Welcome to this Baka's blog on his fave Japanese Pop Culture interests.
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Hajimemashite minna san....welcome to my site on my fave Japanese Pop Culture likes such as dramas, movies, magazine scans, promo events etc. Mainly concentrate on my faves...Risa Watanabe... Miku Tanaka... Yui Kobayashi....Miyuki Watanabe.... Nene Shida....if you're a fan at all of any of them then you've come to the rightplace(!) but many others are featured here besides them. Do mainly quick reviews on things I've watched, try to make the reviews brief, quick to read through with not too many spoilers, just whether they're good or bad and why I thought so plus whether you may find them enjoyable. Many, many screenshots are included from everything I've watched plus any video trailers if they're available. Hope you find something that interests you, don't hesitate to comment, arigato gozaimasu!
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Sunday, November 19, 2023
Keyakizaka46: Their sixteenth unpetrifying post for 2023....
Though the title says 16th post it could be double that once you add in the posts for the 'Uni's on Air' game. Will have a super duper post for a photobook coming up in about ten hours, have also written up four others that you will begin seeing on Tuesday. Seeing as how I was taking tomorrow off thought what post could also be done today and out of all of them this was the only one to pan out. Have mentioned a few times how these last two weeks of November could be considered a 'clean up' period as I get to things that had been put on hold and also try to have pics of those you seldom see and there will be many of those for today. Of course it's Yui leading us off and she's been a bit quiet the last two months. Guess that was overdue for she had her busiest stretch ever from about June 2022 to September this year and had close to thirty posts in that period. Yui's next post will be either on December 14th or 16th, it depends whether she's third or fourth on this year's faves list. That is a very close battle for those spots, perhaps the closest of any positions and last year she was my #1 Queen of the year!!!!
From here on out will have 88 photos and think all are new for her though perhaps one semi older magazine spread isn't. "Shounin Yokkyuu" is the title of their seventh single since the name change to Sakura and it's still selling decently as after five weeks sales are close to 485,000 copies sold. That's not too far away from their best selling single "Nobody's Fault" which was their first and has sold about 510,000 copies. Have a little bit of this and that for today, just that one mag spread mentioned and there haven't been any events for over a month and so few modeling pics these days. Let's begin off with Rena and these are recent pics from her IG page. Don't know what's happened to her lately, in 2022 she had eight solo posts and four in the first half of this year but none since then.
More IG pics which are from Keya's other Yui. I really think her looks have improved so much over the last year but she too is part of that huge amount of members who it's impossible to have a solo post for.... should we forgive her for fraternizing with the enemy in the bottom pic?
Here's that one magazine spread that was mentioned and it's from the July 12th issue of Weekly Shonen. Karin was the cover girl and wasn't sure if it had been posted before. Even if it was thought it'd be nice to bring up her name as I bet out of all of the members in the first two generations she's been mentioned fewer times than anyone else.
Next weekend, November 25th and 26th, Keya will be holding their two third anniversary concerts. Of course they've been around for eight years but it's been three since the name change to Sakura. The second concert will be for Mizuho's graduation and then there will be just four first generation members left. She leads off this batch which are some recent promo pics for their newish 'Saku Koi' web game. Also in this set are more pics of Karin and after her is Ten.
The last two group posts were for the November promo pics for the 'Uni's on Air' game. However one member was missed who was Yui T. and she has the bottom four pics. Before them are Minami's birthday pics for November as on the 14th she hit the age of 25, few weeks back she went on hiatus because of some health issues and hope that's not an omen of her graduating.
At the 'Uni's on Air' site there was this small batch of pics and unsure if these will be the theme for December as there was no info about them. As you can see the pics are titled S.teller and there were two members with these new pics who are Akiho and following her is Mizuho, because she'll be leaving in a week these could be her final game pics.
After a long stretch of having zero episodes done the group's 'Soko' variety show is being subbed again. However it's just up to episode #149 which aired the first week of September. That's still such a long time ago so will wait for the October shows to be subbed and then will begin recapping the episodes again. Will end off this semi-mini post with two sets of group cards and most of them are for the sixth single "Start Over!". First off is the third generation member Miu and wish she wasn't so young as to me she has the most attractive face of any of the new members. Last up for this post is Rina I. who will be hitting the age of 23 in two months. That'd be a good time for her first ever solo post and while she too is so attractive wish she would visit an 'All you can eat buffet' a few more times! Did say that Mizuho would be graduating in a week and after the pics is a new 23 minute video that was posted at the group's newish YT channel. Three first generation members brought out Mizuho to a BBQ joint where they reminisced about the past eight years and sadly Minami didn't join them. Doesn't appear any of the quartet was partaking in any spirits and seeing them slightly tipsy would have made this video so much more enjoyable.
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