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Hajimemashite minna san....welcome to my site on my fave Japanese Pop Culture likes such as dramas, movies, magazine scans, promo events etc. Mainly concentrate on my faves...Risa Watanabe... Miku Tanaka... Yui Kobayashi....Miyuki Watanabe.... Nene Shida.... if you're a fan at all of any of them then you've come to the right place(!) but many others are featured here besides them. Do mainly quick reviews on things I've watched, try to make the reviews brief, quick to read through with not too many spoilers, just whether they're good or bad and why I thought so plus whether you may find them enjoyable. Many, many screenshots are included from everything I've watched plus any video trailers if they're available. Hope you find something that interests you, don't hesitate to comment, arigato gozaimasu!

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Saturday, October 16, 2021

Park Shin-Hye: The most ultimate 'Blast from the past' post to date!!!!


 How ultimate is this post? It's been exactly six years since her last one was done(!), she had five posts in 2015 and none since then so wonder what happened? To make a short story long will say why there's this post and perhaps many more on the horizon. Been trying to ween off dramas a bit and start viewing more films which I tend to enjoy more. Was looking for some Korean horror flicks from the past few years that weren't mega hits and I tend to prefer low budget films. Discovered the 2020 movie "The Call", skimmed through some reviews and didn't read them too closely as not to find out all that took place in the film.

 Most thought it was a superb film though a bit confusing in the last forty minutes but all in all worth a watch. To my surprise Shin-Hye had the lead role and said to myself there's an actress who I hadn't thought about in years. So viewed the movie which was one of the best new horror films I've seen in quite a long time and will end the post off with event pics and a mini review. This could be one of the largest posts of the year as it may contain a hundred pics.

 Back in 2015/16 is when I began to get more into Korean actresses and dramas. So the only reason I can think of for not doing any Shin-Hye posts for six years is that she didn't appear in any of the dramas I viewed during that stretch and kind of forgot about her plus I kind of liked other actresses a bit more. So it means there's so many things to get to since 2015, won't be having all of her activities since then but I can easily see having at least four more posts by the end of the year. But like almost all other Korean actresses 2021 has been much more quiet for Shin-Hye as there's been very few events and such so all of the posts will be a mix of new and older happenings.

 Shin-Hye did have a stretch from late 2018 until February of this year where she didn't appear in any dramas so there's another reason she slipped my mind. "Sisyphus: The Myth" is the title of her 2021 drama, been a while since I've viewed a regular length Korean series so that could be my next show to view. On to some pics and of course all will be ones you've never seen before here. Shin-Hye has been a model for the Mojo S Phine company for many years, their Winter collection pics should be coming out soon and this set is for their 2020 Winter collection.

 More from Mojo S Phine and their 2021 Spring collection.

 Seems most of my fave Korean actresses don't appear in many magazines and when they do the spreads are always way too small. That's not the case for Shin-Hye who from 2016-20 may have appeared in more mags than any other actress. So there's many sets to post and will have a few in all of her upcoming posts, this spread is from the July 2017 issue of InStyle.

 Here's a large spread from the September 2018 edition of W which may top the above pics.

 Now on to what reintroduced me to Shin-Hye which was "The Call" movie. It was scheduled to come out in March of 2020 but we all know what happened then and like most Korean films in the Spring of 2020 the release was delayed. But in the case of this film it never was released in cinemas and instead was aired on Netflix Global beginning in November 2020. This batch of pics is from an event to promote the movie on February 16, 2020 and of course no one knew what was about to happen the following month. Shin-Hye did look terrific at the but not as fabulous as she looked in the film, she's always been an attractive woman but to me her looks have gotten so much better over the years.

 To end the post off will have a mini review but that wasn't the original plan. Which was of having a pair of posts for the film tomorrow and do have a post like this one later on in the week. But have just written up three recent film reviews so was feeling a tad burnt out and do have some other posts to write up so there was no way I could finish the two movie review posts by tomorrow. So will have them by Friday and also then will have another Shin-Hye post in this vein. She had the lead role in this film and think it was her first horror movie. It's a 107 minute film, first 65 minutes were easy enough to follow but will admit things did get a tad confusing in the final 40+ minutes. When you're viewing it it's only semi confusing, the writing about it will be difficult but to me this will be the first film in years to get a grade of nine or higher.

 Shin-Hye plays the lead role of Seo-Yeon, it's November 2019 and she's traveled from Seoul to the countryside to visit her ailing mother who is in the hospital with a brain tumor. However Seo-Yeon lost her phone on the train and at her mother's house all that was there was a cordless phone. One day she received a call from some woman crying out for help but of course she thought it was a wrong number. The calls continued and eventually Seo-Yeon talked to this woman who somehow was calling from the year 1999! The woman's name was Young-Sook and what made it eerier was that she was living in the same house Seo-Yeon was at. So that began an odd friendship, with both in different time periods perhaps they could help each other out?

 That's what happened and in the beginning only good things were done to help each other out. However the woman Young-Sook was a bit deranged, she's been in and out of institutions and her stepmother, who thinks she's a Shaman, constantly abuses her and in November 1999 actually killed her stepdaughter. But Seo-Yeon from 2019 was able to help her friend and instead of Young-Sook being murdered it was her stepmother! As mentioned Young-Sook was a bit deranged and she ended up committing several other murders including Seo-Yeon's father who died three times in this movie! So what took place during this stretch of time in 1999 also took place in 2019 such as Seo-Yeon getting burn marks on her and she watched the second death of her father which was the best scene of the movie. So will be doing a pair of posts at the end of next week for this film, it's an easy enough one to find and highly recommend it, some screenshots from it. Will have some videos in those posts so after these pics is a new CM for Castelbajac that already has over 1.4 million views.

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