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Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Kana Nakada: A semi blast from the past post....


 Not the largest of posts but it's so rare these days when I can do one for an old Nogi first generation member. Kana graduated in October 2020 but have had three posts for her since then, her last was seventeen months ago for her first and of course last Nogi photobook which is one of their best ever. A magazine spread with Kana on the cover came out four months ago but thought it was a one and done deal but she has a brand new one that could he the best to date for this young year.

 Kana has done something which I'm sure no other ex-Idol has which is to become a pro Mahjong player which in Japan is called Riichi. Overall not sure how successful she's been but know she did finish third in a prestigious tournament plus has been the co-host of two TV shows about the sport and and is currently in the pro M-League. It's not a sport which I can do posts for but that's very unique what Kana is doing, the game is popular among Idols I've noticed and especially with SKE.

 Speaking of SKE there is an ex-member in the second and third to last IG pics below who is also a Mahjong fanatic but not at the level Kana is, there's also a Morning Musume graduate in the pics. Only a few IG pics as she doesn't post all that many and most are from playing Mahjong.

 On August 6th Kana will be hitting the age of thirty, just about every first generation member is that age or older and so many Nogi gals were born in that month. It's almost Valentine's Day so have some older Nogi cards for it but there weren't as many as I was hoping.

 Have that pair of new magazine spreads but there are a few older ones for Kana that had never been posted. Think I have five of those and will have two of them for today with the first being from the October 13, 2020 issue of Friday. It featured outtake pics from her photobook that came out on the same day and she had one of Nogi's most underrated figures. 

 Second up for Kana is this real ancient spread from the October 2017 issue of BLT. With her is Yuuri Saito and did I like her immensely, she retired from show biz in May 2021 but she could be making a comeback as last year did sign with a new agency.

 Now on to the more recent spreads and this set is from the October 16th issue of Big Comic Spirits. Kana was the cover girl so surprised it wasn't larger.  

 Final spread is a brand new one and to date could be the top set of the year! Once again Kana graces a cover and it's from the February 19th issue of Young Magazine. Shame there's no video of the photo shoot so will skip having one as 95% of them on YT are of her playing Mahjong, there's really been only one ex-Nogi member who has had gravure videos.

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