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Thursday, March 16, 2023

Himeka Araya: Her third invigorating intro post....


 Bit of a slower period as of late and they seem to be happening more often the last year. Wonder if that has to do with posting about less women than I once did, even though I do introduce newbies such as Himeka that doesn't make up for all of those who have fell by the wayside. Was thinking about doing some sort of post about those women and why you rarely hear from them these days. Could be they got married, retired, aren't nearly as busy or some other reason, guess after posting about so many over the last eleven years thigs like that are to be expected.

 Gave most of Himeka's bio info in her first two posts which have been semi popular. She'll be turning 25 at the end of May and is the kind of woman I enjoy posting about as she does a lot of different activities. Himeka is an actress, gravure model, was in two J-Pop groups and is someone I think who can have a lot of posts in the future. Let's begin off with some photos from her IG page which were all posted in January.

 Himeka's last post was for her first ever digital photobook and that may end up being in my top five of the year as it was that fabulous. Himeka's first post had a link to a 2020 interview with the Scramble Web site, it was right after she joined the Shamlock J-Pop group. She has another interview with them that came out on February 27th and here's the link to it: Scramble Web site

 Himeka has had many terrific gravure spreads since 2020 and what I've been doing is going from oldest to newest with them. She's been the cover girl for two recent magazines but you may not see them for another two posts as I want to get her older ones out of the way. Will have a trio of Himeka spreads for today with the first being from the April 5, 2021 issue of WPB.

 Think that above one may be Himeka's last from 2021 but knowing me bet I've missed one or two. She had many spreads in 2022, this one is from the March 10th issue of Young Jump.

 Will end off with one more Himeka spread from Young Jump and this set is from their June 9th issue. Himeka doesn't have too many solo gravure videos on YT, there is a new one but saving that for her next post. After the pics is a shortish WPB video from last July.

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