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Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Tomi: Her new scorching 'Young Jump' digital book....


 Very quicky mini post though there are about seventy new photos. Usually take the final day of a month off which is this Thursday so was writing up four for tomorrow, have two done. But didn't want to have just one post for today and why not have one for a gal I really like! March should be a busier month as I do have close to ten newish digital books plus this Saturday is a major TGC show, also will be doing more posts for a pair of newbies who were introduced this month.

 Another reason I wanted to do this post is that Tomi hadn't had one since November, she's like a few other woman who I post about whose activities are a bit streaky. Tomi's popularity has been rising here, she'll never be a huge star but her posts these days do draw a high amount of views. Know she still looks a bit young but on February 8th she hit the age of 25. Will start off this post with some recent IG pics and she's never posted many of them. The first pic though is the back cover of a new special Strike! issue which she shares with a BababaBambi member.

Those bottom two pics above are with her J-Pop group #2i2. To promote this new book Tomi was the cover girl for the February 22nd issue of Young Jump, bet she's been their cover girl ten times.

 On to the main reason for this post which is this new digital book that the Young Jump magazine released on February 8th and has fifty photos. At a height of 149 cm Tomi was the shortest woman I posted about for years but now that honor goes to a BababaBambi member. Tomi has had too many gravure spreads and books to count but there's been very few videos from the photo shoots. However there is one after these pics and it is a superb video.

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