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Monday, March 1, 2021

"Kimi to Sekai ga Owaru Hi ni" drama: Season one, episode five recap


 Air Dates: January 17th until March 21, 2021 Sundays at 10:30 pm on NTV
Title translates over to Love You as the World Ends, subs done by Manxcat at D-Addicts

Episode Ratings.... #1, 8.4%.... #2, 8.2%.... #3, 8.0% .... #4, 8.4% .... 7.2%

Links to the previous shows:

Main Cast: Won't be adding too many characters in but instead may be removing many as already two of the main characters were killed at the end of the second show, they'll have their own section. This show started out in mid September 2019 and the location is the city of Miura about twenty miles south of Yokohama.

Ryoma Takeuchi as Hibiki Mamiya.... ~25 year old mechanic who lives with his girlfriend Kurumi and was about to propose when the disaster struck. At the time Hibiki was trapped in a tunnel and escaped after four days, eventually he joined up with a few other survivors.

Ayami Nakajo as Kurumi Ogasawara.... Hibiki's girlfriend and the pair went to high school together. She's in her second year of internship to become a doctor yet is still a bit too green. Began working with the Defense Forces in the third episode.

Marie Iitoyo as Kanae Hiragi.... Third year college student who survived the catastrophe by being stuck on an elevator with Shoko, her daughter and three others. Slowly she's developed a huge crush on Hibiki but she'll have no chance with him.

Sho Kasamatsu as Hiro Todoroki.... Went to high school with Hibiki but really can't stand the sight of him. Hiro is a detective whose superior Hongo was killed at the end of the second episode. That makes him in charge of the small group and he's such a mean, hateful young man. He broke away from the group at the end of the fourth show and is currently a prisoner.

Tamae Ando as Shoko Mihara.... A caregiver by trade and is the mother of Yuzuki, they were trapped in an elevator with Kanae with two others.

Naho Yokomizo as Yuzuki Mihara.... Twelve year old survivor who has asthma.

Makita Sports as Yohei Komoto.... Owner of a small moving company and ended being trapped in the apartment elevator with Kanae and thee others.

Kim Jae-Hyun as Yoon Min-Jun.... Immigrant from Korea who is working with Komoto, he too was trapped in the apartment elevator which saved six lives.

Hyunri as Yoon Jian.... Min-Jun's older sister who is working in Japan as a doctor and has been assigned to help with the outbreak working for the Self Defense Forces of Japan.

Kenishi Takito as Koki Shuto.... Head doctor for the Self Defense Forces.

Toshihito Kokubo as Tsuboi.... Also introduced in the third show and is the leader of the Sword group who are survivors too but for some reason want to kill the original group. The group wasn't seen in  the fifth show but there's been no word of their demise.

 Those who are now deceased:

Ryohei Otani as Daiki Hongo.... Police detective who was Todoroki's superior who has to always keep him in check. Hongo seemed like a really decent man but at the end of the second show he was shot, it appears as though he's dead but is he?

Takashi Sasano as Masaomi Uwajima.... Older man who was a novelist, he was bitten by a Zombie in the second episode and died at the end.

Kyoko Yoshino as Mia Nakagoshi.... Introduced in the third episode and is a very popular 23 year old TV actress. At first she seemed like a trustworthy survivor but in reality is working with a group named Sword. At the end of the third show she was killed along with her boyfriend who had become a Zombie/Golem.

 Added in the links to the first four episodes above as I won't be talking all that much about what's taken place, would help to skim through them. Also have the ratings above and as you can see they were fairly consistent for the first four shows but did suffer a drop in this episode. Kind of a mystery to me why drama ratings are still on the low side. With so many people in Japan stuck at home you'd think they would be rising and not dropping. Oh well, what do I know and the only thing disappointing about this series is how long I have to wait to view the episodes. Watched shows five and six the past two days, now it's another two weeks until the next pair.

 There was no mention about what happened to the Sword group who played such a factor in the last two episodes. Think if they died we would have learned of it so perhaps it's a group we'll be seeing again(we do) as there are five more shows to go. In these episodes there's been two main groups, one has been the of the seven survivors who are being hunted by the Self Defense Forces even though they're innocent of any crimes and don't have the virus. Will discuss them in the second half and for this first one will talk about what's been happening at the Defense Force's main base, Camp Yokosuka. There Hibiki's girlfriend Kurumi, who is above, has been helping the doctors out with their research to find a vaccine against the virus. Hibiki's group started with ten, three have been killed by Zombies or Golems as they're also known so now it's down to seven survivors.

 Actually the total is now six as the young and very headstrong detective Todoroki has left the group. Him and Hibiki don't have a good history and he couldn't stand seeing the others respect him so much more. Todoroki may have had a huge crush on Kurumi when they were in high school and he really wanted to see her. Todoroki snuck into the camp wearing a stolen Defense Force's uniform and immediately was able to locate Kurumi. She was only semi glad to see her old mate but does she too hate the sight of the man? All Kurumi wanted to know if Hibiki was still alive and well, we didn't hear the answer but it appears Todoroki has told her Hibiki is no longer alive. Shortly after he was arrested but the huge damage was done, orders were to kill Todoroki but for now the camp's main doctor Shuto has put that on hold.

 Shuto knew Todoroki has said something to Kurumi, perhaps that her boyfriend was deceased? Todoroki remained mum but Shuto quickly figured that's what he had said as Kurumi soon disappeared after that brief conversation and to Shuto is she about to kill herself? He was spot on with that thought as that's what Kurumi attempted to do by throwing herself off a cliff but was saved at the last moment by a soldier, the only one that she trusted. Brought back to the main lab Kurumi admitted to Shuto and his top assistant Jian 'what's the sense of living with Hibiki dead'? Don't know how much was true but Shuto's argument for remaining alive was a convincing one, he too has lost his wife and because of that he's devoting his life to the creation of a vaccine. If Kurumi wants to avenge Hibiki's death what better way than to destroy the Zombies and save mankind! Not just that but the biggest reason for Kurumi to remain alive is that she's a one in a million person with a special gene.

 To Shuto that special gene could be the key to developing the vaccine as Kurumi is immune to the virus. It's not going to be an easy process so would Kurumi be willing to be a guinea pig for his research? To that Kurumi has replied Yes as what else does she have to lose? If Hibiki is really dead then she has no point in living but if she can at least cure those infected and stop the virus spread then count her in. I still don't believe all that Shuto has told her and he really appears to be such a creepy man. At the end of the episode we saw a woman tied up in a cage and at first thought it was Kurumi. Just viewed the next show and it wasn't but what a new twist that woman is to the story.

 The six from the group led by Hibiki are still surviving and there's been no deaths for a while. It's probably seemed like an eternity to the group but think it's been only ten days since they met each other, by now the time is getting close to the end of September 2019. All are adults in the group save for the twelve year old Yuzuki who is with her mother Shoko. Yuzuki has asthma and due to her having no medicine her condition is rapidly deteriorating, she really may not have much longer to live if nothing is done. Of course our 'hero' Hibiki won't let that happen and ended up scouring the local clinics and stores for any medicine to no avail, there was just one hospital left to check. On that journey was Yoon and though he still can't speak Japanese too fluently he's been such a cog in the group's survival.

 Of all things to happen on their way to the last hospital the pair an into a trio of people. They're reporters from Yokohama who have come to investigate the situation, it seems the virus hasn't spread outside of Miura but we'll find out by the end of the show that may not be true. Two of the reporters will tag along with Hibiki and Yoon for their search for any asthma medicine. Not the third man who against all odds is the husband of Shoko, that certainly threw Hibiki for a loop. To him that must mean the man really cares about his wife and daughter so gave him the man, Satoshi, directions to the group's secret location. Of course that seemed like the right thing to do at the time but it ended up with Satoshi not being the nice guy he seemed to be and Shoko was terrified when he appeared on the boat the group was hiding on, so wasn't Yuzuki in an absolute panic.

 Will get back to Satoshi in a moment, that's him in the bottom screenshot. Meanwhile Hibiki and Yoon have arrived at the final place that may have a supply of asthma medicine, it was a hospital and the pair have noticed the Defense Forces have cleared every site out of their medicines. They don't know yet about a vaccine being created which is a big reason Shuto has needed every kind of medicine. But Hibiki was finally in luck as her located a good supply of inhalers, now it was time for him and Yoon to dash back to their secret base which was a boat. However also at the hospital was Yoon's older sister Jian who was there too to get the remaining medicine and do get some Zombie skin samples. It was the first time they had seen each other in months but Jian's first priority now in life is the vaccine. She wouldn't let her brother go and even aimed a pistol at him, would she have really shot her own brother? Jian never had the chance as Hibiki had arrived on the scene and was aiming an arrow right at her head, with her distracted the pair fled the hospital but not safely.

 They had been spotted by a soldier who was ordered to shoot on sight, he did at Yoon but it was only a glancing shot and it didn't prevent him from escaping. Back at the boat the true story of Shoko's husband has been revealed and he's certainly not a decent man. The pair have been divorced for over a year and the main reason was because of how violent Satoshi was to his wife, perhaps also to his daughter who cowers in fear when he's around. He's a very conniving man and Satoshi says he's changed his ways(not!) and they should become a family again. There was no way Shoko was going to let this man back into her life and this whole scene was in private as the other survivors had left them alone not knowing the true details.

 Flash forward a few hours and finally Hibiki has returned with the asthma medicine. But just two inhalers as the others were lost fleeing the soldier and also Zombies that were in the hospital. But least it's better than nothing and it may last Yuzuki until they reach Yokohama. Kanae was treating Yoon's wound which wasn't serious and during that time Hibiki asked Shoko what's become of her husband? Justice is what finally was delivered to this man as Shoko led Hibiki to where Satoshi was tied up in ropes! Never mind that he's been bitten by a Zombie and is on the way into turning into one. There was a nearby boat the group stayed away from as it appeared to be inhabited by Zombies. Shoko brought her husband there and led him investigate what was below, of course it was a horde of creatures who bit the man but Satoshi was able to escape. That was the story told by Shoko which was actually a lie as it was really her daughter Yuzuki who brought her father to the Zombie boat, that's how much she hated and despised the man.

 Shoko said she should be turned into the police but to me that was quite an inane comment as there's no more police! Plus she and Yuzuki did something Satoshi really deserved, even the kind hearted Hibiki thought so and said what's done is done. So now it's back on the trail to Yokohama which is supposed to be the next nearest safe city. It was a little over fifteen miles away and the group of six hugged the shoreline and made it to the huge city rather quickly. Their arrival happened in the final minute and you can see below what was happening in Yokohama. Perhaps the city is safe but there's no way the group can find that out as the harbor is surrounded by too many Zombies to count! That took all of the steam out of the group who are on the verge of giving up. Never Hibiki though and he's told the group there is one safe location left, that's Camp Yokosuka back in Miura so as this show ended the group was slowly trudging back to where they came from. But to me the biggest question is are all of the cities in Japan now being affected by the virus? Almost forgot to add in that before they left the boat Hibiki finished the job on Satoshi as he strangled him to death and it was well deserved.

 That final segment is always the longest as so much happens in the last ten or so minutes. Most dramas that are 10-12 episodes have a lull period in the middle, not this series as the next show to me was the best so far. That's the next post and what a shame I have to wait two weeks to view the next pair, plenty of screenshots which I've often said do help you follow the story a bit better.

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