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Hajimemashite minna san....welcome to my site on my fave Japanese Pop Culture likes such as dramas, movies, magazine scans, promo events etc. Mainly concentrate on my faves...Risa Watanabe... Miku Tanaka... Yui Kobayashi....Miyuki Watanabe.... Nene Shida.... if you're a fan at all of any of them then you've come to the right place(!) but many others are featured here besides them. Do mainly quick reviews on things I've watched, try to make the reviews brief, quick to read through with not too many spoilers, just whether they're good or bad and why I thought so plus whether you may find them enjoyable. Many, many screenshots are included from everything I've watched plus any video trailers if they're available. Hope you find something that interests you, don't hesitate to comment, arigato gozaimasu!

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Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Akari Suda: Her epic.... 'Happy 32nd Birthday' post....


 First post for November and couldn't wait as it's just past the Witching Hour! This could also be one of the best posts of the month though will have two more for her coming up so she just may top herself! In the last nine days of October three of my all time massive faves celebrate a birthday. This is the first of three posts for them, should have the other two done by the weekend. Always begin off an Akari post with some ultra alluring and hot photos, doesn't she look too darn good to believe in them! 😍 To me she does but had noticed that I had begun repeating some of the pics so these ones at the top had never been in a post before.

 In less than a month the countdown for this year's faves list will be starting. Most years the battle for #1 does go down to the wire, that was especially true for 2019 and last year. The only year where the winner was such a runaway was 2018 and at least Akari finished in the second position that year. However 2023 will be another year where there will be no suspense on who number one will be as Akari is so far ahead of the pack!!!! Last year she was in the seventh spot, did say she was #2 in 2018 so it's so nice to see her finally be number one on a list, she could also claim that honor for when the third 'Top Twenty Faves of All Time' list is done three years from now.

 So the above are all new for here, two pics are from a magazine spread that hasn't been posted so will get to that soon. What's so hard to believe is that with the amount of mags Akari has appeared in since 2012 she's never had a gravure video from any photo shoot! That baffles me and would I love to see a regular one for her, as a matter of fact many of them! But at Akari's IG page she does have a few older videos from photo shoots though all are extremely short. This is a brand new batch of pics too as I took screenshots from this 53 second video that came out two yeas ago for Bubka magazine. Once again she left me in a daze 😍 and also her opponents too as who could concentrate on the Mahjong tiles! Hmmmm, actually her foes many have lost the game but then again seems they may have won!

 Akari doesn't have many fans here which is a shame but that's never stopped me from posting about her and I just may be her #1 ever fan!!!! 😍 So if you've never viewed a post this could be a nice intro and do recommend checking out any older posts, if you are a fan you will enjoy this one. Have a lot of brand new pics and think in six days there will be another post for her, then with any luck the following week too! Do have one small set of older pics which are these SKE cards from a little over a year ago. They were Akari's final ones with the group for today is her first anniversary of graduating from SKE.

 Oooops, do have one more set of older pics which are these birthday ones from prior years. Birthday #32 took place yesterday but usually I take the final day of a month off.

 On November 1st, which is today, Akari will be releasing her second essay book. There will be many essays and articles about her time with SKE and about her life as an Idol, many other things will be in the book which is titled "Ganko" To my huge surprise there will also be a section for regular photos, the top three are the covers and think those gravure pics are going to be beyond perfect! Hope it sells better than Akari's 2018 regular photobook which sadly didn't sell nearly as well as expected. There's going to be three events for it coming up which is why I'm thinking there could be at least two other posts this month.... whew, that bottom pic....

 Akari has her own fan club which seems to be popular and holds a fair amount of events each year for those who are members. In two days there will be an event in Tokyo for her birthday, she hails from Aichi which isn't far from Nagoya and that's also where SKE is based. On October 28th she held a birthday event at the Manshoji Temple in Yokosuka and looked so super duper!

 Actually the event was labeled as a Festival, there wasn't just one party but two held on that day. Difficult to say which outfit she looked better in, hard to beat those above ones though this batch of pics is quite oki doki too!

 Almost always end off with a huge amount of recent photos from Akari's IG page. But today do have one more set of pics after these and no one posts more photos than she does plus the quality is off the charts. Top ones are for her birthday, the rest go from October 24th to the 29th.

 Have noticed she does enjoy the spirits, another thing we have in common! Akari may not be nearly as bodacious as gravure models or other Idols but don't know if any woman has ever made my heart beat faster and can't think of any more superlatives to describe her, whew 😍 !!!! After these dazzling pics check out a new video from the Daily Logirl YT channel where Akari mainly talked about fashion, as mentioned she sadly doesn't have any gravure ones but this new video was quite enjoyable. 

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