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Hajimemashite minna san....welcome to my site on my fave Japanese Pop Culture likes such as dramas, movies, magazine scans, promo events etc. Mainly concentrate on my faves...Risa Watanabe... Miku Tanaka... Yui Kobayashi....Miyuki Watanabe.... Nene Shida.... if you're a fan at all of any of them then you've come to the right place(!) but many others are featured here besides them. Do mainly quick reviews on things I've watched, try to make the reviews brief, quick to read through with not too many spoilers, just whether they're good or bad and why I thought so plus whether you may find them enjoyable. Many, many screenshots are included from everything I've watched plus any video trailers if they're available. Hope you find something that interests you, don't hesitate to comment, arigato gozaimasu!

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Thursday, November 2, 2023

Mai Shinuchi: Just because who else deserves a post more than her?!?!


 Well, sure a few other names can come to your mind and this isn't a case of her being forgotten as her last post was done just a week ago! But sometimes when an all time fave gets stuck in my mind really want to do a post for that woman and there aren't many bigger faves to me. I've been smitten with Mai since about 2015 and for so long it was so difficult to do solo posts for her. By the end of 2020 she only had ten of them but must have had a thousand pics in Nogi group posts so she did get a decent amount of exposure. But how the times have luckily changed as since January 2021 this is her 30th solo post, that's a 34 month period so the average is very close to one a month.

 Mai is one of he few J-Pop Idols who have become busier after they graduated from their group. She'll be hitting the age of 32 on January 22nd and wonder if graduating at an older age helps an Idol out? Have a feeling it does and my number one fave for 2023 has a very similar history to her and their ages are only three months apart. Last year Mai was fifth on the yearly list and for a long time was wondering if she would even qualify for this year's list, six posts are needed. No problem there as this is now her eighth post for 2023 and five have come since June so she's had a strong second half of the year. My prediction is that she'll end up in the tenth position and that's a respectable spot. In about ten days will have an intro post for the fave's list and discuss where things stand then.

 Want to have the top ten positions done in December so I can have a position every other day. For instance #10 would be done on December 2nd, ninth on the fourth and so on until the 20th when number one is revealed. So if Mai is tenth will hold off on her next post until that position comes up and think it will work out well. In two weeks her 2024 calendar will be released and on November 18th there will be an event for it. So will have those pics in the post and am also hoping for a magazine spread to promote it, so far this is the only promo pic for it. 

 Mai has been in a couple of stage plays this year and also her first movie. But I would like to see her appear in a drama and view more of her in a 'live setting', she also hosts one TV show and two radio shows. It being November how about some older Nogi cards for this month and looking at them realized most if not all of these had never been posted. There's eight cards for 2015 and eleven for 2016, that bottom set is my fave.

 How about one more set of November pics, seeing as how there's no new mag spreads let's go back exactly four years with this set from BLT

 Just got the video last night so haven't had a chance to view it yet, would rather take my time and will have info in that next post. It involves Mai and one of my fave current groups BababaBambi who viewed her Nogi videos and what is the connection between them? When you do two posts within a week for someone it is difficult to come up with a lot of new pics but didn't want to hold on to any of these new ones for a month. In Mai's last post had quite a few pics of her at a Mini Stop event to promote a new ice cream. Have more pics for them here and most are from their site though the top are from her IG page, have checked YT a few times and am shocked there's no CM featuring her.

 Mai has been appearing at so many more events since leaving Nogi back in February 2022. This batch is from five days ago and the 'SDGs Fes in Edogawa', she has a weekly radio show for SDGs. The event was held at the Shiokaze Plaza in Tokyo, it was some sort of living experience forum helping others who live on their own and Mai gave her suggestions on that, being Nogi's oldest ever member plus working for Sony she would have a better view than most on the subject. Bit of a low key affair as there weren't too many photos from it though the top one gets a grade of A++++ from me....

 After this final batch of pics have a video of the above event, not exciting view but just enjoy watching her in a live setting, Will end off with some older and utterly perfect Mai pics, I will never get tired of these and have noticed she does have a solid fan base here.

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