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Hajimemashite minna san....welcome to my site on my fave Japanese Pop Culture likes such as dramas, movies, magazine scans, promo events etc. Mainly concentrate on my faves...Risa Watanabe... Miku Tanaka... Yui Kobayashi....Miyuki Watanabe.... Nene Shida.... if you're a fan at all of any of them then you've come to the right place(!) but many others are featured here besides them. Do mainly quick reviews on things I've watched, try to make the reviews brief, quick to read through with not too many spoilers, just whether they're good or bad and why I thought so plus whether you may find them enjoyable. Many, many screenshots are included from everything I've watched plus any video trailers if they're available. Hope you find something that interests you, don't hesitate to comment, arigato gozaimasu!

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Thursday, October 21, 2021

Risa Watanabe: Her exalted and distinguished 49th post!!!!


 Been on a nice streak for the kinds of posts I've wanted to do lately plus my bigger faves have been much busier. So often have said to myself 'I want to do a post today for So and So' and PRESTO(!), it's happened more than ever recently but know it won't last forever. Just did a Keya group post about ten days ago and said to expect one this week but odds are it won't happen but there have been two posts for members. One reason is that I forgot about it until today, the other is that there haven't been nearly as many new activities as I was expecting. 
 That's because the group's third single under the new Sakura name came out nine days ago so figured there would be many things to post about. There's some but they're not nearly as busy as Hina whose next single comes out next week. Single #3 is titled "Nagaredama" and it's been my top single of the three. Sales were 376,000 copies sold in it's first week which is a 10% drop from the previous single, they just can't increase that fan base and to me it's because they're not busy enough. But also think that J-Pop in general has grown kind of boring and is in a rut, all group's sales have dwindled and after a while you can't just blame it on the health crisis.

 So though Keya(Sakura) hasn't been nearly as busy in 2020/21 this is Risa's tenth post of the year. As you can see it's her 49th overall solo post which is an impressive number and she has 86 in total. Two years ago Risa finished second on the yearly fave's list but I do consider her to be #1 for 2019, gave the nod to the other woman because of her age. The two will be battling out again this year but for the fourth and fifth positions, that 'foe' has the post two below this one. As I've said before had Risa been with Nogi or a smaller group like C-ute she'd be in the running for being my number one of all time and I'd rather do a post for her than anyone else, that goes back to the beginning of this blog.

 Doesn't she deserve a second photobook? Of course the answer is yes and wonder why it hasn't happened as that first PB has sold close to 115,000 copies, few other Keya members also deserve a second book. In five weeks the countdown for this year's faves will start, if Risa is in the fifth position that post should take place around December 15th. Hopefully can have another post before then but if November is slow for things will hold on to those pics for a while. Have close to fifty new pics plus some oldies so the total may be close to 85. Won't be doing any Keya post for Halloween as they have so few pics for the spooky day, some of these are regular Autumn 'KeyaKise' cards.

 But do have some group cards for the 'W-Keyaki Fes' that took place between July 10th and 12th, these hadn't been posted before.

 More new pics which are promo ones for the 'Uni's on Air' web game that features members from Keya and Hina. If I'm unable to have a Risa in November may do a special one for 2021 Uni cards as there's 36 more than these which were in her previous posts.

 Risa has been a Non-no model since March 2017. The magazine just celebrated it's 50th anniversary and had a live stream of an event with it's current models. Bit of a long video but there's other faves besides her in it and do recommend checking some of it out: NN 50th anniversary video

 Just one Risa mag spread for today which is from their November issue.

 A good sign lately is that there's been many events, four featuring a fave of mine plus Nogi had one last month. What I'm hoping for then is that we see Keya at few of them in the future, was one minor event a month ago but so few pics. So when there's no event pics often go back in time which is what we'll do today for these tremendous Risa pics from the 'Girls Award' Spring/Summer show that took place in May 2019, they cancelled all of their 2021 shows.

 That event mentioned was to promote a new AEON Keya credit card, do have five pics from it so may as well post them and it took place four weeks ago.

 We've hit the end and know many have seen the post for Risa's fabulous photobook "Mikuchi", had the post in July. Have the link for it here in case you missed it, hoping it'll get a few more views to move in to the top five for most popular 2021 posts. After the pics have a newish AEON video which I hadn't viewed, Risa's the MC interviewing two other members.     

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