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Thursday, November 9, 2023

Mion Mukaichi: A sizzling trio of magazine spreads plus some other goodies....


 My tastes in women, such as the one in the post below this, don't always mesh with you viewers but there are a few who we all can't get enough of. One is definitely Mion and just did a post eleven days ago that featured her scorching first photobook. That's currently the fifth most viewed post of the past month but in all honesty thought it would be #1 by now, still not too late to check it out and that above pic is from it.

 Those above aren't from the book but the next two pics below are. This is Mion's third post since July and wonder if these will continue, would love to see that happen. I like her so much yet was unable to do any posts for her since 2018 as she rarely appeared in magazines plus this photobook was her first set of gravure pics in five years!!!! But Mion does have some new pics in that vein for today and hope that's the beginning of many spreads, sure most reading this are in agreement. Mion is the third General Manager of the '48' groups, think it's more of an honorary position but perhaps that kept her busy which is why we seldom heard anything from her. She'll be turning 26 in January so wonder how much longer she'll be with AKB but these days Idols tend to stay with their groups a bit longer than they once did.

 Besides the trio of magazine spreads have some other treats so there's about 65 pics that had never been posted. First off are these recent pics from Mion's IG page, looked back and she didn't post any for August.

 Some AKB cards sound like a good idea as I haven't posted any in eons, these are from September and August that each have eight cards.

 You know who hasn't had a post for a while is Mion's AKB mate Yui. There hasn't been all that much to post about her which is surprising as she was the center for AKB's last single. Her next birthday is on December 26th so that may be a good time for her next post.

 Now on to the trio of magazine spreads, after going five years with no gravure spreads Mion has had five since July. This first set is from the September edition of UTB and does feature some outtake/promo pics for her photobook.

 Up next is this spread from the October 3rd issue of Flash. I really like that bottom pic and Mion certainly can pack a lot onto her tiny 150 cm figure.

 Last up is this hotter than hot spread from the November 20th issue of Young Magazine. Mion is their cover girl and seven of the pics are from the photo shoot. Also from the photo shoot is a video that's after the pics, I highly recommend it and think it's Mion's first ever gravure video.

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