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Hajimemashite minna san....welcome to my site on my fave Japanese Pop Culture likes such as dramas, movies, magazine scans, promo events etc. Mainly concentrate on my faves...Risa Watanabe... Miku Tanaka... Yui Kobayashi....Miyuki Watanabe.... Nene Shida.... if you're a fan at all of any of them then you've come to the right place(!) but many others are featured here besides them. Do mainly quick reviews on things I've watched, try to make the reviews brief, quick to read through with not too many spoilers, just whether they're good or bad and why I thought so plus whether you may find them enjoyable. Many, many screenshots are included from everything I've watched plus any video trailers if they're available. Hope you find something that interests you, don't hesitate to comment, arigato gozaimasu!

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Sunday, October 17, 2021

Yui Kobayashi: The slightly early quasi 'Happy 22nd Birthday' post....


 Don't know why but for some reason had the date of October 21st stuck in my head for her birthday but it's actually on the 23rd. So 5 1/2 days early with this but don't expect any new pics or news to be happening this week and as I've said often most of the time birthday posts are regular ones. Did say quasi in the title as though all Keya birthdays are happy ones it isn't as much for this one as Yui has been on hiatus from the group since September 9th. In her last post had a few observations about it as the break isn't because of health problems and just have a feeling Yui is a tad disappointed with her Keya career. She's never been the center of a single and she truly deserved that honor plus Keya has done so few activities the past two years so it's slowed her and others careers down. No date has been announced for her return and hope she does as there's been way too many Idol graduations this year.

 So though a semi slowish year for activities this is Yui's eighth post of the year and even though she's on that hiatus from Keya she'll still make this year's fave's list. Have said this before but to me Yui is the most likable woman I post about, sometimes have been wrong on my presumptions but don't think I am with that thought. So when she turns 22 later on this week it'll mean we're down to just one 21 year old gal who I post about who is a Nogi member and the most popular woman here.

 Have also said often that Yui is the most consistent woman I post about often about as those posts draw almost the same amount of views. Never a really high amount but she does have many fans here. However her last post has been extremely popular and has been in the top ten for most views for the past month. Yui's most viewed post ever was for her first and only photobook which got a grade of A++++ from me, if you haven't seen the post here's the link to it: Kanjo no Kozu photobook

 That bottom pic isn't too far from being my #1 of all time, no adjectives are left to describe it!!!! The PB came out on March 13, 2019 and two days after there was an event held for it.

 Though Yui is on a hiatus from Keya have 47 new pics plus a few oldies which may have never been in a post, for some reason she's uploaded a few recent pics to the group's 'Diary' blog.

 No new birthday cards but do have some from the past and also some other ancient b-day pics.

 Not brand new cards but ones that hadn't been posted before. They're from the 'W-Keyaki Fes' that took place between July10th and 12th, Hina was also part of the festival. Keya's(Sakura) new single came out five days ago, Yui is on the single but isn't doing any promoting for it so we haven't been seeing her in the group's many recent TV performances.

 These are brand new Yui promo pics for the 'Uni's on Air' web game and doesn't she look so fabulous in them? In Hina's last post said I would be doing some posts for all of the 2021 pics for the game in December, think I'll also be doing that for Keya.

 So while Yui is taking a break from Keya activities she's still doing photo shoots for the With magazine, two of those blog pics were from a recent photo shoot. This is the final set of pics for today and they're all brand new from the With Online site, all of pics in this huge batch are tremendous but especially that first one. Obviously there's no new videos but did discover a decent one I had never seen before. It came out in September 2020 which was to promote the 'Uni's on Air' game and you can view it after the pics.

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