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Hajimemashite minna san....welcome to my site on my fave Japanese Pop Culture likes such as dramas, movies, magazine scans, promo events etc. Mainly concentrate on my faves...Risa Watanabe... Miku Tanaka... Yui Kobayashi....Miyuki Watanabe.... Nene Shida.... if you're a fan at all of any of them then you've come to the right place(!) but many others are featured here besides them. Do mainly quick reviews on things I've watched, try to make the reviews brief, quick to read through with not too many spoilers, just whether they're good or bad and why I thought so plus whether you may find them enjoyable. Many, many screenshots are included from everything I've watched plus any video trailers if they're available. Hope you find something that interests you, don't hesitate to comment, arigato gozaimasu!

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Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Nogizaka46: The eighth luminous ... 'Yuki Yoda bonus post' for 2021!


 For some reason that top pic may always be my #1 of hers, it just has that something special about it but you can't go wrong with fifty others! So this is Yuki's first regular post since August 21st and had tried so hard to have a September post but that didn't work out. Then at the beginning of October had her superb mini BLT White Graph photobook and wanted that to run it's course. So in the meantime had kept working on this post and have so many things will hold some pics back. It's up in the air whether Yuki will make this year's faves list, five Nogi members are eligible and there's a chance it could be six. But don't want to have more than three Nogi gals make the list, especially as I'm not the group fan I once was but actually like the individual members more than I once did. It's a lock for two members, one won't make the list so it's down to her and one other member to duke it out.

 Enjoy that top pic, at 152 cm Yuki is Nogi's shortest member and wonder if she's the tiniest of all '46' groups? Had never checked but just did so, in Keya there's also a member with a height of 152 but there's a gal who is only 150 cm(!), she was the center for Sakura's first two singles. For a long time was saying I would never do a post for someone born after August 29, 2000 which was the birthdate of someone else here. However that gal has kind of fallen out of favor so will change the date to May 5, 2000 which is Yuki's birthdate. To be introduced you'll still need to be 22+ in age but that date is for years down the road, that is if we're still here....

 Quite a few new things for today, will hold back a batch of twenty pics plus a few other things so we can have a post next month and that could make the difference on whether Yuki makes this year's faves list. Even if she doesn't to me she's one of Nogi's most likable members, can only think of two second generation gals who may top her. Will start off with some Instagram pics which are from the past two months, so few do posts these days on Nogi's blog.

 Those bottom two pics were from the set of a new Cup Star video, the link to it is right above and while long is entertaining. Two years ago there was a series of videos for the soup company titled 'Detective Yoda', it's returned but she's not in any of the new CM's. Yuki currently has a small role in the drama 'Nihon Chinbotsu' playing a waitress but I'll be passing on the series. While I do enjoy Nogi group dramas when the members go off and appear on a regular drama they're usually not that good, can only think of two that I enjoyed. Pics here are from the drama's site but there is a show I want to see her in. It's called "Honto ni Atta Kowai Hanashi" which was a TV movie that aired last Saturday and was a horror trilogy, she had the lead role in the second segment.

 It's that time of the year so how about some unscary Halloween pics, bottom two are brand new. Was thinking of having a few Nogi posts for the day but don't think that'll be happening. That's because there's so many other posts to do as October could see more posts than any other month for 2021.

 Also have some superb new Nogi group cards, so many will hold back some for her next post. These are from the 'NogiKoi' and 'Always With You' collections.

 Hmmmm, not sure if high heels help all that much! Yuki has been a model for the Bis magazine for a few years now, no new spreads but plenty of pics from their site.

 The only event we've seen Yuki at this year was the September 4th 'Tokyo Girls Collection' Autumn/Winter show, then again Nogi has had only two group events this year. It's only the third time she's appeared at a TGC show, she took her stroll on the Sustainability stage.

 For 2020 Yuki won an award for being the Idol to appear on the most magazine covers. It won't happen this year as like most members she's seen a big decrease in spreads, wouldn't surprise me if a Hina member didn't take the award this year and a Nogi member has won it for five straight years. This is the only solo spread of the day which is from the October issue of Maquia, am holding back some modeling pics from them for her next post.

 Have a group spread here which just came out yesterday for volume 157 of Quick Japan.

 Will end off with some sultry Yuki pics as I know those are the ones most viewers enjoy the most, guess you can include me! Her second photobook came out in March 2020, what a huge seller that was and don't we deserve a third PB? Of course the answer is yes and hopefully it'll happen by her 22nd birthday. After the pics is a superb new video from Bis, while no spreads from the today think she's going to be the cover girl for their next issue.

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