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Tuesday, October 26, 2021

"Bokura ga Koroshita, Saiai no Kimi" drama: Episode two recap


 Air Dates: September 17 to October 8, 2021 on TELASA, Friday's at 8:00 pm
Six episodes in all, 22 minutes a show.... Subs were done by Donsubs

Main Cast: The setting is an unknown three story building in Tokyo, the seven characters have met for their 10th middle school reunion so their ages are about 22. Slowly the characters are being killed off and there's no escape from the building!

Fumiya Takahashi as Rei Kobayashi.... Seemed to be one of the more popular kids back in school but like the others has some disturbing secrets.

Jin Suzuki as Hajime Ozaki.... Was Rei's best friend until they were twelve as his family moved away at the time and was responsible for Rei's 'injury'.

Hiroe Igeta as Rina Yoshimura.... Rei's current girlfriend but growing up had a secret crush on Hajime which was revealed and has made Rei slightly jealous.

Yuno Ohara as Asuka Honda... The 'ugly duckling' back in school but has blossomed into an alluring woman who has a crush on Rei.

Jiei Wakabayashi as Hiroto Wakaba.... Bit of a hothead who didn't know the other students at the reunion all that well.

Tsuyoshi Furukawa as Yuma Kamei.... Like Hiroto didn't know the others that well, an extremely quiet man but by choice.

Ryubi Miyase as Kaoru Nakamura.... Organized the reunion and was such a creepy man. Say was for at the end of the first episode he died in an accident.... or was it?


 No need to rehash what took place in that first show for if you're reading this post you've read the above one. The show ended off with that top screenshot showing the reunion party's host Kaoru being electrocuted in the power room while he was holding a live wire. At the time an earthquake(!) hit the area though I'm still not 100% certain it happened but then again would Kaoru have put his life in danger having a fake quake(?), hope that makes sense. Though just seven characters, now six, in the drama we didn't see too much from a trio of them in the first show. We will see more of two of them in the next show but the one character we did learn more about was the above man Yuma.

 He's a very quiet 22 year old but it's not because Yuma is shy or intimidated by others. It seems he just doesn't like other people, perhaps Yuma doesn't hate them but would rather not be around others so he definitely wasn't the life of the party! But he's actually been more helpful of all the six trapped in the building, Yuma was able to pick a lock so they could use the stairs and just seemed to have more survival skills than the other five combined. Yuma also was always smoking, first figured they were butts but in the next episode it appeared they were joints.

 So if you recall before his untimely death Kaoru had fixed it so no person could leave the three story building. All the doors were bolted and there was a barrier put in front of the ones on the bottom floor. The stairs were locked too but as mentioned Yuma was able to pick the locks, wonder what his profession is? Somewhere in the building is a device that's blocking all cellphone and internet connections so exactly how is everyone going to escape from the building? You'd think that would be the number one priority by far though no one seems real worried about the situation, least the power is still working and there is a good enough supply of food.

 Now with access to the stairs in the cellar the group discovered some essentials such as flashlights and sleeping bags along with a few other handy dandy things. However during those travels to the cellar the first semi tragedy was to befall the group. Asuka, who we'll see much more in the next episode, fell down the stairs with boxes about to pile on her. Out of nowhere to save the day came Hajime, that's him in the above bottom screenshot. He seems like the most level headed person in the group and he pushed Asuka aside but in doing that the boxes fell on him which sent him flying down the stairs and injuring his shoulder. Not too severe of an injury but Hajime won't be doing much physical work for a while. Patching him up was Rina, she's currently dating Rei but while tending to Hajime she revealed for the first time she had such a crush on him growing up, that was overheard by Rei.

 Later on Rei and Hajime were having their own reunion, for now Rei's pretending he didn't hear the words of Rina. Back before that middle school graduation Hajime and Rei were best buddies until an accident occurred. While fooling around on the stairs when they were twelve Rei tumbled down them and still has a scar on his hand to this day. Hajime's family moved away shortly after that and he presumed Rei has hated him to this day which Rei denied, Hajime will always bee his best friend. At 22 minutes a show it means we're getting close to the end, there's two scenes which will be continued on into the next episode. First is the second to last screenshot where Yuma was caught doing something suspicious in the dark by Hiroto who I do not like at all, could Yuma have been involved in Kaoru's death?

 In the final ten seconds while that scene was going on who should be meeting secretly in the dark but Rei and Asuka! You can see that in the bottom screenshot and she's not the innocent girl she's claimed to be. Decent show but thought the first and third episodes were better, some tense scenes but seeing how six people are trapped in a building you'd think the intensity would have been higher.

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