Welcome to this Baka's blog on his fave Japanese Pop Culture interests.
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Hajimemashite minna san....welcome to my site on my fave Japanese Pop Culture likes such as dramas, movies, magazine scans, promo events etc. Mainly concentrate on my faves...Risa Watanabe... Miku Tanaka... Yui Kobayashi....Miyuki Watanabe.... Nene Shida....if you're a fan at all of any of them then you've come to the rightplace(!) but many others are featured here besides them. Do mainly quick reviews on things I've watched, try to make the reviews brief, quick to read through with not too many spoilers, just whether they're good or bad and why I thought so plus whether you may find them enjoyable. Many, many screenshots are included from everything I've watched plus any video trailers if they're available. Hope you find something that interests you, don't hesitate to comment, arigato gozaimasu!
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Friday, November 3, 2023
Yui Kobayashi: Her memorable yet too belated.... 'Happy 24th Birthday' post!!!!
That first pic is my all time number one photo and thought I had begun off a few posts this year with it. That wasn't the case as September 2022 was the last time it had that honor so thought today was the perfect time to revive it, can't think of any more alluring adjectives to describe it! So this the third of three birthday posts for a trio of faves who celebrated a birthday towards the end of October, this one I'm very late on as birthday #24 took place on the 23rd. Was hoping for a few more newish pics which really didn't happen though all in all still think this should be one tremendous post.
One major reason for waiting a bit to do this post as it makes nineteen consecutive months with a Yui post and that's a record, next month #20 will happen and that will become the new record. Knew these posts for Yui would begin to slow down a bit as she's been on one busy tear over that nineteen months with 26 posts but I could see signs of her activities slowing down a bit though she's still busier than most J-Pop Idols. In 2022 she set a personal record with fourteen posts, she topped that as this makes it sixteen posts for 2023 and would like to see her get one more before the 'Nao Year' ends on November 30th. Birthday posts are really the same as regular ones and I just save up some things to make the post a bit larger. And that's the case for this one as there's well over a hundred pics and could be one of the top posts for the year.
As many viewers know last year Yui 😍 was my #1 fave for 2022 and for the longest time thought she would repeat as my Queen. Odds are slim now that will happen but don't think there's any way she would drop from her current second position. The last three years the top five faves have been stronger than ever so if you can go number one and then two on the yearly faves list that is quite an achievement. One other on this year's list will also be in the top five for a second straight year and will have an intro post for the countdown in about ten days. But the more pressing matter is about Yui's graduation and luckily there is nothing to discuss about it! When she took a hiatus two years ago from Keya(Sakura) thought there was a chance she may not be returning to the group and in all honesty will admit I was very bummed out thinking about it. Of course it never happened and she's been busier than ever the last sixteen months so really hoping she'll be with Keya at least one more year.
Not all photos have to be gravure ones to get my blood boiling. Those above two are from her IG page and in my eyes are just as hot if not more so than someone dressed very scantly. Was worried about there not being enough new pics for this post though are close to sixty since her last one was done 33 days ago, some are oldies that hadn't been posted before and guess we can cut her some slack for taking it slightly easy. However hate to cut Yui any slack for the lack of recent IG pics from her page for as you can see above the ones she posts are just so fabulous. These are the only solo pics from the past month with the last being for her birthday.
Do have some oldie birthday pics, actually quite a few and sadly these days Keya doesn't have a regular series of cards.
Those bottom four above were from last year and were promo ones for the 'Uni's on Air' web game. Once again they're so late with their monthly pics and really hope that the series hasn't stopped. While the monthly pics have ceased there has been birthday pics for anyone celebrating turning a year older these last two months so these are brand new for this year.
Do have a little bit of so many things though there are no new event pics or magazine spreads. Speaking of cards do have some recent ones here from Keya's first two singles of 2023, their third single for the year came out on October 18th and will have a group post soon to discuss it. Bit surprised how little there has been to post about the group from the last few weeks.
One final set of cards which are from years ago, some have been posted before while a few are new for here. Keya never had a monthly card series but instead would have them for the four seasons. It being Autumn have some of those pics which are for the years 2017-19.
Mainly have recent activities for the rest of the post but as mentioned Yui hasn't been as busy the past month. Before I get to those newish pics have three of them here that are older and had never been posted before. They're outtake pics from her photobooks and of course any fan would want to view them, first two are from her second book while the bottom one is from her first.
This batch here is from a Model Press interview that was released on October 1st though the pics and interview took place right after the September 2nd 'Tokyo Girls Collection' Autumn show. Yui talked a lot about her fashion style and of course a bit about the current state of Keya, no graduation talk but that doesn't happen often in these kinds of interviews and it was never mentioned. Here's the link to the site: Model Press interview
Yui has been with Keya since day one, that's about eight years now. But she had never been the center for any song, not even a B-side however can't say that any more. On the new single she is the center for the "Sukimakaze yo" song and while not a classic tune it's grown on me and I'm really starting to like it, reminds me of some older Keya songs before 2020. You can't embed music videos from the '46' groups so have the link to the video here which is recommended for all fans, it's subbed in English and the screenshots below are from it: "Sukimakase yo" video
From 2018 until mid 2020 no member had more magazine spreads and covers than Yui did. But since then they've really slowed down and wonder why, not just for her but most other members. So there being no new ones for today let's go back exactly four years with this set from the November 2019 issue of EX-Taishu and it's my favorite spread featuring her.
For almost five years Yui was a model for the With magazine site and her pics for them were always terrific. However she's had no new ones since May and that'd be a shame if she no longer was with them. At least she's now a model for the andGirl magazine, at first there weren't many pics at their site but these fabulous ones have come out in the last five weeks.
Will try my hardest to have another post this month as Keya will be busy though much of the attention could be for a graduating first generation member. Let's end off with some of my favorite Yui pics, of course all have been in previous posts but how can anyone get tired of viewing these(?), know I never will!!!! 😍 There is a new CM for AEON but will wait for now on it and have it in the next Keya post. After the pics is a video from October 23rd when she hosted 'Showroom' for her 24th birthday.
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