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Tuesday, October 26, 2021

"Bokura ga Koroshita, Saiai no Kimi" drama: Episode three recap


 Air Dates: September 17 to October 8, 2021 on TELASA, Friday's at 8:00 pm
Six episodes in all, 22 minutes a show.... Subs were done by Donsubs

Main Cast: The setting is an unknown three story building in Tokyo, the seven characters have met for their 10th middle school reunion so their ages are about 22. Slowly the characters are being killed off and there's no escape from the building!

Fumiya Takahashi as Rei Kobayashi.... Seemed to be one of the more popular kids back in school but like the others has some disturbing secrets.

Jin Suzuki as Hajime Ozaki.... Was Rei's best friend until they were twelve as his family moved away at the time and was responsible for Rei's 'injury'.

Hiroe Igeta as Rina Yoshimura.... Rei's current girlfriend but growing up had a secret crush on Hajime which was revealed and has made Rei slightly jealous.

Yuno Ohara as Asuka Honda... The 'ugly duckling' back in school but has blossomed into an alluring woman who has a crush on Rei.

Jiei Wakabayashi as Hiroto Wakaba.... Bit of a hothead who didn't know the other students at the reunion all that well.

Tsuyoshi Furukawa as Yuma Kamei.... Like Hiroto didn't know the others that well, an extremely quiet man but by choice.

Ryubi Miyase as Kaoru Nakamura.... Organized the reunion and was such a creepy man. Say was for at the end of the first episode he died in an electrocution accident.... or was it?



 Right to the action as I'm sure you've read the above post. In that top screenshot is Rei who has been dating Rina for a while, she's in the bottom pic. Unknown to Rei and everyone else Asuka has had a crush on him for over a decade, back when she was twelve she was considered an 'ugly duckling' but she's really blossomed with age. Yuno plays the role of Asuka and if you've seen her posts you know what I mean my blossoming! She's not the innocent girl which most thought she is, Asuka is a conniving woman and even though Rina is her friend she still came on to Rei! He refused Asuka's advances but Rei had a difficult time doing that and can you blame him? That won't be the end of Asuka's advances either.

 When the previous episode ended Hiroto caught Yuma sneaking around in the storeroom, Kaoru's death is still a somewhat mystery so could Yuma have played a role in it? To me the answer is no and what Yuma had done was to locate the yearbook from when they graduated middle school. Yuma plus the others were a bit curious who Kaoru was, he set the reunion party up but none of the six invited could recall much about him. And that may have been the problem to Kaoru as he was ignored at school and was a bit of an outcast though it doesn't appear as though he was bullied. But something must have been done to Kaoru or why else invite these six and no other students, in the first recap said revenge may be his motive for the party and am sticking with that. But I'm still wondering if Kaoru perhaps didn't stage his death by being electrocuted at the end of the first episode, kind of a sick way to get revenge but as you can see in the bottom screenshot above Rina also had the same thought.

 The blonde haired man Yuma is or was kind of quiet due to the fact he just doesn't like being around people. But in a way he's been the most helpful and logical person of the six trapped in the building, he was the one to deduce Kaoru wanted payback for being ignored. The most astute observation made by Yuma was that the 'Murder Mystery Game' is still in progress though it wasn't officially started. He wondered if perhaps Kaoru didn't stage his own death which would make the other reunion guests suspects in his murder, makes sense but then why didn't be somehow contact the police?

 It's kind of odd that there doesn't seem to be much urgency in leaving this three story building. Instead of breaking the windows on the top floor they instead wrote SOS on the windows and the odds are a million to one the message would be noticed. Asuka has become such a little devil, she acts so sweet yet underneath is anything but an Angel. She's needled Rina a bit about Hajime being her first love, so much that Rina confessed secretly that she still had feelings for him! But Rina still has Rei and the pair found themselves finally alone together in a storeroom and thought why not take advantage of it? As they were embracing who should walk in but the devil Asuka(!), seems like her main goal is to steal Rei away. However am kind of wondering if Asuka really wants Rei that badly or if she actually wants to get back at Rina who was so much popular when they were in school.

 For the second time Asuka tried to get so much closer to Rei but was once again rebuffed. Though he seems like an okay guy Rei is kind wimpy yet has two attractive women who want him so badly? Thought we'd be seeing a killing every show, Kaoru met his end in the first episode but there were no deaths in the last show. But the total has now doubled and you can see the victim above, that took place in the final minute. As Rina was looking for more supplies as the group will be stuck in the building for a second night who should she discover laid out on the main storeroom floor but Yuma! His death was no accident for as you can see his throat was slashed, if it wasn't Rina could one of the other four have committed the murder or could there be an unknown person in the locked building?

 Shame that Yuma met his end as I liked his character the best. After a slowish first half of an episode the intensity picked way up in the second half and have a feeling this will turn out to be a decent series. So there's three more shows to go, haven't viewed any yet so as not to spoil it for me. If I'm lucky will have the final three recaps this Sunday, if not they'll be a little over a week from now. For now won't give it a high recommendation but think it's worth a view. Will also be working on a post for Hiroe as she's overdue for one and she looks so terrific in this show.

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