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Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Mai Shiraishi: Hopefully she hasn't been forgotten about....


 Don't think anyone would ever forget her but then again when you go a long time between posts it does happen. This is Mai's first post in over two months and though it may seem hard to believe just her sixth of the year so she was on the verge of not qualifying for this year's faves list. But there was no way I would have let that happen, in 2020 she had her highest position on the list which was fourth and it was also her fourth time making the yearly list. Of course she should make this year's top sixteen but think she'll fall out of the top ten.

 Nogi really misses Mai as their sales have tumbled so much since her graduation a year ago. Then again was noticing the sales for Nogi's singles have fallen for three years, they've gone from a high of 1.368 million back in 2018 which was single #22. Nogi's 28th came out two weeks ago and has sold only 568,000 copies to date and you can't put a lot of the blame on the virus. Nogi's sales had been dropping before that and you can only lose so many key members before their popularity wanes, ask AKB that as their newest single will be the group's worst seller in over a decade.

 This is Mai's 387th post and for so long she was neck and neck with her ex-Nogi mate for the highest amount of posts. But her 'rival' has been pulling away and there's no way she'll ever be caught. The one thing I'm slightly worried about is that Mai is going to become way too conservative and that's happened with so many of my faves who are close to or over thirty in age but that hasn't been the case for all of them. Mai did turn 29 back in August and will we ever see sweltering pics like the above ones again? She still looks so classy in today's modeling pics but who wouldn't want to see more pics like these at the top, her second photobook "Passport" is approaching 500,000 copies sold.

 So while not a lot of recent activities still have quite a few new pics for today, should be over fifty of them. First off are some newish Instagram pics and the bottom ones are from Mai's 29th birthday that took place on August 20th. Some are from the set of her "Hyochakusha" drama that ended two weeks ago. Viewed the first episode and really didn't care for it, seems like I didn't miss too much as many fans really didn't think it was all that good and was very confusing.

 Mai has also been co-hosting a new variety show named 'Ura Torechaimashita' and that began on September 23rd. For the mentioned drama she did many interviews to promote it, this batch is from the Model Press site and the interview took place in August.

 Even though I 've uploaded at least 500 of Nogi's group cards for Mai there's still so many to get to. These have never been posted before which are from the group's 'Always With You' collection, bottom few are for Halloween and will work on having many Nogi ones right around that day.

 Mai is a model for the GRL site but no new pics from them today. But do have plenty of recent ones from Feliamo.

 Will end off with probably Mai's top spread of the year which is from the October 13th issue of Anan. Have the link to her YT channel but she hasn't been uploading many videos as of late but sure most haven't seen the ones she has there: Mai's YT channel

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