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Thursday, October 21, 2021

Fumika Baba: Her breathtaking new Peach John pics(WOW!) plus slightly more....


 Kind of similar to the post below this one where there's only a few new activities yet there's many pics and both have amazing new ones for Peach John. From 2015-19 Fumika made the yearly fave's list three times but always ended up in the teens but then again not many can say they've made the list three times. However this is just her fourth post of the year so looks like she'll be missing out again as far as being eligible goes, she'll miss by a post or two which will happen with many other faves. You need six posts to qualify which has been the case for three years, didn't want to change it for if many are going to have ten or more posts why couldn't others?

 This is Fumika's 41st post and she is so immensely popular here, perhaps #1 of all time. That's by how many views her posts have received, most are well over 2,000 views and only one has less than a thousand. Was just checking those stats and the only post to have less than a thousand views is at.... 999!!!!. That's kind of odd and sure that one view will be happening soon enough. Not exactly a slow year for Fumika as she has been in two regular dramas and even had her first lead role in one. But in the last four or so months the only magazine she's appeared in is Non-no and perhaps she's getting a bit tired of doing gravure modeling as she did hit the age of 26 back in June.

 Let's get to the new pics and the sweltering ones from Peach John will end off the post. What I've noticed is how few events Fumika has attended over the years but there were some in her last post which was done for her 26th birthday. You'd think being such a popular model would have meant Fumika would have been at many fashion shows but hasn't been the case. One exception are the 'Girls Award' shows and this batch is from their Spring/Summer show held in May 2019. But since the pandemic hit they've cancelled their shows, that's a shame as the pics from them were always terrific.

 This year marks Fumika's sixth anniversary as a Non-no model but she doesn't appear in very monthly issue. Some pics from their site and the bottom three are from the mag's December edition.

 Much bigger Non-no spread as Fumika was the cover girl for their August issue.

 The Non-no magazine is celebrating it's 50th anniversary this year. On October 17th they held a special streaming event for it which featured most of their current  models. Here's the link to the video and while long it was nice seeing some of my other faves: Non-no anniversary video

 Back in June is when the second batch of Fumika's Peach John pics came out, first were in March. No need to tell you how alluring she looked and here's some of those pics.

 Over the last few weeks Fumika's third set of Peach John pics have come out for their Autumn Girls collection. Whew, this should be a set all fans will definitely savor and she designed most of the lingerie. Hope Fumika stays on with the company as most of their celeb models are only with them for six months. After these amazing pics is an even more amazing video, whew again.......

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