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Saturday, October 30, 2021

"Bokura ga Koroshita, Saiai no Kimi" drama: episode five recap


 Air Dates: September 17 to October 8, 2021 on TELASA, Friday's at 8:00 pm
Six episodes in all, 22 minutes a show.... Subs were done by Donsubs

Main Cast: The setting is an unknown three story building in Tokyo, the seven characters have met for their 10th middle school reunion so their ages are about 22. Slowly the characters are being killed off and there's no escape from the building as the doors are barricaded plus there's no phone/computer access.

Fumiya Takahashi as Rei Kobayashi.... Seemed to be one of the more popular kids back in school but like the others has some disturbing secrets.

Jin Suzuki as Hajime Ozaki.... Was Rei's best friend until they were twelve as his family moved away at the time and was responsible for Rei's 'injury'.

Hiroe Igeta as Rina Yoshimura.... Rei's current girlfriend but growing up had a secret crush on Hajime which was revealed and has made Rei slightly jealous.

Yuno Ohara as Asuka Honda... The 'ugly duckling' back in school but has blossomed into an alluring woman who has a crush on Rei. She's not the innocent girl all had known as Asuka is quite a vamp and so conniving.

Jiei Wakabayashi as Hiroto Wakaba.... Bit of a hothead who didn't know the other students at the reunion all that well.

Tsuyoshi Furukawa as Yuma Kamei.... Like Hiroto didn't know the others that well, an extremely quiet man but by choice. Was murdered at the end of the third episode.

Ryubi Miyase as Kaoru Nakamura.... Organized the reunion and was such a creepy man. Say was for at the end of the first episode he died in an electrocution accident.... or was it?

 Previous recaps

 That top screenshot shows the seven characters and two are dead. In that pic there's an unknown figure in the top right for is there an eighth person in the building? At first thought it was a possibility but as time has gone on think it was just the seven in the building so who among the reunion attendees is the murderer? At the end of the fourth show Rei, Rina and Hajime were conferring in a cellar room about Hajime killing someone when he was twelve years old, he then moved from the area and changed his name. Hajime claimed the killing was an accident, Rei and Rina believed their old mate 100%. But not the other two survivors who are Asuka and Hiroto who during that conversation were in the main gathering room. Asuka is such a conniving devil of a woman, when the others left she immediately seduced Hiroto and the pair had a sexual encounter right on the floor, Asuka wasn't worried about being interrupted?

 Guess not, Hiroto at first was scared to death as I think it was his first time with a woman and you can't go wrong if that woman's Yuno(Asuka)!!!! Just as they completed the 'deed' in walked the other three, Hiroto arose and zipped up his pants so everyone knew what had just taken place. So with Yuma killed it appears Asuka was looking for a new ally or perhaps a 'slave' as Hiroto is kind of indebted to her. He was a jerk before that encounter, now that he's a 'man' Hiroto was more annoying then ever. He started again on Hajime to confess about Yuma's death but he's still insisting he had nothing to do with it. Rei is sticking up for Hajime even though he's realizing his girlfriend Rina may have a crush on him. The last two shows I've been having my doubts about Rei and no person had wondered if he may have had a hand in the killings. I've thought he's been too nice to believe and to me may be the #1 suspect as isn't the quiet ones you have to watch out for, the others will soon also have their doubts about Rei.

 Even Rina was accused of Yuma's murder by Hiroto and wonder if he was following Asuka's orders? Rina is a bit suspicious as she did take Hajime's ID from Yuma's dead hand when she found him, how did Yuma get that ID which has Hajime's new name on it? Rina was irate at being accused and who can blame her but then again all five should be considered suspects. Asuka especially who has been so adept at throwing off any accusations and as mentioned many times she is quite conniving. At the beginning of this 'Murder Mystery Game' the deceased Kaoru gave everyone a character profile to learn for the game. But instead the mini books had the information about that person's life and their most unknown secrets, will we ever learn how Kaoru got that information?

 Since the first episode can't believe the #1 priority hasn't been to escape from this locked building, perhaps then Yuma's death wouldn't have happened. Of course it's not the easiest thing to do but couldn't they have broken a window on one of the top two floors, that may have been noticed and perhaps they could have even jumped. That bickering on who the killer was kept going back and forth with no results, of course the culprit would never confess. Rina came up with an excellent possible solution, why doesn't everyone reveal their secrets that were inside Kaoru's mini profile books? Rina's was already known which was that she had such a crush on Hajime before he moved away, certainly appears she's still crazy about him. But no other person revealed what Kaoru had written in their books, were their secrets that humiliating?

 Everyone seemed agreeable to Rina's idea so they threw their little black books upon the table. All save for Rei who refused and said no person is going to know his secret but was adamant about not killing Yuma. After the tryst with Asuka Hiroto thinks he's a Superman and confronted Rei about not revealing his secret, what does he have to hide? Who knows for now but Rei was hiding something else extremely important, when Hiroto was pushing against him what should drop out of Rei's pocket but Yuma's lighter! Yuma never went anywhere without it and Asuka confirmed he had the lighter when she last met him. Rei refused to explain how he came into possession of it and it appeared Rei was backed into a corner. That is until Hajime spoke up, forget the book he told the others as he knows Rei's dark secret and would reveal it to everyone.

 To Rei that can't happen, he grabbed the knife that had killed Yuma and dragged Hajime to the cellar for some answers, if Rei wasn't satisfied with how Hajme knew his secret then he would be the third victim! Hajime is the most level headed of the five remaining characters and he did explain to Rei what he knew. Which was.... that he didn't know Rei's secret, Hajime told the others he did to stop Hiroto's shakedown of Rei and wanted to plan out the group's next move with his old friend. So Rei does have someone who doesn't believe he killed Yuma and in the final seconds the clue who did may have been revealed. After that talk with Hajime Rei noticed another small black book on top of a locker, you can see that above. It was obviously written by Kaoru so will it explain why they were invited to the class reunion and will there be a clue about the killings? These last two shows were the best to date and the recap for the final episode is the next post. Haven't viewed it yet as not to spoil anything, how about a long shot prediction and say that Rina is the one who killed Yuma!


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