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Hajimemashite minna san....welcome to my site on my fave Japanese Pop Culture likes such as dramas, movies, magazine scans, promo events etc. Mainly concentrate on my faves...Risa Watanabe... Miku Tanaka... Yui Kobayashi....Miyuki Watanabe.... Nene Shida.... if you're a fan at all of any of them then you've come to the right place(!) but many others are featured here besides them. Do mainly quick reviews on things I've watched, try to make the reviews brief, quick to read through with not too many spoilers, just whether they're good or bad and why I thought so plus whether you may find them enjoyable. Many, many screenshots are included from everything I've watched plus any video trailers if they're available. Hope you find something that interests you, don't hesitate to comment, arigato gozaimasu!

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Saturday, November 4, 2023

Maria Makino: A sizzling post of this and that's....


 It'd be impossible to have a list of my favorite photos for a year but that first one would definitely make my top ten for 2023, whewwww(cold shower time)!!!! With the countdown for this year's faves beginning in about three weeks I tend to hold off on doing posts for any woman who will make the list. Will have one tomorrow and probably at least one for the gal who will be #1 for the year as there's no stopping her! But that should be it as I try to make those position posts have as many recent pics as possible and hopefully all will turn out well. Finally compiled a semi list of the positions and 27 have qualified which is only one less than last year.

 This is the ninth year of doing the fave's list and think each year gets slightly better, know the quality of the women has really gone way up. For this year Maria posed my biggest problem ever as in a way she is such an enigma! She has all the potential to be my #1 for a year as she is one ultra alluring woman and could be the most perfect one I post about! 😍 But this is only her eighth post of the year so that hurts her a bit as many others have almost twice as many. Though very few top Maria in my eyes at first was thinking of having her around the 14th position but thought that's a bit too low. So an early prediction is that she'll end up being somewhere between seventh and ninth, not as many posts as others but the quality of them is unbeatable! But it's more than posts that matter, for instance I have the DVDs from Maria's last three photobooks and have viewed each about twenty times this year so that really helped her out immensely and those videos are too perfect to describe....

 So if Maria does end up between seventh and ninth on the list her next post will be during the first week of December. Didn't think this would end up being a large post but do have over fifty new pics for here which should please her fan base and she is one of the more popular women here. First off are these recent IG pics though not as many as usual or at least not too many solo photos.

 Few of the above pics were for Halloween and have even more from the past with Maria though I figured there would have been many more pics. The bottom one is new which features her Morning Musume mates and finally did a post earlier this week for my all time fave member. Did talk about MM in that post and their current single that came out ten days ago, it's been a while since there was a group post so that is something I will try to have before the year ends.

 Will end off with a terrific new mag spread and hopefully in that next post will have the one for Maria's December UTB spread, her pics for them have always been out of this world! She'll be the cover girl and here's some advance pics for it, that second one ensures a sleepness night....

 Back in June Maria released her ninth(?) photobook which was titled "Dear Maria". She won't be turning 23 until next February so she could be on pace to set a record for most books by a Hello Project member. With the book came a 67 minute DVD and have been including some dazzling screenshots from it, this set here goes from the 36 to 47 minute mark. In her next post will have one last batch of screenshots. I have viewed too many Idol videos to count and in all honesty Maria's last three are close to being the best ones ever from a photobook but do highly recommend viewing any from a Hello Project member.

 Wow, often use Perfect to describe her but isn't there a better word than that, wow again! What there's been a shortage of this year are solo mag spreads but will end off with a fabulous one from the November 16th issue of Weekly Shonen Champion. That first pic was from Maria's IG page as she showed all of her other covers for the magazine, this new one makes it fourteen. There was no video for this spread nor have there been any other recent ones and that's because of the lack of magazine spreads. So after the pics have a forty minute video for her 2021 photobook, at close to four million views it's her most popular one on YT. Oooops, the video can't be embedded so here's the link to it and if you're a fan it needs to be viewed! Maria's 2021 photobook video

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