two sections. What's special about the bottom pics is that she's with her best buddy Yuria Kizaki and will admit I like her immensely too, the pair have been such good friends since about 2015 when they were in SKE.

 At the bottom of this final set are even more pics with Yuria and did a post for her back in July. Have talked about having a 'Pairs Post' for this duo but didn't think there would be enough pics. Perhaps there aren't but do vow to have one coming up though give me a few weeks to work on it. At this fan club birthday parry Akari wore the same two outfits she did at her October 28th event but for some reason she looked so much better at this event. You will notice in this set she did wear hair extensions plus a Queen's crown which she didn't at the first party. The only new video is from today's event and thought it should be saved for her next post. Then thought about it again and said there should be at least one more video from the event so have the first one from it after the pics.

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