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Hajimemashite minna san....welcome to my site on my fave Japanese Pop Culture likes such as dramas, movies, magazine scans, promo events etc. Mainly concentrate on my faves...Risa Watanabe... Miku Tanaka... Yui Kobayashi....Miyuki Watanabe.... Nene Shida.... if you're a fan at all of any of them then you've come to the right place(!) but many others are featured here besides them. Do mainly quick reviews on things I've watched, try to make the reviews brief, quick to read through with not too many spoilers, just whether they're good or bad and why I thought so plus whether you may find them enjoyable. Many, many screenshots are included from everything I've watched plus any video trailers if they're available. Hope you find something that interests you, don't hesitate to comment, arigato gozaimasu!

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Saturday, February 3, 2024

Risa Watanabe: Just because I really, really, really wanted to do a post for her!


 When I get the urge to have a post for someone nothing usually stops me, especially when it's for my #1 woman of all time!!!! So even though the posts for Risa have slowed down a bit she's still my all time number one woman and has been for about three years, kind of an oddity then that she never was #1 for a year on the fave's list. At one time Risa did have many fans here and in 2019 her posts drew more views than anyone else. But that popularity has really decreased over the years and who can figure out why, lack of sizzling gravure photos such as these at the top? However her last post done a little over three weeks ago has proved to be extremely popular as it has the second most views of any post from the past month, why that was so popular is a mystery!

 So while we may never see any more gravure pics least Risa did leave us with some sweltering ones and the the odds are close to zero that she would ever do some sort of digital book but one can dream! Seeing as how that last post was just done three weeks ago there aren't a huge amount of new pics, there's about twenty since that last post. However do have some older ones that had never been posted and also some that deserve an encore viewing as many may have never seen them or they've been forgotten about. In her last post said the subbing for Risa's first major drama "Black Familia" had stopped as there were none done past the second episode. But last weekend four shows were done so I'm hoping the other four episodes can be finished by the end of this month, if so will begin to recap the series in March. 

 Then again there's nothing wrong with being the runner-up though wish she would keep her mouth shut!!!! Was a bit surprised Risa wasn't at Yui's graduation concert that took place two days ago, those two always seemed close when they were in Keya and will end the post off with the duo. But she's also in the bottom pic below and it being close to Valentine's Day have some older pics for the occasion but not nearly as many as most Idols seem to have.

 Risa has a fan club and an IG page but posts so few pics at both of them. But her first ever solo calendar is about to be released and have two pics from it which are the only ones so far, am really hoping she'll hold an event for it.

Those bottom two pics above are from her fan club. Speaking of events Risa was at today's 'Tokyo Girls Collection' show and she took her stroll on the Milkfed stage. Not many photos from it as the show was held in Wakayama and that's not one of their major shows so not many news sites were in attendance. However Risa will also be at the next TGC show which is one of their larger ones, it'll be taking place on March 2nd so her next post may be right after that.

 She was dressed a bit too conservatively once again at a TGC show, perhaps because it's Winter. This April will mark Risa's seventh anniversary of being a model for the Non-no magazine. Have some terrific new pics from their site that have come out in the past three weeks.

 Did have a fabulous new magazine spread in Risa's last post but those have been far and few between the last year. So let's go back almost exactly five years for this superb set which was from the February 28, 2019 issue of Weekly Shonen Champion.

 We've hit the end and did say I would end off with some stupendous pics of 'the duo'. That being Risa with Yui and have posted well over a hundred pics of them together. But as a bonus this batch of photos had never been posted before and will we ever see any new ones with the my all time favorite pair(?), as you can see many of them are quite ancient. After the pics is a semi-newish video from Non-no and have said more than once how I would like to see her open her own YT channel.

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