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Tuesday, October 26, 2021

"Bokura ga Koroshita, Saiai no Kimi" drama: Episode one recap


 Air Dates: September 17 to October 8, 2021 on TELASA, Friday's at 8:00 pm
Six episodes in all, 22 minutes a show.... Subs were done by Donsubs

Main Cast: The setting is an unknown three story building in Tokyo, the seven characters have met for their 10th middle school reunion so their ages are about 22. Slowly the characters are being killed off and there's no escape from the building!

Fumiya Takahashi as Rei Kobayashi.... Seemed to be one of the more popular kids back in school but like the others has some disturbing secrets.

Jin Suzuki as Hajime Ozaki.... Was Rei's best friend until they were twelve as his family moved away at the time and was responsible for Rei's 'injury'.

Hiroe Igeta as Rina Yoshimura.... Rei's current girlfriend but growing up had a secret crush on Hajime which was revealed and has made Rei slightly jealous.

Yuno Ohara as Asuka Honda... The 'ugly duckling' back in school but has blossomed into an alluring woman who has a crush on Rei.

Jiei Wakabayashi as Hiroto Wakaba.... Bit of a hothead who didn't know the other students at the reunion all that well.

Tsuyoshi Furukawa as Yuma Kamei.... Like Hiroto didn't know the others that well, an extremely quiet man but by choice.

Ryubi Miyase as Kaoru Nakamura.... Organized the reunion and was such a creepy man. Say was for at the end of the first episode he died in an accident.... or was it?

 Here's a show I just stumbled across, needed to see Hiroe in more things so thought why not give this a chance. The story looked interesting as seven people are attending their tenth middle school reunion and will be killed off one by one! This mini series had six episodes so will have three recaps for today, the other trio in about a week. So far, so good but lot of questions still need to be asked and answered. For instance out of a class of 25 students why did Kaoru only invite these six, guess it's best to keep us wondering until the end.

 So that's the main setting in the top pic, it's a room on the bottom floor of a building and we never saw the outside of it so hard to describe what it's like fully. Six people have been invited to a tenth middle school reunion, why these six out of a class of 25 is unknown through three episodes but if you ask me the reason is.... Revenge! The inviter and host of the party was a man named Kaoru who was kind of a creepy and untrustworthy man who we may not see after this episode. None of the six invited to the reunion seemed to remember Kaoru all that well, some recalled his name or face but that was all so why did he set this reunion up?

 That question hasn't been asked enough but it doesn't matter as it's time to celebrate after not seeing each other for so long. Well, not every one can say that as a pair, Rei and Rina, have been dating and in the second to last screenshot they're in the middle. Bit odd that there would be a reunion for middle school graduates as they would have been twelve at the time and you'd think there wouldn't be that many memories. But it is what it is and the small group were having a fun time reminiscing as Kaoru had the room crammed with food and drink. Eating can only take so long so a bit later to keep the fun moving right along the eerie host Kaoru has suggested playing a game which drew a few raised eyebrows. But backing up the suggestion was Rei who seemed to be the student most looked up to and in a way became the small group's leader from this point on.

 The 'Murder Mystery Game' is what Kaoru proposed playing and after he explained the rules the others besides Rei were looking forward to solving the mystery. Which was one eerily similar to the scenario the seven are currently in, at a snowed-in villa there was a group of seven friends, it went down to six as one was murdered! So of course the object was to find who the killer was and the seven would be doing something along the lines of a play to solve the crime. Kaoru had everything planned out well in advance, each of the seven would be playing a character and he prepared a profile for them to learn. So the other six were shuffled off to private rooms for fifteen minutes to memorize their character but the files weren't for the mystery. Instead each had the bio of that person from day one up until now including some of their most hidden secrets. The six were both confused, embarrassed and angry at what Kaoru had compiled, how could be have known all those details about their lives?

 Meanwhile Kaoru was dashing around the building getting prepared, not for the mystery play but for something much more sinister. For instance he went around and locked all the doors to the outside, not just that but had a barrier to prevent the glass from being broken. He also disabled the elevators, set up a jamming device to block all phone signals and a few other minor things. Karou was quick as he managed to do most of them in less than fifteen minutes and was planning on doing the most major of the dirty deeds which was to cut the power. But just when Karou was in the electrical room doing that of all things to happen.... an earthquake hit!!!! However I'm not a 100% sure at this point if it really was one or if Karou had set that up, if so it would soon cost him his life!

 So while Kaoru was fiddling with the power the fifteen minutes were up and the other six assembled in the main hall demanding answers to their profiles. For now the only secret we learned of was that before dating Rei Rina had a huge crush on Hajime and was so bummed out when he moved after their middle school graduation. That's Rina in the second screenshot down, Hiroe has never looked better! In the second to last screenshot Rei is on the left and Hajime is on the right, don't know what secrets Kaoru knew about them yet. The pair were looking for him but also the reason why the lights kept flickering on and off, they soon discovered the electrical room and were about to enter.

 However there was water leaking from a broken pipe that was caused by he earthquake but they needed to fix the power. That repair won't be taking place until the next show for who should they discover lying on the floor but Kaoru who was dead! That wasn't part of his plan and what happened is that while Kaoru was holding a live wire the pipe burst so he was electrocuted to death. You wouldn't think him dying was something Kaoru would have done but I'm not 100% certain. That ends this show which was the best of the trio I've seen, next two posts are for episode's two and three, won't be viewing the last three shows until those are written up.


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