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Hajimemashite minna san....welcome to my site on my fave Japanese Pop Culture likes such as dramas, movies, magazine scans, promo events etc. Mainly concentrate on my faves...Risa Watanabe... Miku Tanaka... Yui Kobayashi....Miyuki Watanabe.... Nene Shida.... if you're a fan at all of any of them then you've come to the right place(!) but many others are featured here besides them. Do mainly quick reviews on things I've watched, try to make the reviews brief, quick to read through with not too many spoilers, just whether they're good or bad and why I thought so plus whether you may find them enjoyable. Many, many screenshots are included from everything I've watched plus any video trailers if they're available. Hope you find something that interests you, don't hesitate to comment, arigato gozaimasu!

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Monday, March 15, 2021

Kang Han-Na: A lot of a little 'this and that's'....


 Was thinking that it really wasn't too slow in January and February for my top Japanese actresses, models and Idols. Few less posts than last year but not a huge difference. The huge difference compared to 2020 was the lack of posts for my fave Korean actresses, not that they've had a massive amount of them but probably 7-10 a month. In the first six days of January had three posts for them and ZERO(!) since then so that's about twenty less posts. Needed a break from Korean dramas as they're so long and it's easy to get burnt on them. Had forgotten that I hadn't watched the last two eighty minute episodes of "Start-Up" so started up(!) on them today and you know who I said was overdue for a post.

 Of course it was Han-Na who also had the first post of 2021, obviously none since. This is only her eighth post but all have been done in the last six months, still can't believe it took me so long to begin posting about her. That's because Han-Na to me may be the most stunning woman in the world and if she had forty or so posts there's little doubt she's be my #1. But it's just so difficult posting about Korean actresses on a consistent basis and especially these days as there's been so few events. But the one sliver lining about not having posts all those years means there's plenty of older things. For today have at least fifty new pics for here though only about half are from 2021. Want to add in that
Han-Na is kind of popular with you visitors, she had a December post that has over 500 views and that never happens with Korean actresses.

 That breathtaking bottom pic is from the 2015 film "Empire of Lust" which is a decent movie and have viewed it four times. But have watched a few Han-Na scenes from it about forty times(!) and it's so rare when you see a mega fave get disrobed, she is one sweltering woman. The only lists I include Korean actresses on is the yearly faves list, last year Han-Na finished in the eleventh position. She does have three posts already so she's halfway to qualifying for this year's list and she may be the only Korean actress to make it. Bit of a late 'Happy Birthday' but on January 20th she hit the age of 32(!), doesn't seem so long ago most of my bigger faves were 22-25 in age.

 Those are all from this year and the only Instagram pics for her for today as she rarely posts any. 
Han-Na is represented by the KeyEast agency and they have many activities to keep their clients in the spotlight. Pics here are from her January 30th birthday though it wasn't a party but instead an interview to promote Goddess cosmetics.

 There are much better KeyEast pics that were from two weeks after the above set. In February they had this mini promotion of their actors called 'Ten Days of KeyEast Actors' and this batch is from the making of a new Inner ID CM. On that day, which was February 13th, Han-Na was also appointed to be a new model for the cosmetics brand, here's a video of the photo shoot: Inner ID video

 As mentioned at the top am back to viewing the "Start-Up" drama, recapped the first eight episodes but won't be doing any more. I really enjoyed it but the shows were way too long at eighty minutes which meant those recaps were getting way too lengthy plus they would take so long to do. The story revolved around the startup center SANDBOX which helped up and coming entrepreneurs. In the series her character's name was In-Jae who was once a CEO of a company but left that position and is starting her own named after herself. There's just too much to get into about the series in a few sentences so won't but do recommend reading the recaps and also viewing it. These screenshots are from episode fifteen and I've never seen a more stunning actress in a drama than how Han-Na looked in this one. For this drama Han-Na cut her hair and somehow looked even more perfect than ever!

 Of course her sister in the drama is also a mega fave of mine and have been trying to do a post for hr recently to no avail. Han-Na's next series begins on May 5th and is titled "Frightening Cohabitation", will do a post before it starts with more info and hopefully new pics. In her last post had a spread from the February 2015 BNT, have a second set from them for February 2017. There's also a Valentine's Day video that accompanied the spread which you can view here: BNT

 This post turned out to be fairly decent considering I had no plans on doing one for her today. There's plenty of older Han-Na events to get to and she truly dazzles at them. Just have a small batch from one to end the post off with that are from the 53rd 'Baeksang Awards' show that took place on May 3, 2017 and it's a shame there weren't more pics from it. I usually don't post too many videos but will have a short third one after the pics from her KeyEast agency that came out on January 31st.

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