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Hajimemashite minna san....welcome to my site on my fave Japanese Pop Culture likes such as dramas, movies, magazine scans, promo events etc. Mainly concentrate on my faves...Risa Watanabe... Miku Tanaka... Yui Kobayashi....Miyuki Watanabe.... Nene Shida.... if you're a fan at all of any of them then you've come to the right place(!) but many others are featured here besides them. Do mainly quick reviews on things I've watched, try to make the reviews brief, quick to read through with not too many spoilers, just whether they're good or bad and why I thought so plus whether you may find them enjoyable. Many, many screenshots are included from everything I've watched plus any video trailers if they're available. Hope you find something that interests you, don't hesitate to comment, arigato gozaimasu!

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Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Yui Oguri: Her illuminating fourth post....


 These posts are coming a lot quicker than I expected, this is her fourth in six weeks. Yui's first two posts were done on February 12th and while they've received a decent amount if views thought the one for her fabulous 2022 photobook would have been much more popular. However her third post certainly has been as for the last few weeks it's been in that section for most viewed posts of the past month so Yui must have some fans here. Wanted to hold off a little bit with this post but wasn't much else gong on. For some reason the end of March/beginning of April is one of the slower periods of the year and have never understood why. Always find enough things to post about but it's much more difficult than other periods of the year.

 An AKB member making the yearly faves list has been a rarity, some have but no one since 2017 though think Yui does have an excellent chance of doing it this year. You will see a few more posts coming up as I'm holding back one recent mag spread plus there is an older thing I want to post about, will reveal that in a short bit. Here's a few newish Yui IG pics but she doesn't post all that many of them or least hasn't been recently.

 Yui will be in a pair of upcoming TV movies. The first will be "3 Nen VR Gumi" that will be airing on March 27th which looks to be an interesting show. So doesn't the other one and even more so which is "Good Morning, Nemureru Shishi" but it may also be a regular series. It's called season two and it'll be airing on April 12th, I and many other fans were under the impression that it would be a regular drama but for now am not so sure, will have info in Yui's next post and she does have the lead role in this show.

 When this post is finished am going to begin writing up four recaps for the "Taxi Driver" series, those will take a while. Once they're done will start viewing another drama which is "Majimura Gakuen" which aired in 2018 and I'm often late with shows but really do enjoy AKB dramas and can't believe I hadn't viewed it. Did watch the first episode which was decent, there's ten in all. The subs are subpar(!) so have to edit every episode which is taking a while but have completed the first four. Yui has the lead role in the series playing the character of Lily and with Gakuen in the title you know there's plenty of action! So will begin on the drama very soon, will have two pair of three recaps and one batch with the final four shows. No timeline but will have the first recaps next month.

 There's already been three 'Tokyo Girls Collection' shows this year but usually only one member from AKB makes an appearance. Surprised Yui doesn't and think she's only been at one of them. However she does appear at most of the 'Girls Award' shows and to me those are better. Don't know when the next one will be but am thinking sometime in May. This batch is from last May 14th and the 'Girls Award' Spring/Summer show, Yui took her stroll on the Dazzlin' stage.

 We're at the end and have been making posts a bit smaller this year in order to have more of them. Glad I checked Yui's previous post or this spread may not have seen the light of day! In that post said I was holding on this spread that's from the January 1st issue of Weekly Shonen. She's also the cover girl for another recent magazine and that one will be in her next post which I hope will happen in about two weeks. What a bad stretch it's been for newer videos, not just for Idols but almost everyone. After the pics have a short video from the above event that also features my other current AKB fave.

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