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Hajimemashite minna san....welcome to my site on my fave Japanese Pop Culture likes such as dramas, movies, magazine scans, promo events etc. Mainly concentrate on my faves...Risa Watanabe... Miku Tanaka... Yui Kobayashi....Miyuki Watanabe.... Nene Shida.... if you're a fan at all of any of them then you've come to the right place(!) but many others are featured here besides them. Do mainly quick reviews on things I've watched, try to make the reviews brief, quick to read through with not too many spoilers, just whether they're good or bad and why I thought so plus whether you may find them enjoyable. Many, many screenshots are included from everything I've watched plus any video trailers if they're available. Hope you find something that interests you, don't hesitate to comment, arigato gozaimasu!

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Thursday, February 15, 2024

Hinatazaka46: Their fourth twinkling group post of 2024....


 It's been a little over three weeks since the last group post and since then there's also only been one solo post. Every now and again I do get a little burnt out with J-Pop Idols which has been the case over that period of time. So it's nice to step back for a while and least it's a good time of the year for that as most groups are a bit quiet, hopefully in March will be over with my blahs for Idols. Speaking of quiet hasn't that been the case for Kyoko the last three months? Her graduation concerts will be taking place in six weeks but I haven't done a post for her in over two months! That's a rarity and there hasn't been much I can do about that as over that stretch Kyoko hasn't appeared in any magazines nor had any new modeling pics plus hasn't attended any events. So hope she goes out on a high note and has been working on some things for her graduation such as a photobook. March 2nd is the date for the first major 'Tokyo Girls Collection' show of the year, five Hina members will be there but not her and what's up with that?

 Do have quite a bit of new things for today, guess I could do another post next week but would rather wait until that TGC show but will just wait and see how things work out. On March 19th Hina will be releasing their second group photobook which is titled "H46Mode", the three covers are below. Also below is a flyer for a Hina exhibit called "WE R!" that will be held at he Tokyo Sky Tree from March 12th until June 12th. It'll be looking back at their history, they just celebrated their fifth anniversary of changing the group name from Hiragana46 to Hinatazaka46.

 Do have a little bit of many things, let's begin off with the last of Ayaka's missed 2023 group cards and when will her first photobook be coming out?

 Speaking of photobooks don't we need one for Hiyori and also a few other members? She does look so super duper to me, the first five pics below are from her IG page while the other five are brand new modeling ones from the andGirl site.

 Am beginning off with some newish member pics but for the most past they've been a bit quiet since the start of the new year. Have more IG pics which feature the group's most attractive member who is Mikuni and why hasn't any site signed her up to be a model????

 Don't think the above were in the last group post, up next are these monthly message pics that are posted at the Hina site on the first of every month though am missing a few members. 

 Only a day late for Valentine's, have some pics from last year for the day and hate to say it but Kyoko is one woman you don't want to see in the kitchen!

 We're over halfway through February but not all of the monthly promo pics for the 'Uni's on Air' web game have come out yet which is why there may be another post next week. So for today will have eight members and all have four pics. Kyoko leads us off and this should be her second to last set of pics. Shiho does have eight pics for the game because a member has an extra four when they celebrate a birthday. On February 2nd she hit the age of 26 but it's been impossible to do a post for her lately, hopefully there can be one done right after that net TGC show. Third up is Ayaka who I already mentioned, last up for this set is Mana who I rarely ever talk about.

 Above were all first generation members, this other set will feature gals from 2G. First off is Miku and have run out of superlatives for her! The eternally smiling Konoka follows her and she's the oldest of the second generation members. Hina is third and I truly would love to see her have a second book. Last up for the game pics is Suzuka and haven't heard much from her lately, probably out tearing up the roads in her new vehicle.... hmmmm, knowing Suzuka bet she's racked up a few speeding tickets!

 Will end off with a very large set of pics, right after them is a newish video uploaded to the member's YT channel. It features Konoka who during the New Year's holidays traveled to Miyazaki with her family and her father did the filming. The final set of pics are of Nao from volume two of Triangle which is a magazine/photobook, Nogi members were in volume one. Posted Miku's photos from the book and has that proved to be an immensely popular post! There's 46 pics below and Nao does look very good, especially in the second half of the set.

1 comment:

  1. Kosaka is really attractive. She needs to do another photobook I want to see more gravure stuff from her.
