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Sunday, March 26, 2023

Yuno Ohara: A (too) little bit of this and that....


 This is Yuno's first post in over four months so can understand if you've forgotten about her! Have mentioned how her activities and posts are a bit streaky, she may have seven magazine spreads in a two month stretch and then zero for the next three. Lately it's been even slower than that, have a pair of new spreads for today but they've been Yuno's only ones since November. Shame there's been a slowdown with these posts as she had finally started to become somewhat popular here but have an inkling it may not be that long until her next post.

 Not too large of a post for today but there are 43 new photos and why let them get dated? The last few years Yuno has been concentrating more on her acting career which has been going well but haven't heard of any new dramas of films yet for 2023. Have seen Yuno in at least five dramas but none from the past year, most of the dramas where she doesn't have the main role have been better. Let's begin off with some recent IG pics and she doesn't post all that may of them.

 Yuno has her own site and right around Christmas released a card collection for her fans. Here's a few of those photos which were at her site and they look pretty darn good to me.

 Two weeks ago Yuno's 2023-24 calendar was released, these are some pics from it. There's going to be a pair of upcoming events for it which is why I'm thinking there may be some posts on the horizon plus she is way overdue for any kind of photobook.

 In every edition of EX-Taishu Yuno just has a two page spread and this has been going on for a long time. Have two pages here from the magazine's March and April issues.

 Last July Yuno cut her role for a drama role and to me she looks more attractive with shorter tresses. Will end off with that pair of regular spreads mentioned and she's the cover girl for the first set that's from the April 5th issue of Weekly Shonen.

 Yuno usually is the cover girl for the magazines she appears in, she has that honor once again for the final set of pics that's from the February 20th edition of Young Magazine. After the spread check out a video that's from the photo shoot of Yuno's new calendar.

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