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Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Nashiko Momotsuki: Pair of heart attack inducing new mag spreads plus more....


 Nashiko is still very popular here but her posts don't seem to draw as many views as they once did, perhaps because she's had too many?! Hope that's not the case but this is her 14th regular post for 2021 which puts her in second place to the gal in the post just below this one. And as of now would almost say that the pair are in a dead heat for the number one spot on this year's faves list and who would have when Nashiko was introduced 3 1/2/ years ago she may be my #1 for a year? Know I wouldn't have thought that but then again she was ninth last year and did finish in the fifth position on the preliminary list done two months ago so it's not as if she's come out of nowhere.

 Fourteen posts in less than ten months is an impressive pace but think there may only be two more until November 30th when the 'Nao Year' ends. Nashiko's 26th birthday takes place on November 8th so may save any new pics for a post that day. Plus when it gets near the time to begin the countdown for this year's faves tend to hold back pics for their position post but then again she's been so busy this year perhaps I can continue doing these posts at their current pace.

 Of course Halloween is fast approaching and you would think for a cosplayer such as Nashiko has been it'd be her favorite day of the year. She doesn't do that activity nearly as much as she once did and probably doesn't have the time as who appears in more mags than she does these days?

 As some may have seen did recap the two episodes of her "Yodonna" special drama last weekend. I'd like to see Nashiko do more acting, think she would fit in perfectly with a starring role in a horror movie and she has said those are her top kinds of films. Few new pics from her Instagram page but not as many as usual.

 For almost two years Nashiko was a model for the Pivot Door clothing company. But there were no new pics since last December so thought she had stopped working with them. That's not the case as these are all brand new pics from their site and there's another twenty of them there which you'll see in her next post. 

 Now on to the pair of heart attack inducing spreads with the first one being from the October 22nd issue of Young Animal. Need to go back and count up how many times Nashiko has graced the cover of a magazine this year, bet it has to be at least 25 times.

 Those bottom two pics were from the photo shoot, that's the case also for this final spread that's from the November edition of Monthly Shonen Champion. No videos for either mag so let's go back to April 2018 for a sweltering video from Young Magazine that's after the pics.

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