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Hajimemashite minna san....welcome to my site on my fave Japanese Pop Culture likes such as dramas, movies, magazine scans, promo events etc. Mainly concentrate on my faves...Risa Watanabe... Miku Tanaka... Yui Kobayashi....Miyuki Watanabe.... Nene Shida.... if you're a fan at all of any of them then you've come to the right place(!) but many others are featured here besides them. Do mainly quick reviews on things I've watched, try to make the reviews brief, quick to read through with not too many spoilers, just whether they're good or bad and why I thought so plus whether you may find them enjoyable. Many, many screenshots are included from everything I've watched plus any video trailers if they're available. Hope you find something that interests you, don't hesitate to comment, arigato gozaimasu!

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Sunday, March 19, 2023

Rika Izumi: Hopefully you're not tired of her yet....


 Know I can never get tired of these posts but perhaps viewers can as this is Rika's third in a month and there may be a few more coming up! This has been a very good month with posts for those slightly older in age, say 28+ years old. This makes eleven posts in twenty days for those 'senior citizens'(!!!!) and I do prefer posting about somewhat older women. It does get tougher for woman once they get close to or over thirty as they appear in less magazines, have fewer photobooks and of course 99.99% have graduated from their J-Pop groups. But the posts have never slowed down for Rika who will be turning 35 in October, she should hit the 100 post mark next year which is rare for an actress/model as it's just been done once in the last five years.

 So often I see an actress, model or J-Pop Idol who is between 22 and 26 in age take a long break because they 'worked too hard' or are 'too burnt out'. What they all need to do is take a page out of Rika's book as the older she gets the busier she is! While she doesn't appear at that many events these days she does more modeling work than ever plus her acting career is going well too. Sure Rika's taken a mini break here and there the last seven years but it's been rare to go more than a month without new pics from her, have never heard her moan about her schedule being too demanding and only am harping on a few of those gals.

 "Kimi no Sekai" is a drama I'm sure most know about. Recapped the first season which I thought was excellent, also recapped season two which wasn't nearly as good but ended on a high note. Then there was a third season last year but for so long there were no subs for it, did skim through the first two episodes and it did look to be better than the second season. Have now found some subs for it and may recap that season too, need to mull that over. A fourth season begins tonight so if that gets subbed then will recap it along with season three.

 Rika wasn't in any of those three seasons but she will be in a special that will air just before season four begins tonight, not sure if she'll be in the regular drama. It's her first time being in a horror/suspense show and for this special she did an interview with the W Online site, these are some fabulous pics from it along with some promo photos and here's the link to the interview: W Online site

 Few recent pics from her IG page and this is actually a lot for her in a two weeks stretch.

 As has been the case for most of Rika's posts the last three years many of her recent activities have been for modeling. We all miss her ultra perfect gravure photos and doubt if we'll ever seen any more in that vein but to me her modeling pics always rate an A++++! First off is this set for the Mercury Duo Spring collection, this is Rika's busiest time of the year for modeling.

 More Spring collection pics which are for Vis. There's plenty of new modeling pics at the Oggi site but will hold on to those for now so I can have another post in about two weeks.

 Just one new mag spread that's from the March issue of Bijin Hyakka, Rika appears in this magazine often but not all that many others these days.

 Do miss seeing Rika at events as her classy and elegant looks at them are unbeatable! Often end off with pics from the Stola site if there's any new ones and there are for today, to me they're her top modeling pics and this set is for their Early Summer collection. No recent videos and that's a common occurrence for most faves these days. So after the pics have a real oldie yet goldie from a Ray magazine photo shoot from over seven years ago, Rika's looks have changed since then and for the better!

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