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Hajimemashite minna san....welcome to my site on my fave Japanese Pop Culture likes such as dramas, movies, magazine scans, promo events etc. Mainly concentrate on my faves...Risa Watanabe... Miku Tanaka... Yui Kobayashi....Miyuki Watanabe.... Nene Shida.... if you're a fan at all of any of them then you've come to the right place(!) but many others are featured here besides them. Do mainly quick reviews on things I've watched, try to make the reviews brief, quick to read through with not too many spoilers, just whether they're good or bad and why I thought so plus whether you may find them enjoyable. Many, many screenshots are included from everything I've watched plus any video trailers if they're available. Hope you find something that interests you, don't hesitate to comment, arigato gozaimasu!

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Sunday, October 31, 2021

Akari Suda: Happy 30th(!) Birthday....


 October by far has the most birthdays of any month and surprisingly February may be in second place for the month most of my faves were born in. Only did four of these bitrhday posts for October and as I've mentioned before these posts aren't any kind of special celebration, they're often much larger though than most posts. And October was a very good month for posts, with 64 it came close to the 66 in March and the days of averaging 70+ is a thing of the past.

 Huge post today as there could be a hundred pics and 64 are ones that had never been included in one of her posts. Am holding back over 25 as I want to have another post in December and it's been such a struggle doing posts for Akari the past two years. She did have one a month ago but it was her first of the year, SKE has really slowed down on their group activities and also you seldom see members these days in magazines or at events. Next April or May will start the countdown on my second 'Top Twenty Faves of All Time' list, by then it'll have been abut four years since the first list was done. There's only going to be two criterias, one is that you have to be 24+ in age which won't be a factor. The other one I'm thinking of is new which is that a fave needs 25 posts to qualify, that again shouldn't be a factor. But it could for Akari as this is just post #22, she's only had three in the last 1 1/2 years. So that's why I'm holding back some terrific pics for another post, then the question is will she be able to have two more by next Spring? Gulp, time to increase that cold water bill, gulp.......

 As I've mentioned at least five times if things had worked out better Akari would have been in the running to be my #1 of all time. But wonder would it have helped being in a group like Nogi or Keya? Probably would have because even though SKE's songs have been better the members don't do nearly as many activities as Nogi's do, too late to change history. But though Akari has had a lack of posts she did finish #2 on the 2018 yearly faves list plus on the list for my all time photobooks her only one finished in the fourth position. She'd also be way up there for any kind of 'All Time Hottest' list whether it would be for everyone or just Idols, she'd be in the top five for both lists. In case you missed the perfect pics from her 2018 photobook here's the link to it: "Kawaikunaru Houhou" photobook

 It's rare when you see an Idol remain with their group until the age of thirty but Akari has mentioned a few times in the past year she has no plans on leaving. She needs to get some non-SKE activities in place, no Idol appears on more variety shows but can those pay the bills? A new interview came out today with Tokyo Sports which is a very interesting read. She has her first solo concert coming up on November 22nd so will have pics and info in that next post. She also talked about dating and marriage, she's proud of never having been in a scandal after being an Idol for twelve years but is a tad jealous of her old classmates who have gotten married and settled down, old Nao is available! 😍

 Next April her best SKE mate will be turning thirty also but announced two weeks ago she'll be graduating on her birthday. She's had no posts for this year which is such a shame, SKE has been way too quiet and I can't believe this pair has never had a magazine spread together.

 Today is October 31st and think the odds of Akari knocking at my door for a treat are slim, perhaps she's waiting for me to rap on her door? Some Halloween pics from the past, so many J-Pop groups used to have special concerts for the occasion but not the past two years which is a shame as I like to see Idols do some cosplaying.

 Whole bunch of new Instagram pics and the top two are from yesterday. The two after that are a bit interesting and so isn't the bottom pic which is older but what an unlikely pair they make, unlikely but kind of unbeatable.

 SKE hasn't been entirely quiet this year as they did release a single on September 1st, it's sold about 250,000 copies to date which isn't all that bad these days. The single was alright but their songs from 2011-17 were better than almost any J-Pop group save for C-ute, I've always said their singles were better than Nogi's. The group released a photobook on September 27th called "Zubunure SKE48" which was put put by the SPA! magazine, they have a mini two page spread in their weekly issues. Zubunure means Sweaty/Soaked, on October 8th there was an event to promote the PB. Pics here are from that and also have a video of it:  SKE photobook event video

 As you may notice Akari changed her hair color, as long as it's not a dark shade of purple she'll always look perfect to me. Do have a new mag spread but not going to have it today, will explain why a bit further down. So will have a pair of ultra fabulous spreads from the past which I bet most have never seen. First off is this set from the May 2016 issue of Girls!.

 Other oldie spread is from the August 2018 edition of BLT Graph, it was promoting her first and only photobook which sadly will probably be her only one.

 Akari is the cover girl for the November issue of Bubka, third time she's had the honor. But am going to hold on to it for her next post so there can be plenty of new pics for that. However it's not a bad thing not having that spread as there's a huge amount of pics from the photo shoot which are actually better than the spread. These outtake pics may have even made for the top mag spread of the year, that bottom pic is by far my fave. Lot of the pics are of her playing Mah-Jongg and that's because Akari had the lead role in a film that came out in February titled "Uchihime Obakamiko" which was about the game, will have more info on that in her next post..

 Hard to top the above ones but will try to do that with some perfect 'Greatest Pics' which will be the final batch. Know Akari isn't as bodacious as other Idols but if I was to make a lit of my all time hottest Idols she'd finish no lower than third, another PB and she'd zoom into the #1 position! Will skip having a video as there's already links to two of them, but I can't believe there's never been one video of any of her gravure photo shoots. Wonder if it's Akari's decision as there's many for other SKE members.