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Hajimemashite minna san....welcome to my site on my fave Japanese Pop Culture likes such as dramas, movies, magazine scans, promo events etc. Mainly concentrate on my faves...Risa Watanabe... Miku Tanaka... Yui Kobayashi....Miyuki Watanabe.... Nene Shida.... if you're a fan at all of any of them then you've come to the right place(!) but many others are featured here besides them. Do mainly quick reviews on things I've watched, try to make the reviews brief, quick to read through with not too many spoilers, just whether they're good or bad and why I thought so plus whether you may find them enjoyable. Many, many screenshots are included from everything I've watched plus any video trailers if they're available. Hope you find something that interests you, don't hesitate to comment, arigato gozaimasu!

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Saturday, March 27, 2021

Ayami Nakajo: A little bit of this and that for her one(?) fan....


 Ayami had a nice spurt to end 2020 off with as she had five posts from August 6th to December 1st but this is her first one since then. She just missed being eligible for the yearly faves list as someone needs six posts by November 30th to qualify so this is her second one for the 'Nao Year' and will make sure for the first time she's eligible for the list. Up until today thought Ayami was kind of popular here, none of her posts have ever hit the top ten for views but was under the impression they got a decent amount of looks. Well, I've been mistaken before with many things but not to this extent as it appears Ayami may be the least popular woman I've posted about the last two years! By a large margin too and though I may wonder why guess some reasons are obvious such as she's never done any gravure spreads and never will, to me that's a positive.

 She's shocked at how unpopular she is too but don't think becoming a blonde will help that much! So that's why the title says 'For her one fan' as her fan base isn't that large so why don't we say that while that base is small in quantity it's large in quality!!!! So though it's been close to four months since Ayami's last post there really aren't many new things but do have around eighty pics with twenty being from an older spread never seen here. At one time Ayami used to appear in so many magazines and model for a huge amount of sites but she's really slowed down on that kind of work this past year. As a matter of fact she hasn't been in a mag that's come out this year. But she still models for the GU site and have some fine pics for it's Spring Collection.

 To me this is a superb set of pics which is from 'TheTV.jp' site. It's from an interview that took place on February 28th after the 'Tokyo Girls Collection' show. Ayami was talking about her current drama 'Kimi no Sekai' and filming that meant she didn't have as much time for modeling work.

 Yesterday posted the final two recaps from the first season which ended last Sunday. Right after that ended a second season of six episodes began but on a different network. Do have the first show which is subbed, won't talk about that season today but once the second episode is subbed will have a pair of recaps. The first season was quite solid as I gave it a rating of 8.7/10, thought the ending could have been better but perhaps it was that way to set up season two.

 In the drama Ayami played the major character of Kurumi, to me she's an excellent actress though wish her role was meatier. What I mean is that Kurumi was a doctor in training yet seemed to be a person easily manipulated. After being separated from her boyfriend Hibiki Kurumi ended up at a camp run by an evil doctor named Shuto. He had screwed up his experiments over the years and had somehow created a virus called Golem which turned humans into Zombies! The entire city of Miura was affected yet as I mentioned many times why didn't the Japanese armed forces take control of the crisis?

 Have some screenshots here from the final four shows. While everyone else had turned their backs on Shuto Kurumi hadn't and that could be because it appeared she was brainwashed yet she truly may have believed he was creating a vaccine for the virus. Kurumi almost shot her boyfriend to death when they met up at the end of episode nine but luckily for him her aim was poor but not by much. If the story sounds interesting it was, did recap all of the shows and do recommend the drama.

 Ayami is a staple at the 'Tokyo Girls Collection' shows and she always has the highest honor of being the first woman to take a stroll on the catwalk. Pics here are from the February 28th show which was held at the Yoyogi National Gymnasium in front of zero fans but was streamed live. She did look good but not as much as previous appearances, this is the 32nd year these shows have been held.

 However thought Ayami looked ten times better for her second stroll which was just a semi solo jaunt. Her and four other cast members from the 'Kimi to Sekai' drama were on hand to promote the show and it's upcoming second season.

 No new Ayami mag spreads which hopefully means many will be on the horizon. So have a large oldie set which had never been posted before from the special Summer 2018 edition of 25ans which is a Wedding dress magazine. Her pictorial was so huge am holding quite a few pics back in case they're needed for her next post. Know most prefer gravure pics and can fully understand why but I really like Ayami's style in pics like these. If she qualifies for this year's faves list wouldn't shock me if she's in the running for #1 as for now no fave has taken the lead. As far as 25ans goes it appears she'll be in their next issue as a short promo video came out yesterday which you can view after the pics.

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