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Hajimemashite minna san....welcome to my site on my fave Japanese Pop Culture likes such as dramas, movies, magazine scans, promo events etc. Mainly concentrate on my faves...Risa Watanabe... Miku Tanaka... Yui Kobayashi....Miyuki Watanabe.... Nene Shida.... if you're a fan at all of any of them then you've come to the right place(!) but many others are featured here besides them. Do mainly quick reviews on things I've watched, try to make the reviews brief, quick to read through with not too many spoilers, just whether they're good or bad and why I thought so plus whether you may find them enjoyable. Many, many screenshots are included from everything I've watched plus any video trailers if they're available. Hope you find something that interests you, don't hesitate to comment, arigato gozaimasu!

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Sunday, November 12, 2023

Keyakizaka46: Part two of their November 'Uni's on Air' game pics plus many more goodies....


 In a way will be glad when this year's faves list begins and then is complete, then I can top talking about it for ten months! But speaking of it as many posts as there has been this year for Keya only one member reached six solo posts to become eligible for the list. Two had four posts each while Rei above has five but none for the last few months even though I had trying to do some for her. Oh well, that's sadly how things work out at times but least the one member will be in the top three, Hina had four members who qualified for the list. Don't think we'll be hearing too much from Keya the rest of the year, they do have a pair of third anniversary concerts coming up in two weeks plus I will be at some awards show in the Philippines but think that's about it. Though no magazine spreads nor any screenshots from their 'Soko' show think there will be around 120 new pics for this post. Not sure what the sales for the group's latest single is. Week one and three had sales of 435,000 copies sold but there was no info for week two which is baffling, will try to have that info for their next post.

 Have quite a bit of many things but as mentioned there will be no recap for their 'Soko' variety show, no episodes have been subbed for over three months and I enjoy that show more than Hina's. First off for today are these message pics which get posted on the first of the month at the group site and there is one missing member.

 Missing was MInami who went on hiatus two weeks ago due to some health problems, hope it's not an omen for her graduating. She's second in this batch of Keya cards for their sixth single "Start Over", before her is Hono and as much as I like her it's been impossible the last few months to have a solo post for her.

 Have two sets of some super duper IG pics with the first one featuring.... The Captain! Who of course is Rina and she just hit the age of 24 last month, I really like the way she looks and wouldn't mind it if she had the next Keya photobook. You will see her in the bottom two pics fraternizing with the enemy! It was from some special Sakamichi Captain's show to promote the 'Newcomer Live at Theater Milano' concert series beginning next month, will talk about it more in a future post.

 To me an ex-member who has really blossomed into such an attractive woman is Aoi, wow does she look so darn good! Her post-Keya career is going well as she's the cohost of two variety/news shows plus emcees at many events. Haven't done in it for a while but have tried to include some pics of her in these group posts, some terrific recent ones from her IG page.

 The number will be dropping to four as far as how many first generation members are left. That's because Mizuho will be graduating on November 26th which is the second of the group's third anniversary concerts. She's only had one solo post to date and not sure if to have another or keep having many pics in these group posts, strongly leaning towards the latter. She did have a farewell photobook titled "Destination" come out on November 7th and there was also an event held for it that day, do like her semi-new hair style.

 Now on to the November promo pics for the 'Uni's on Air' web game. There were no regular ones for October but things seem to be back to normal which pleases me as I think these pics are so fabulous. Have ten more members for today which will finish things off, will have three sets of the pics. First one features this trio of first generation members, leading off is Yui and while she won't repeat as my Queen for 2023 she is in a battle to finish second. Following her is Minami and did talk about her briefly earlier. Last up is Fuyuka and when there were nine first generation members left predicted she would be the final one to graduate and it just may happen.

 Second batch also has a trio of members with Rei leading off and I do like her immensely but she and too many other members aren't so easy to have solo posts for. Rina I is next in line and have never done a post for her but bet she's had at least 250 pics in these group posts so she's overdue for that first post. Third and last for this set is Marino, she too has never had a post but December 19th sounds like a good time for one as that's when her next birthday is.

 Final set which has a quartet of members, first three are from the second generation. First up is Karin who was the center for the sixth single, Kira follows her and she too has a birthday coming up which is exactly two months from today. Last 2G member is Ten who is now no longer Keya's youngest member. Decided to throw a third generation member in who is Miyu and how I wish she was a few years for to me she has the most attractive face of any of the new members. Miyu's height is 168 cm so after Mizuho graduates she may become Keya's tallest gal. Yesterday in a Hina group post had a video of two members who went to a golf shop to buy their first ever set of clubs. Well, it looks like Rena is also someone who likes the links as five days ago she uploaded a video to the group YT channel where she visited a golf center and even had her own clubs. With her is Reina from the third generation and seems like the pair want to start some sort of Keya golf series on the channel. It was kind of a fun video and it's after this set of pics, couple of recent videos had been subbed in English though this one isn't but it's easy enough to follow along.

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