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Friday, October 1, 2021

Momoka Ishida: Her non-historical fourteenth magazine spreads post....


 Here's someone we haven't heard from in a while, doesn't she look so similar to the gal in the above post? To me they do look quite alike, also their birthdays are only three months apart and in the same year. Momoka will be turning 24 in three weeks and is the only woman here who I'm aware of who has a forklift license! This is her first post since April but we'll give her a break on that as she had thirteen posts in an eighteen month stretch, no gravure model appeared in more magazines in 2020.

 Momoka had seven posts last so qualified for the yearly fave's list. However she didn't make the top twenty and though she has seven posts again this year odds are high she won't make the cut. She's the kind of woman who I do like a lot but there's that 'something' which prevents her from becoming a big fave of mine. Perhaps the lack of activities outside of mag spreads has something to do with that though Momoka has been in a drama this year plus there were some event pics in her last post but that may be her only event appearance to date. Lack of monthly pictorials has hurt too but it's not her fault as so many sites have seemingly ceased operations in the last year.

 Have a feeling Momoka took a longish break beginning in late May, do have some June mag spreads but they appear to be pics from previous photo shoots. Also have the feeling she took a long break for in about a four month stretch only uploaded this amount of pics to her IG page.

 The drama Momoka appeared in earlier this year was "Gun Girl Lady". That was one fun and action packed series which will end up being one of my top shows of the year. It was Momoka's first drama and she played the role of Charlotte who was the captain of the 'Charlie Tango' team. Wasn't too big of a role though and in the show her team and three others battled to their deaths!

 Momoka isn't all that popular here but she is in Japan, she's often the cover girl for the magazines she appears in. She has that honor for today's first spread that's from the June 4th issue of Friday.

 Second spread is also from Friday and their June 25th edition. The pics are very similar and no doubt they're from the same photo shoot which is becoming too common these days.

 Momoka is once again the cover girl for the third spread that's from the July 13th issue of Young Champion. Four spreads today but that's not many for almost a five month period.

 After that is when Momoka took close to a three month vacation as there were no spreads or anything else until this set from the October 8th issue of Friday. Think it's promoting a new digital photobook and she'll also be the cover girl for the next issue of Weekly Shonen Champion. For such a long time Momoka didn't have any gravure videos on YT even though she's appeared in about fifty mags. But that's been changing and have such a sultry one to view after the pics.

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