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Hajimemashite minna san....welcome to my site on my fave Japanese Pop Culture likes such as dramas, movies, magazine scans, promo events etc. Mainly concentrate on my faves...Risa Watanabe... Miku Tanaka... Yui Kobayashi....Miyuki Watanabe.... Nene Shida.... if you're a fan at all of any of them then you've come to the right place(!) but many others are featured here besides them. Do mainly quick reviews on things I've watched, try to make the reviews brief, quick to read through with not too many spoilers, just whether they're good or bad and why I thought so plus whether you may find them enjoyable. Many, many screenshots are included from everything I've watched plus any video trailers if they're available. Hope you find something that interests you, don't hesitate to comment, arigato gozaimasu!

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Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Haruka Fukuhara: Just because she's so deserving of a(many) post(s)....


 Not the largest of posts but the title is on the money as there aren't too many faves who I'd rather post about. This is just Haruka's fourth regular post for 2021 but did have close to ten drama recaps at the beginning of the year. So while only four posts can't call this a slow year for her as she's been in four dramas and has had the lead role in three of them. So that's a very good thing but the problem is we haven't seen much else of Haruka such as appearing in magazines or at events but do have a recent one to end the post off with.

 In about five weeks the yearly faves list will begin it's countdown, it's going to be a strong top ten but could have been stronger. The reason for that is that with only four posts Haruka won't qualify to make the list and that really disappoints me. She's finished in the top ten the last two years and I was really hoping she'd be battling it out for this year's top spot as I consider her to be the most attractive woman I post often about. So unless a miracle happens with two posts by November 30th such a mega fave won't be on the list and that does happen every year with one or two of my bigger faves.

 Did have a Haruka post at the beginning of September for her 23rd birthday and before you know it everyone here will be 25+ in age. So do have a lot of things to an extent, her current drama began a few weeks ago  but surprised there wasn't more promoting of it such as interviews or an event. Will start off with some recent IG pics and many are from the set of the new drama, more on it coming up.

 Not too many Halloween pics from Haruka but do have a handful, actually her as a Witch were from her 20th birthday event that took place on August 28, 2018.

 Haruka isn't a model for the With magazine but does have a mini spread in their November issue and an interview at their site. With her is Sae who does have a few posts here but also deserves many more, let me work on that: With Online article

 There being no other new spreads let's go a bit back in time for her top spread to me which is from the May 2020 issue of BLT Graph.

 Haruka has a quartet of new CM's out for Wicca and she's modeling their new watches. Won't post the videos but here's the link to their site if you want to view them: Wicca videos

 "Unlucky Girl" is the title of Haruka's latest drama that began on October 7th but unsure if I'll be recapping the series. Really want to but for now can't get the subs as some private group is doing them and I'm not a member of it but this looks like such an enjoyable show just may have to join. She has the lead role of Fukura and as the title says she's one unlucky girl who soon acquired two friends who also have many things work against them.

 Fukura works at a lottery kiosk or may have to say used to as it burned down in the first episode. By such an odd incident too as the sun went through a magnifying glass she had on her counter, it made the rays so strong it ignited a fire and before you knew it the kiosk was a pile of ashes! Fukura had many other bad breaks such as the bookcase in her apartment come crashing down and then she proceeded to step on a large thumb tack after that plus a few other other accidents to start her day off. Also after that fire her handbag was stolen but even though Fukura has had so much bad luck she's remained somewhat of an upbeat person. Only one show has been subbed so far, will wait another week or two to see if another group picks this drama up.

 Will end off with some superb event pics that took place on September 27th at the Shinjuku Piccadilly. It was to promote a new anime film titled 'Listen to Ai's singing voice' or something close to that, the film will open up on October 29th so perhaps there will be some pics from the premiere. Haruka will be doing the voice of Satomi and she's done so much voice acting work, first drama I ever saw her in was "Koe Girl" that means voice girl, that came out in 2018 and highly recommend it. Won't have a video of the event but instead the link to her YT channel, had almost forgotten Haruka had it and she's uploaded so many videos which are worth checking out: Haruka's YT channel

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