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Hajimemashite minna san....welcome to my site on my fave Japanese Pop Culture likes such as dramas, movies, magazine scans, promo events etc. Mainly concentrate on my faves...Risa Watanabe... Miku Tanaka... Yui Kobayashi....Miyuki Watanabe.... Nene Shida.... if you're a fan at all of any of them then you've come to the right place(!) but many others are featured here besides them. Do mainly quick reviews on things I've watched, try to make the reviews brief, quick to read through with not too many spoilers, just whether they're good or bad and why I thought so plus whether you may find them enjoyable. Many, many screenshots are included from everything I've watched plus any video trailers if they're available. Hope you find something that interests you, don't hesitate to comment, arigato gozaimasu!

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Saturday, October 2, 2021

Keyakizaka46: A little bit of this and that for 2021.... #3?!?!


 That's no misprint, this is only the third Keya post for the year! In March did group posts on the 16th and 17th, none before or after. Wow, how these group posts have slipped and also the solo ones save for the above two. From 2017-19 averaged over seventy Kya posts a year, now there's only been 55 in the last 22 months and surprised it's that high. But if you're still a fan will be dong another post very soon that should have more info on their next single which comes out in ten days. In these group posts rarely include pics of the above pair for I save their things for solo posts, hard to concentrate when those 'pairs' are staring you right in the eye!
 Three weeks ago Yui announced she was taking a hiatus and won't be doing any promo work for the new single. To me don't think she's burnt out but is probably a bit bummed out how things haven't worked out as well as they should and how can you blame her for having those thoughts? I can't and her birthday is coming up in less than three weeks so though she's on a break there's a good chance there will be a post for the occasion.

 Not much for either one of them today and that's a shame as I really like both immensely, will work on having a lot of things for them in that next post. Was also going to have a 'Nao opinion' piece in the intro about the sales of Keya's and Nogi's singles but let me hold off on that and see how Keya's(Sakura) next single sells in it's first week. It's the group's fourth single under their new Sakura name but I'm stubborn and will always call them Keya. Once again I'm asleep at the wheel as I thought the single was coming out on the sixth hut it's actually the 13th so that next group post many not be for two weeks.

 That's okay as it's not easy doing them these days and need as much time as I can get just to do one post! "Nagaredama", aka Stray Bullet, is the title of the single and glad the group made a change at the center position. Hono has that position and finally there's someone whose age is over twenty. She released a photobook back in August and while there were two posts for her was expecting more than that. Have the covers here for the single and also a link to the video. It's a good tune and really fast moving, only problem is it moves so fast you don't see enough of the members: Nagaredama PV

 Have about seventy new pics for today which is quite a few but considering how long it's been since a group post it's not really that many, if possible will try to do three of these this month. What's also coming up will be some recaps for the "Borderless" drama that aired in the Spring and starred members from all three '46' groups. Some site did sub it but I was unable to obtain them but in a way that's okay. Because a new team is subbing the series and they do a solid job with subs, they're also doing the Hikaru-TV version which was longer and had bonus footage for each episode. So once a few more shows are subbed will start on the recaps but think I may only do posts for the first six episodes. They're two part stories and those six episodes star Keya members.

 Let's get to the brand new pics and will work hard to have another post next week plus will still have one the following week. Mizuho used to be a model for the JJ magazine but it appears they've ceased operations, a Hina gal was also a model for them. But she's now modeling for the Classy magazine and this first batch of pics for them may be her best ones to date.

 Had Rika any new mag spreads may have done a solo post for her, she did have one back in May for her 26th birthday. Personally don't think she'll be leaving any time soon and hope no others do as Keya had way too many departures in 2019/20. Have some really super duper pics from the Ray magazine site, the others are from the September 4th 'Tokyo Girls Collection' show.

 How about some newish promo pics for the 'Uni's on Air online game? To me these pics from them are always superb and they come out every 2-3 months. First three members have four pics each, leading off is the new vice-captain Rina and I like her immensely but there's never enough things for a solo post. Following her is the ex-vice-captain who is Akane who I thought gave up that position last December because she was going to graduate. She didn't which is a good thing as this is a bad time for Idols to leave their groups. After her is Yuuka and she'll be turning 26 next month, will work on a post for her and the final eight pics belong to Rei who looks very young but will be turning 22 soon.

 We've quickly hit the end, lot of pics but not many different activities. But it's been so long since a group post needed to break the ice as so often when that happens so many posts seem to follow. With the new single about to come out was expecting many mag spreads but there's only been one recent one, it features Rena who is the cover girl for the October 6th issue of Weekly Shonen. Rena will also be in the next issue of Bubka and will be turning 22 on January 2nd, no one I post about celebrates a birthday on the first. Following the pics is a video for AEON. they've done so many CM's for the credit card company and the video is a 'making of' one for their latest CM which also promotes the new single.

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