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Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Akari Suda: Who better to have a post for on Valentine's Day?!?!


 There's a pair of photos above that had never been posted before which are sure to get your blood boiling on a cold day! Sure most may not agree with the heading but to me really can only think of possibly one other woman though not holding my breath expecting either to knock at my door with some freshly baked chocolates! Slightly slower stretch for Akari to begin the year off but a slower period for her is often more busy than those who have done a lot save for the woman in the next post who is unstoppable.

 This makes eight consecutive months with a Akari post but doubt as she will ever set a record as there should be a post for someone this week who will be up to 22 months! So though a slower period still have over sixty pics that had never been posted before, as usual a mix of new things plus some oldies that had been dug up from their graves! 

 Though the title does mention Valentine's already had all of Akari's pics for the day in her last post. They took up most of the older SKE monthly cards so just have this small batch for February and hope most are new for here.

 Akari has just released her first ever solo calendar, the dates begin in April. Had posted three promo pics for it but have four more new ones below, next month Akari will be at a pair of fan signing events for the calendar and think she has some other event next week.

 No new magazine spreads which is not surprising. However do have some very ancient ones that had never been posted before and will have one of them for today. This set is from Weekly Shonen Champion #40 that came out in October 2013, a few weeks before she hit the age of 22.

 Akari's first and only regular photobook "Kawaikunaru Houhou" was released on August 22, 2018. That was my second favorite book for that year and for some odd reason it wasn't that good of a seller. Found some pics from the photo shoot that hadn't been posted before which are below, four have been seen here before so nine are new.

 Usually end off with some terrific photos from her IG page and will continue that trend, did hold a few of them back. The ones near the bottom are from the recording of 'Asunal Treasure' which is a radio show and Akari has a weekly segment, the bottom one she posted today. In her last post had a video of Akari looking to buy her first ever car, it may be a mini series like a Hina member had. Two more videos have been uploaded, here's the first when she took her first ever test drive in Tokyo and you can view it after the pics.

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